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View Full Version : Slow Downloads In Overnet Lite?

Joakim Agren
04-08-2004, 11:59 PM

I have just started to use Overnet Lite 0.52 as an alternative to Kazaa Lite 2.4.3. I am currently downloading a large 800MB movie file. In the beginning yesterday when I started to download the file I was impressed of how stable it was going at a fairly good 300-500Kbit/s and I was expecting it to finish within a few hours. But after about 500MB the download started to become painfully slow and I am currently downloading at painfully slow 10-70Kbit/s. Why is this the case?

Can I do something to improve the download speed?

I have also noticed that the number of connections is fairly low! At the beginning when I start Overnet the number of connections goes up to about 40 which is my maximum but after a while it drops substantionally and I currenctly only have about 7-8 connections. Is this somehow related to the slow downloads?. Is the number of connections supposed to be that low?

I have a 2.5Mbit/s ADSL connection!.

04-09-2004, 02:06 AM
Overnet shares part files, so as people are downloading a file the part they have downloaded becomes shared. This mans that you may have lots of users that have part of the file, but not many that have all. So as you get closer to the end their are less ources available with the parts you require. If you drop down on the file you will see the users and how much of the file they have.

Joakim Agren
04-15-2004, 03:58 AM
Originally posted by Cyril@9 April 2004 - 03:06
Overnet shares part files, so as people are downloading a file the part they have downloaded becomes shared. This mans that you may have lots of users that have part of the file, but not many that have all. So as you get closer to the end their are less ources available with the parts you require. If you drop down on the file you will see the users and how much of the file they have.

Thank you for your reply!

It turned out to be a looping download that I fixed with MetaFileRegenerator.

But now I have a download going that are even more troublesome. It started to loop about 500MB in to the download and not even MFR seems to be able to fix it. As There seems to be no sources to download the crumb hashes needed to complete the downlaod. I am seriously thinking of throwing the download away and start all over! :( .

04-16-2004, 09:03 AM
get overnet 0.53 it fixes a lot of problems...if that doesn't fix your problem...then come back again