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04-14-2004, 03:34 AM


04-14-2004, 03:47 AM
I didn't like that movie very much. It just wasn't that scary for my liking. The soundtrack didn't help much.

04-14-2004, 03:52 AM
its fucking shit scary at 4 am in the morning :| :fear:

04-14-2004, 04:01 AM
it was good :)
maybe not that scary, but it was well done for casts who arent known.
Silly animal right activists :ghostface:

04-14-2004, 04:53 AM
i thought it was a good movie. except for the naked dude in the beginning :lol:

04-14-2004, 05:06 AM
Some parts of the movie were ok but after seeing DOTD 2004 it makes me think 28...what!!!

Besides that 28 Days Later ripped off Night Of The Comet so bad that ..well.... <_<

Rip The Jacker
04-14-2004, 05:10 AM
For me, 28 Days Later was very disappointing. It wasn&#39;t as good as everyone said it would be. And I think the ending was craptacular, but thats just me...

Night Ass
04-14-2004, 09:33 AM
28 Days Later was grate

be cos i did not know a thing about it
and i was woching it at about 3am.

the resun y ppl say a movie is shit or diupointing it be cos of sumthing geting over hiped up.

eg Matrix 1 :D Matrix 2 :unsure: Matrix 3 :blink: :( .

then u exspet more from the movie like if sum one told u a movie was beter then sex or sumthing it with give it a hier expcetation then the movie has to be beter then your expcetation or it will be diupointing.

so it pays not to lisun to movie feback till u have seen it your self.

ps now with 28 Days Later i did not know a thing about it and i did not know the main actors or evun the Story line.

04-14-2004, 01:53 PM
It was disappointing. It seemed for parts that they were on a picnic :lol: , cos all they were doing was driving around in the countryside.

04-14-2004, 01:55 PM
It was good, I thought. I saw it for the first time the same day I saw Rez Evil the first time. They worked really well together.

Kinda&#39; old news now though.

04-14-2004, 02:25 PM
not scary &#33;

04-14-2004, 02:40 PM
ending was well shit but the rest of the filmn was really good

01-30-2006, 09:33 AM
i wanna watch this ,oh hey every body:angry: :angry: :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

01-30-2006, 10:55 AM
So go and find it on emule or somat......:dry:

01-30-2006, 11:18 AM
Good film. Nice little homage to the "Dead" trilogy, Day of the Triffids, Last Man on Earth and The Omega Man. They're doing a sequel, the imaginatively named 28 Weeks Later.

01-30-2006, 11:25 AM
Good film. Nice little homage to the "Dead" trilogy, Day of the Triffids, Last Man on Earth and The Omega Man. They're doing a sequel, the imaginatively named 28 Weeks Later.
I thought it ripped the films off moreso.

Especially Night Of The Comet.

01-30-2006, 11:39 AM
Especially Night Of The Comet.
I can't see it myself, I've watched both and both are derivative of films before them. Except 28 Days Later does it better, obviously.

01-30-2006, 11:46 AM
I thought it ripped the films off moreso.

Especially Night Of The Comet.

I can't see it myself, I've watched both and both are derivative of films before them. Except 28 Days Later does it better, obviously.
True dat.

The similarities were so close though.

Wake up and a bustling city is basically a ghost town.

Here and there zombies are running around.

Then you've got Day Of The Dead where there's the chained up zombie for experiments that gets loose and all hell breaks loose.

I don't mind rehashes at all. Entertaining is entertaining. 28 Days Later was different simply because of the change of venue and the asshole PETA folks. The movie was very unoriginal though. It should have been called Night & Day Of The Comet Dead 2004

Imo DOD 2005 kicked all their asses thoroughly. Unoriginal also (of course) but what a thrill ride.:happy: (could've done without the dumb father having a baby crap though:dry: )

01-30-2006, 01:36 PM
Good film. Nice little homage to the "Dead" trilogy, Day of the Triffids, Last Man on Earth and The Omega Man. They're doing a sequel, the imaginatively named 28 Weeks Later.
Omega Man doesnt rank up there with the zombie theme, they were more like vampires and Charleston Heston was fighting them:01:...That was one of my fave shows growing up and I just recently bought it :D
Wasnt Day of Triffids about giant plants gone wild? :lol:
Last man on Earth, I know I saw it but I dont remember it.

01-30-2006, 03:05 PM
Good film. Nice little homage to the "Dead" trilogy, Day of the Triffids, Last Man on Earth and The Omega Man. They're doing a sequel, the imaginatively named 28 Weeks Later. Omega Man doesnt rank up there with the zombie theme, they were more like vampires and Charleston Heston was fighting them:01:...That was one of my fave shows growing up and I just recently bought it :D
Wasnt Day of Triffids about giant plants gone wild? :lol:
Last man on Earth, I know I saw it but I dont remember it.
Omega Man is essentially another version of Richard Matheson's story I Am Legend. Last Man on Earth is also a version of this story. Even though I Am Legend is about vampires I think George Romero owes a debt of gratitude to Matheson for the "Dead" trilogy, there are defiently some borrowed themes. Also remember, there are no zombies in 28 Days Later really. They do seem to be more like the vampires of Matheson's novel.

Finally, if you go and read Day of the Triffids (I wasn't referring to the film in my prior post, sorry for any confusion) you will notice a shedload of similarities between the novel and Danny Boyle's film. Different creatures but a lot of the same things happening and themes explored.

01-30-2006, 03:12 PM
Omega Man doesnt rank up there with the zombie theme, they were more like vampires and Charleston Heston was fighting them:01:...That was one of my fave shows growing up and I just recently bought it :D
Wasnt Day of Triffids about giant plants gone wild? :lol:
Last man on Earth, I know I saw it but I dont remember it.
Omega Man is essentially another version of Richard Matheson's story I Am Legend. Last Man on Earth is also a version of this story. Even though I Am Legend is about vampires I think George Romero owes a debt of gratitude to Matheson for the "Dead" trilogy, there are defiently some borrowed themes. Also remember, there are no zombies in 28 Days Later really. They do seem to be more like the vampires of Matheson's novel.

Finally, if you go and read Day of the Triffids (I wasn't referring to the film in my prior post, sorry for any confusion) you will notice a shedload of similarities between the novel and Danny Boyle's film. Different creatures but a lot of the same things happening and themes explored.
Ahh I C you where going off of books not movies...my bad.
I didnt read any of the books to relate.I saw the movies and most are B movies. lol
I think the books that would make great horror movies would be any from H.P Lovecraft...That guys writtings style sends chills up my spin. Have you read any of his books?

01-30-2006, 06:35 PM
Yeah, I saw that lst night too. It was actually kinda boring, the soundtrack was pretty shite.

The best part of the movie was when the zombie steped on a landmine and them flew onto another one.. :lol:

01-30-2006, 06:40 PM
28 days later rawked. films just don't scare me anymore. but it was a cool film and pulled off being cool, well :smilie4:

01-30-2006, 11:19 PM
DOD '04 technically didn't have zombies either then. It was a disease.

The original dead trilogy never explained why the dead rose.

In the originals, if you were bitten on the arm, you'd still be OK.

Warner Bros starts shooting the movie I Am Legend at the end of February.

01-31-2006, 12:16 AM
DOD 2005 technically didn't have zombies either then. It was a disease.

The original dead trilogy never explained why the dead rose.

In the originals, if you were bitten on the arm, you'd still be OK.

They are zombies in that they are dead people coming back to life (or unlife really), the cause is irrelevant. 28 Days Later's "zombies" differ in that they didn't die and then come back, they just change.

In the originals

Are you referring to just Night of the Living Dead or the entirety of the original trilogy (discounting Land of the Dead)? I believe you'd be wrong either way (unless you mean some other films?) because there is a little girl who gets bitten in Night and changes, as does Roger in Dawn and the guy who lets all the zombies into the base in Day.

01-31-2006, 12:36 AM
They are zombies in that they are dead people coming back to life (or unlife really), the cause is irrelevant. 28 Days Later's "zombies" differ in that they didn't die and then come back, they just change.

In the originals

Are you referring to just Night of the Living Dead or the entirety of the original trilogy (discounting Land of the Dead)? I believe you'd be wrong either way (unless you mean some other films?) because there is a little girl who gets bitten in Night and changes, as does Roger in Dawn and the guy who lets all the zombies into the base in Day.
I thought they were mortally wounded.

DOD 2004 introduced the disease to the series. Even in NOTLD '90, Tony Todd became a zombie after being shot (mortally wounded). DOD '04 flipped it in which if one were shot dead, they stayed dead.

01-31-2006, 12:56 AM
They are zombies in that they are dead people coming back to life (or unlife really), the cause is irrelevant. 28 Days Later's "zombies" differ in that they didn't die and then come back, they just change.

Are you referring to just Night of the Living Dead or the entirety of the original trilogy (discounting Land of the Dead)? I believe you'd be wrong either way (unless you mean some other films?) because there is a little girl who gets bitten in Night and changes, as does Roger in Dawn and the guy who lets all the zombies into the base in Day. I thought they were mortally wounded.

The bite is in effect a mortal wound, you would die and then come back as a zombie but that's far from "bitten on the arm, you'd still be OK". You get bitten on the arm and you're joining the Braineaters Club or cursing that you live in gun-free Britain and can't get anyone to shoot you in the head as a mercy killing (for me at least...).

I think DOTD 2004 changing it into a disease/virus thing was a good idea because the whole people dying of natural causes and coming back seemed a bit hookey to me.

01-31-2006, 01:37 AM
I thought they were mortally wounded.

The bite is in effect a mortal wound, you would die and then come back as a zombie but that's far from "bitten on the arm, you'd still be OK". You get bitten on the arm and you're joining the Braineaters Club or cursing that you live in gun-free Britain and can't get anyone to shoot you in the head as a mercy killing (for me at least...).

I think DOTD 2004 changing it into a disease/virus thing was a good idea because the whole people dying of natural causes and coming back seemed a bit hookey to me.
So you are saying in the original NOTLD it was both?:huh:

Get bit on the finger - turn into a zombie.
Die naturally - turn into a zombie.

01-31-2006, 02:57 AM
wasnt there to be a sequel. another 28 days or something???

01-31-2006, 03:52 AM
wasnt there to be a sequel. another 28 days or something???
I heard there was, but could never find a copy

01-31-2006, 03:57 AM
wasnt there to be a sequel. another 28 days or something???
I heard there was, but could never find a copy
Post 15 ya'll.

Cheese said 28 Weeks Later.

Hasn't been made yet.

01-31-2006, 04:26 AM
I heard there was, but could never find a copy
Post 15 ya'll.

Cheese said 28 Weeks Later.

Hasn't been made yet.
Busy is that a little bit of a southern slang I'm reading? "Ya'll" lol
I guess I miss that post. TY for the input:D

02-01-2006, 11:07 PM
wow i cant believe i looked over that heh thanks for pointing it out :) *looks for dunce hat*

02-02-2006, 12:35 AM
I heard there was, but could never find a copy
Post 15 ya'll.

Cheese said 28 Weeks Later.

Hasn't been made yet.

awsome, first one was awsome

02-02-2006, 07:15 AM
For me, 28 Days Later was very disappointing. It wasn't as good as everyone said it would be. And I think the ending was craptacular, but thats just me...
I agree.

02-02-2006, 07:24 AM
I didn't think it was crap at all. I thought it was very entertaining.

It's good to see a halfway decent brat film.


Dawn Of The Dead '04 > 28 Days Later


02-02-2006, 12:09 PM
I didn't think it was crap at all. I thought it was very entertaining.

It's good to see a halfway decent brat film.


Dawn Of The Dead '04 > 28 Days Later


Apart from the condscending towards the British film industry (I love how some Americans feel so threatened by other country's film industries, it's so cute) I agree, DOTD'04 was the superior film. In fact I'd go as far as to say it is the second best zombie film of recent years.

02-02-2006, 06:54 PM
I didn't think it was crap at all. I thought it was very entertaining.

It's good to see a halfway decent brat film.


Dawn Of The Dead '04 > 28 Days Later


Apart from the condscending towards the British film industry (I love how some Americans feel so threatened by other country's film industries, it's so cute) I agree, DOTD'04 was the superior film. In fact I'd go as far as to say it is the second best zombie film of recent years.
I wasn't being condescending. I actually don't see that many good brat films.

Other film industries don't come close to ours by a longshot imo but of course I'm American.

I really like when anyone makes a good film. Ultimately I want to be entertained and not patriotic.:ermm:

I think the fact that you mentioned "threatened" when there was no indication of such speaks volumes.

Go ahead...whoosh...again.:happy:

02-02-2006, 07:04 PM
Apart from the condscending towards the British film industry (I love how some Americans feel so threatened by other country's film industries, it's so cute) I agree, DOTD'04 was the superior film. In fact I'd go as far as to say it is the second best zombie film of recent years. I wasn't being condescending. I actually don't see that many good brat films.

Other film industries don't come close to ours by a longshot imo but of course I'm American.

I really like when anyone makes a good film. Ultimately I want to be entertained and not patriotic.:ermm:

I think the fact that you mentioned "threatened" when there was no indication of such speaks volumes.

It's good to see a halfway decent brat film.

That's very condescending, even if you didn't intend for it to be. That's the way condescension works sometimes, you don't even realise you're doing it. Bless.

02-02-2006, 07:20 PM
I wasn't being condescending. I actually don't see that many good brat films.

Other film industries don't come close to ours by a longshot imo but of course I'm American.

I really like when anyone makes a good film. Ultimately I want to be entertained and not patriotic.:ermm:

I think the fact that you mentioned "threatened" when there was no indication of such speaks volumes.

It's good to see a halfway decent brat film.

That's very condescending, even if you didn't intend for it to be. That's the way condescension works sometimes, you don't even realise you're doing it. Bless.
It's all in how you take it.

There aren't that many brat films over these parts.

Hell I rarely here any 'peons talk about any brat films. Just American ones and the occasional Japanese flick. :dabs:

02-02-2006, 07:55 PM
Hell I rarely here any 'peons talk about any brat films. Just American ones and the occasional Japanese flick. :dabs:

That's kind of tragic given that we are supposed to be an international forum. I went through a phase of recommending good Asian films that I had seen but I think I just did that on my own forum :dabs:

I haven't seen a good Asian film recently (with the exception of Hard Boiled) though I have seen a few dire ones (The Locker springs to mind). I have Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance to watch which is the first film in the trilogy that includes Oldboy. Still looking for the third film Sympathy for Lady Vengeance.

02-05-2006, 07:48 PM
who bumped this topic :o its a 2 year old post ;\

02-09-2006, 10:14 PM
Shaun of the Dead > Resident Evil and 28 days Later and Dawn of the Dead

02-09-2006, 10:20 PM
Shaun of the Dead > Resident Evil and 28 days Later and Dawn of the Dead

If you get the chance download a British film called Evil Aliens. It's a comedy cross between Evil Dead and Aliens set in mankerland (Wales), a bit cheesy in places and obviously low budget but there are some really funny lines and great homages to the genres it is spoofing.

02-09-2006, 10:21 PM
Will do, chief.

02-09-2006, 10:31 PM
Shaun of the Dead > Resident Evil and 28 days Later and Dawn of the Dead
Shaun Of The Dead was gooood.

When they got to the bar at the end, there was no comedy.

It was pure gore.

DOD '04 rocks all of them though.

RE was decent but Apocalypse sucked ass.

02-11-2006, 10:39 PM
I thought they were mortally wounded.

The bite is in effect a mortal wound, you would die and then come back as a zombie but that's far from "bitten on the arm, you'd still be OK". You get bitten on the arm and you're joining the Braineaters Club or cursing that you live in gun-free Britain and can't get anyone to shoot you in the head as a mercy killing (for me at least...).

I think DOTD 2004 changing it into a disease/virus thing was a good idea because the whole people dying of natural causes and coming back seemed a bit hookey to me.
I just watched the end of Day Of The Dead (it was just on Sci-Fi) and the guy who let all the zombies in was not a zombie.

He was just mental as fuck.

You are right though that 28 Days Later was the first to add an immediate change (like 20 seconds). That was quite noice.:happy:

02-12-2006, 04:23 AM
May be some of you already knew,
but I just found out today;
there is a sequel in the works, and actually I
like the idea.

'28 Weeks Later' (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0463854/)

and there is even a rumor about making it
a Trilogy.

02-13-2006, 03:40 PM
The bite is in effect a mortal wound, you would die and then come back as a zombie but that's far from "bitten on the arm, you'd still be OK". You get bitten on the arm and you're joining the Braineaters Club or cursing that you live in gun-free Britain and can't get anyone to shoot you in the head as a mercy killing (for me at least...).

I think DOTD 2004 changing it into a disease/virus thing was a good idea because the whole people dying of natural causes and coming back seemed a bit hookey to me. I just watched the end of Day Of The Dead (it was just on Sci-Fi) and the guy who let all the zombies in was not a zombie.

He was just mental as fuck.

Yeah, I got my details a bit muddled there but my point was that if you are bitten on the arm then you are in trouble. Didn't they have to cut his arm off so that he didn't change into a zombie?