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04-15-2004, 09:40 AM
Well then....that all made quite an interesting read. Masterpiece, i think what they are saying is that you are as subtle as a sledgehammer. You need to resolve one issue at a time. Religion is best defined as one person's belief. I respect your beliefs, you should respect mine. I do not broadcast my beliefs on here because i think they are personal. No one belief is right, no one belief is wrong.

I doubt that the Pope is a gigalo either as you say. Do you have any proof of that? Saying something slanderous like that has just created quite a few enemies. For example, anyone that respects the Pope. Not the greatest of moves was it...

Jesus rode that ass all the way to Bethlehem? It was Mary that rode it, not Jesus. Even in the context that you meant, is it ever reported that Jesus rode anyone? That is pure fabrication of something from nothing.

May as well mention your signature now. I've never seen it but by the sounds of it, it wasn't a joke how you intended it to be. I understand that it was just a joke but its time to put your hand up kid and admit you were wrong. It wasn't taken as a joke so it had to go. Its not the idea to offend on here. I have been a git lately on here but that's all sorted now, i just go about business, get answers i need etc.

Next the Martha and OJ scenarios you mentioned. I can't really comment on it because of lack of knowledge in these areas but if OJ was found innocent, we have to accept that. That is the way the judicial system. Nobody said we had to like it, just accept it.

Chopping down the rainforest...let's have a look at the implications of that. What lives in the Rainforest? Animals etc... Tribes... People have a right to not like animals, personally, I like them, some fascinate me, some bore me but over all, i like them. They are all a sign of nature's evolution. Now look at Tribes in the forest. That is their home, that is what they know. They themselves have evolved by adaptation. You seem that you would be quite happy to wipe out there home. In affect that could wipe the tribes out. This sounds like a similar situation to what Hitler wanted. The extinction of one race, the Jewish race. It's known as anti-semitism. In other words, you can't get much more racist than that.

Bring guns to school. This is just a guess but that isn't your greatest idea is it. I am assuming you are American. I talk to a lot of Americans. 9/11 was a national tradegy. I'm pretty sure you had emotional thoughts about this. We did here in England. The world did. Your statement of "bring guns to school" is a small scale way of saying that you support the tragic loss of innocent lives. You support that one persons or persons that feel it is the right thing to do to kill people. You make me sick.

Bush and Kerry blo...again, i am not American, i do not know much about these men apart from what i hear on the news. Again, politics is not my strength but i do know that everyone has a right to there own belief and a right to vote. Isn't that a constitutional right that you have in America? Do not try to sway people's thoughts based on your own biased opinion unless you are promoting the good things that they have done. Promoting the bad things is propaganda and slander.

Legalising gay marriage...all about your own opinion.

Kazaa is dead...not yet, i still get music off there, just singles, quite a handy tool for that too.

Right, i think i covered about all that i wanted to say. Hopefully I haven't offended you Masterpiee, if i have i apologise. All i've tried to do is offer a realisation, give you something to think about. Calling someone a cunt or anything else on here is demonstrated quite often and i have been guilty of that too but your views are too extreme. You try to justify yourself in the wrong ways.

All i can suggest is that you post a message on here and apologise for the things you have said. I am not saying they are all wrong, they are just inappropriate in this forum.

If anyone disagrees with what i have said, don't just post something bad about me, PM me and I'll answer. Thanks.

04-15-2004, 09:57 AM
Well threelions00,i must say i appreciate your input on this whole mess .But id like2start off by saying,i am sorry if i offended any1,THO i am not apologizing for being racist.becuz i was not racist.all those things i said ab OJ,jesus,mary,chop odwn rainforests,etc. that was all in conclusion to sarcasism.read the psots dated be4 that and with people calling me racist over 1 pciture which i jsut saw as funny NOT racist.and btw,when i said kazaa is dead,sarcasism yet again.i truely love FT still and k-lite.now bush and john kerry?yes those r MY opinions.americas gonig to hell in a handbasket from r choices for the near future <_< now i guarentee the pope ISNT a gigalo.but i do have things against him.and being brought up catholic with a strict dad(who btw is deceased)the pope was a big influence on him.so therefore me too(ugh).and id just like2kno,why pull my sigs down when we have others on this baord with bouncing breasts or women with guns bending over as their sigs?isnt that discrimination against the female race? :huh: and btw,i respect every persons religious beliefs nomatter,and yall should accept my beliefs and views on it too as i accept yours.i have yet2make fun or discriminate against one person on this board becuz they said there a certain skin color,or they folowed a certain religion.and cum on,lay off the redneck complaints&#33;
So all those things i said in that post,was more of a way saying "hey u want offensive matieral to take down?cum and get it" jsut to prove a point that in comparison my sigs werent shit compared what CAN be said or put up.
there u go,threelions00.explanation explained. B)

04-15-2004, 10:03 AM
All i can say is that you think about how you direct your views on here. Make use of your time wisely. I know that there is freedom of speech etc but think how you use that freedom. The perception i received from your censored post wat that you offended a lot of people. Maybe you didn&#39;t mean to but you did. I think we should leave it there. Next time, i hope your post will be something that can create a bit of fun for us all, not something that requires people to slate you.

04-15-2004, 10:06 AM
Actually my posts were suppsoed2create alil bit of fun for all not gettin my ass slammed <_<

04-15-2004, 10:10 AM
Why would you think your ass awouldn&#39;t get slammed after writing some very offensive things? there was no need for it

04-15-2004, 10:14 AM
Like i said,proving a point B)

04-15-2004, 10:17 AM
ever heard the saying "its better to look a fool than open your mouth and confirm it"?

04-15-2004, 10:40 AM
nope sorry never tho i have heard the saying "think be4 u speak" well i do.and i still post ;)

04-15-2004, 11:18 AM
i really can see why people rip into you. To be honest, I&#39;m starting to think you deserve it. People say i am arrogant but nothing compared to you. I suppose the next step is to join the band wagon and start on you. But why should i do work that has already been done by yourself (note: see your picture)

04-15-2004, 12:06 PM
Both of you...

Masterpiece, I can understand your frustration of how your sig was removed. However, it was removed for the size as well as the racism - It was too damn big for a forum that still caters to 56k users, and it was offensive to some in an international forum.

I found that particular post funny myself :lol: but others (as seen here) did take offense to it - If you still have a problem with the mods about your signature, it&#39;s an idea to take it up with one of them about it. However, you may want to have another look at the Board Rules (http://filesharingtalk.com/index.php?act=boardrules) to make sure your next sig is fine - there are no exceptions on this board.

BTW trust me - it isn&#39;t as cool anymore to be a wigger at 13 ;) Maybe at around &#39;97-&#39;99, but not as much now :lol:

threelions, that particular point AFAIK was supposed to be satirical - It can be seen as being offensive in some parts, but in the end it was a joke and a few of us were laughing at that outburst when we first saw it. You should do the same and take it with a pinch of salt ;) because a lot of flame wars have happened in the past based on taking posts too seriously.

If you still have a problem with it, PM a mod about that post - However my belief that they&#39;ll tell you that you&#39;re overreacting :)

Both of you - If you want this to become a proper argument, use the PMs for it please. We already have enough bitching when Mr JP Fugley pops out ;)

04-15-2004, 12:12 PM
illuminati, who are you to tell me how i should react? I take it that you have no in-depth thoughts about it and just skim the issue. I know it was meant as a joke, but not all jokes are funny. I suggest that if you have something to say to me, you should PM me. If you read carefully, what i said was not an argument provoking piece, it was an informing piece.

04-15-2004, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by masterpiece21@15 April 2004 - 03:57
and id just like2kno,why pull my sigs down
All your arguments about it being unfair and you still miss the point.

Even if the pictures weren&#39;t racist or contoversial they would have been removed. Read the Avatar / Signature Size (http://filesharingtalk.com/index.php?showtopic=22529) rules.

04-15-2004, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by threelions00@15 April 2004 - 13:12
illuminati, who are you to tell me how i should react? I take it that you have no in-depth thoughts about it and just skim the issue. I know it was meant as a joke, but not all jokes are funny. I suggest that if you have something to say to me, you should PM me. If you read carefully, what i said was not an argument provoking piece, it was an informing piece.
I&#39;m not trying to tell you how to react. It&#39;s easy to overreact about a joke and I&#39;ve done it before myself. You can feel what you want on the subject, but the fact is that by airing this out in public a few people (especially a certain few <_<) are likely to come in and start getting involved (or turn this into a joke) when in reality they shouldn&#39;t, myself included.

I have my own thoughts on the issue - I have to deal with matters of Equal Opportunities (that includes racism, sexism, etc) practically every day as it&#39;s part of my job in real-life. A part of that job is to realise whether someone&#39;s pissing about or whether someone means it. Another part is to diffuse certain situations where racism, sexism etc is used to justify an argument or a fight without making it persona to myselfl, as otherwise such situations gets a lot worse. Just because you don&#39;t see me give my view doesn&#39;t mean I don&#39;t have one - I just choose not to air it for a reason.

If you want to I can air my thoughts to you in private, but it was you who started this topic so you needed to hear it on the level of media you chose. I recite what I said earlier - If you didn&#39;t want to get people to come into this argument, the worst place to put it is in public.

As for the piece itself, I agree that it was an informative piece of text on the issue. But my last post wasn&#39;t directed at the original post but the flaming in the subsequent posts between you two. And as the title implies, it was directed at Masterpiece instead of the rest of the members and could have been PM&#39;d to him.

If you wish to air your views, feel free to - This is the Lounge afterall. However, don&#39;t make a mountain out of a molehill or in this case don&#39;t make a public case of a one-on-one issue. I&#39;ve done it before and I&#39;ve ended with more problems than I&#39;ve started, the same with a few other regulars. :frusty:

04-15-2004, 04:08 PM
Illuminati,im happy atleast 1 person saw it as funny and not racist or offensive.and hey,im a 56k user too&#33;now i understand if the pic was too big then take it down,understandable.but cum on i kno not all of mine were too big and i think certain people,not gonna say any names,are jsut reportin my sig cuz they dont like me or for sum fucked up reason&#33;btw i am not a wigger waht so ever,not sure waht gave u that impression? :huh: more of a computer nerd tho most describe me as a weird freak :rolleyes: so how ab this,if my next sig offends ANY1 be4 u report it why dont cha PM me and tell me why it offends or w/e u gotta say,ok?make life ahell of alot easier ;)
oh ya,if anything, i usually beat on wiggers;wiggers,child molesters,and rapeist r people that jsut plain old suck in my book :lol:

04-15-2004, 04:14 PM
so how ab this,if my next sig offends ANY1 be4 u report it why dont cha PM me and tell me why it offends or w/e u gotta say,ok?make life ahell of alot easier

So why don&#39;t you make your next sig one that won&#39;t offend and is within the rules? Ok? Make life a (no hell) lot easier.

04-15-2004, 04:14 PM
Image Resized
[img]http://www.aluminiumimaginationawards.co.uk/2001/SAINSBURYS.jpg' width='200' height='120' border='0' alt='click for full size view'> ('http://www.aluminiumimaginationawards.co.uk/2001/SAINSBURYS.jpg')
Chetwood Associates&#39; Sainsbury&#39;s store on Greenwich Peninsula, winner of the 2001 Aluminium Imagination Awards

......that&#39;s actually a Sainsbury&#39;s apparently :helpsmile:

04-15-2004, 04:23 PM
VB1234,u say jsut to make 1 thats not offensive?well i thought all my other sigs wouldnt b offensive,but look how that turned out?so ill put up w/e i feel like and we&#39;ll c how it fairs from there on......

04-15-2004, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by masterpiece21@15 April 2004 - 17:08
Illuminati,im happy atleast 1 person saw it as funny and not racist or offensive.
I found it humourous because it carried a sense of sarcasm. The sig itself however was racist to a degree and as proven it offended more than one person. That was enough to take it down.

A month or two ago, a signature was removed because a] it was too big, and b] It was offensive towards people with disorders and/or disabilities. That sig was removed so I agree that the same should have happened with this sig, which did happen.

04-15-2004, 09:51 PM
Get ready for... (http://www.s93622254.onlinehome.us/misc/klb-sig/modemots/padlock-large.gif)

04-15-2004, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by Mr JP Fugley@15 April 2004 - 23:07
What in the name of Tim Henman did I say or do to offend Illuminati ?

I don&#39;t complain about your posts being virtually unreadable (who is a mod now I see) so why have a go at me ?
:lol: I rest my case ;)

Nah, you&#39;re alright Fugs - Hadn&#39;t seen you around so I thought I&#39;d just see if you&#39;d pop out when I mentioned your name :smilie4:

04-15-2004, 10:26 PM
If any thread ever deserved to be hijacked, it&#39;s this one...

04-15-2004, 10:42 PM
I just had a beef curry and some bourson cheese.

04-15-2004, 10:44 PM
jus like to say im back from taken a shi :blink:

04-15-2004, 10:53 PM
I just made myself a cup of tea. :)

04-15-2004, 11:07 PM
jus sneezed :D

04-15-2004, 11:13 PM
Just realised I forgot my cup of tea... :blink:

04-15-2004, 11:15 PM
im hungry think ill eat some chips ...here we go 1 crunch&#33; 2 crunch&#33; 3 crunch&#33;mmmmm 4 crunch&#33;&#33; repeat :frusty:

04-15-2004, 11:18 PM
Still haven&#39;t drunk my tea yet...