View Full Version : Sig

peat moss
04-16-2004, 07:55 AM
Been on this great forum for over a year still can't figure out how to set up a SIG . I do have Adobe photoshope . Have tryed google but more word saying idea's, not a picture one liked I wanted. I have a digital camera also thought something like my two boy's on it . How would I do that? Is there some software someone could point me to?

04-16-2004, 01:12 PM
These peeps may know...


peat moss
04-16-2004, 11:29 PM
Ok thank you Didn't see that forum. :)

04-17-2004, 12:29 AM
i'll move this over there then..

using photoshop, best way to start one is decide what size you want, and then increase it - multiply the size by like 3 to start with. reason for doing this is it makes it easier to work with, and the finished quality is much better :01:

so say you wanted a 500x150 sig, go to 'File' menu, 'New' and you can set your sizes -


1500x450 for the size, and a resolution at 150px/cm should be more than enough, tho' the resolution might have a bearing on any photos/pics you want to add

then just mess around with the tools to get started, 'shapes' 'brushes' etc etc and some options in the 'Edit' menus like 'Transform' for shapes, text and stuff

most important things to get familiar with are 'Layers' -


the layers panel has options at the bottom for 'new layer', 'delete' etc so create new layers for each thing you want to do like text, shapes then its easy to move them around

also get familiar with the toolbox for your shapes and brushes, text..


..and have a look at the 'Filter' menu for effects

about your camera, you can go to 'File' menu and 'Import' and you can grab pics from there when its connected or just open up the already saved ones - you can drag the layers you need from any pics from the 'Layer' box, meaning if you open a photo just drag from the layer box on to your new pic, or select certain parts from other pics to copy on to the new one

then when you know what you want to do with it it will be easier to help with any screens or whatever

04-17-2004, 02:03 AM
Probably the most important thing to grasp is the concept of 'layers', I think - without using them, there's very little you can achieve.

Try a few of the tutorials here http://www.wacom.com/tips/index.cfm?category=photoshop you'll find once you've practised them a few times things will get a bit easier. You can also download them as pdf files, so that you can view them offline anytime :)

Good luck!

peat moss
04-17-2004, 04:40 AM
Thanks to all, that should get me started . :)

04-19-2004, 03:10 AM
i got place to get ideas and help you to improve with photoshop is http://www.good-tutorials.com/ I have been using it for a while now and it is very good! :)