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View Full Version : Port 6881 Blacklisted?

04-16-2004, 12:24 PM
I cannot connect to the tracker....

I recieved an error massege :"rejected by tracker - Port 6881 is blacklisted"...

Then I tried uninstalling other P2P programs from my computer...delete all forwarded ports from my router gateway...but still cant get the connection....

Anyone knows the way to solve this....


04-16-2004, 01:37 PM
Where did you get this?
On what tracker?

04-16-2004, 01:48 PM
it seems my isp (bt) have blocked port 6881 and a few others. they probably got tired of the traffic bitorrent generates. all i did was change the ports shadows experimentals uses in the prefs option and then forward those ports at my router.

works just like it used to.

Mad Cat
04-16-2004, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by 4play@16 April 2004 - 13:48
it seems my isp (bt) have blocked port 6881 and a few others. they probably got tired of the traffic bitorrent generates. all i did was change the ports shadows experimentals uses in the prefs option and then forward those ports at my router.

works just like it used to.
BT doesn't seem to have done that to me... yet.

You got Openworld or that Yahoo thing?

04-16-2004, 04:00 PM
im neither just plain btbroadand. :)

04-16-2004, 04:27 PM
i got this following from the Bittorrent.org (might help u guys)

Important tracker changes!!!!

We have modified the tracker to treat anyone connecting with certain ports (see below) as if they are unconnectable. This is because many ISPs (including mine, which I learned earlier today) throttles the speed on these ports.

The following commonly throttled ports are now blocked by the tracker...

411  through  413 - Direct Connect
1214 - Kazaa
4662 - eMule/eDonkey
6346  through  6347 - Gnutella
6881  through  6889 - BitTorrent

Please make sure not to choose port(s) in these ranges!.

If you do, the tracker will consider you "unconnectable" and your download speed will suffer.
BTW, if anyone knows other ports of interest, please PM Redbeard.

A "Mini-FAQ" (stolen from a post written by wyz):

How large should my range be?

It depends... If you use a single-port client (like Azureus) your range should consist of a single port. Pick up any from 49152-65535.

If you use a multi-port client (like original, Shad0ws's, ABC, Burst, Experimental, UPnP, ...) think of the maximum number of torrents you will ever have open at the same time. That's how many ports you need. If you want at most 6 simultaneous torrents, choose any number x in 49152-65535 and use the range x to x + 5. (e.g. 50500 to 50505. Pick your own numbers, do not use these.)

Will I be able to connect to peers that are still using the standard ports?


Will my client still work with other trackers?


Why don't you tell us what ports to choose?

Because the more random the choice is the harder it will be for ISPs to catch up to us and start limiting speeds on the ports we use. If we define another range ISPs will just start throtlling that range.

How do I change the ports in my client?

Most of them have an advanced option that allows you to specify the range. Those of you running the original client may want to look at http://dessent.net/btfaq/#wincmdline and http://dessent.net/btfaq/cmdline.shtml (There are also good posts on this above.)

I changed the ports and now my speed is lower!?

Give the torrent some time, and make sure you also changed your router and/or firewall configuration (if you have them). If the problems persists, try some other range.

Last, a section copied from the FAQ

You must start by configuring your client to use any port range other than those listed above. (Any other range in the ephemeral region, i.e. 1024 through 65535, will do, but the region 49152 through 65535 is preferable). Notice that some clients, like Azureus, use a single port for all torrents, others use one port per open torrent. The size of the range you choose should take this into account. (These ports are used for connections between peers, not client-tracker. This change will not interfere with your ability to use other trackers. If your client does not allow custom ports to be used, change to one that does.)

04-17-2004, 01:32 PM
This is from torrentbits.org not bittorrent.org, it only affects torrents from torrentbits.
This was why I asked for the tracker earlier.

04-17-2004, 03:24 PM
is that why my download speeds on bittorrent have gotten crappier?