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View Full Version : Piolet 1.06 Beta Screenshot !

04-19-2004, 06:39 PM
Image Resized
[img]http://www.piolet.com/images/screenshots/151/screenshot1.gif' width='200' height='120' border='0' alt='click for full size view'> ('http://www.piolet.com/images/screenshots/151/screenshot1.gif')

The New Piolet gonna blows all the p2p proggyes for music , stay tune. :lol:

04-19-2004, 07:35 PM
;) Yeah right.Why don't I let People know about the new SoulSeek. :P

Image Resized
[img]http://bellsouthpwp.net/F/u/FuNkY_CaPrIcOrN/SS.jpg' width='200' height='120' border='0' alt='click for full size view'> ('http://bellsouthpwp.net/F/u/FuNkY_CaPrIcOrN/SS.jpg')

:D As you can see on the right, when you select an Album to Download, it lets a Person see what Encoder was used for Ripping that Album.No other Program has this. :D

04-19-2004, 07:49 PM
From a friend (yeah - I like dogs):

GreyDog - 27-Mar-2004 01:05:55 PM
"Piolet is a Hackers Dream come true."
The Piolet P2P program turns your computer into a Network Node Relay Station. Within minutes my computer was relaying data to hundreds of other user computers. My modem was sending and receiving non stop even though I was not searching, downloading or sending mp3 to anyone. Every user computer IP Address that was receiving a small piece of data is recorded in my logs providing a nice fresh victim list. This data transfer averaged about 1.5 KiloBytes a second, or 90k a minute, or 5.4 megs Hour, or 130 megs a day, or 3.9 Gigs a month. Given that my ISP only allows 4 Gigs total a month, and costs $50 each month for that bandwidth, I would say Piolet is an expensive way to get MP3 music. If you are not willing to act as a Node Relay Station, then you are not online, which defeats the purpose of P2P sharing. Given that there is no central Hub to store the files list of each Node Relay, the program is constantly checking each computer for each search performed and relays the data throughout the relays (you) over and over again. You are also delivering MP3 data from Upstream users to Downstream users non-stop, whether you realize it or not because you are a Relay Station. Also, given that Piolet opens hundreds of high numbered ports and requires you to either disable your Firewall or give it 100% Trust status, the Piolet program is a Hackers dream come true. 1000's of fresh IP's showing up in my log file with disabled or no Firewall protection at all. What could be easier. Also, the Piolet program changes components for Internet Explorer and I was unable to use IE at all if the Piolet program is actively running. It also played havic with my anti- pop up software, but I did not see any banner ads nor did any pop ups appear. But, eventually, Piolet's extreme appetite for system calls and system resources overwhelmed my Firewall, Anti-Virus and Anti-PopUp software causing them to crash after a few hours of my computer acting as a free Relay Station to the world, which necessitated my having to shut my computer off and restarting again. Then, my Firewall reported 1000's of non-stop (blocked) port closure calls being received from all of the other user computers that had been connected to my computer. This lasted about half an hour. I pitty the fool that is kind hearted enough to allow this program to run for any length of time on their computer. A P2P without a central Hub is asking far too much from each individual Relay Station (you).

From: http://download.com.com/3302-2166_4-10192787.html



04-19-2004, 07:57 PM
CrumbCat do you really believe what Download.com ( RIAA reviews ) wrote ? A site that have Kazaam (http://download.com.com/3000-2166-10254948.html?tag=lst-0-10) and Kazaam Gold Studio (http://download.com.com/3000-2166-10249666.html?tag=lst-0-15) available for download and high rated can you trust this shit ???????????????????

Interview with Pablo Soto of the Manolito P2P Network

The Manolito P2P network, spearheaded by the popular Piolet client, has long been one of the more efficient ways to trade information. Piolet, with its sister clients Blubster and RockItNet, connect to the mp3-only Manolito network. Although it averages about 200,000-250,000 users at any given time, it has proven to be a viable, and safer, alternative to the FastTrack network.

However, the Manolito network has stagnated recently, with no noticeable increase or decrease in its population (considering the current P2P landscape, this may not be such a bad sign.) In addition, the file-sharing community has not seen a new release in over half a year, which has many concerned.

To discover the latest with the Manolito Network, we spoke with Pablo Soto, lead programmer behind this community.

Slyck.com: It has been a while since we have seen an update to Piolet. When will we see the next version released?

Pablo Soto: We are in the latest phase of the new release; it\'ll be a joint release between all the MP2P clients, rather than just a Piolet release, so that some Blubster 1.2.3 clients don\'t fragment the network in zones made of old clients and zones made of new encrypted clients. The release date has not been set, but Slyck.com readers can stop by P2pchat.net to get the latest news and stay tuned...I\'d love to release it in some days, and that\'s what we are trying.

Slyck.com: What new features can we look forward to with the next version (what\'s this I hear about Universal Connection)? Any thoughts on allowing all media types to be shared, or has the community spoken against this?

Pablo Soto: There are tons of enhancements in both, the program and the protocol. The program now features an easy to use built-in CD burner. The newly improved internal player, featuring a built-in equalizer, can compete with any of the leaders in that market, [especially] in quality of sound.

The ease of use has always been one of my biggest concerns, and we just made steps in the right direction integrating the XP look and feel and giving the software customization features, which leaves room for advanced users to have full control of their copy.

The interface no longer has any ads in it; we make revenue through Google text-ads and the two software bundles, which add real value to the package, are totally optional and passed our tough privacy and quality requirements.

The MP2P protocol has evolved greatly in the last months; several layers of encryption have been added to every communication between peers, on all transport protocols. Many optimizations and feature revisions are ready to make the MP2P network scale like no other decentralized network has shown before. The so-called universal connection grants fire walled TCP/IP users full access to the network, keeping the speeds that made it famous, if not improving the overall responsiveness.

I\'d need some hours to explain all that has been done in these months, but the bottom line is the client software works faster, is more robust, and provides a better experience as an end-to-end music platform.

Piolet, Blubster and RockItNet are at the moment music sharing networks. I am getting a lot of feedback about the possibility of opening to all file types, and I understand that the concerns of the music lovers at MP2P are the performance problems (long queues, worse file availability, etc.) derived from big files flooding the network. These concerns, while legit, have real-world solutions on MP2P, and the next step for our network in order to prove its technological leadership is to allow other media being shared, beside music.

Slyck.com: A while back there was a falling out between you and Optisoft. If you can, please give us some back ground information and have things been resolved between you two?

Pablo Soto: Yes, Optisoft founders were difficult to deal with, and it almost killed Blubster. Now the company has new investors, and I am external to it. This is allowing the MP2P technology to prosper.

Slyck.com: What are some of your main priorities now with the Manolito Network? What visions do you have for it and where do you see it going in 6 months? A year?

Pablo Soto: I see Manolito probing itself as the best-performing P2P technology within this year. That is my biggest goal, well over download numbers or revenues.

Slyck.com: We\'re seeing a number of networks such as Mute make their way into the P2P scene. How is user anonymity being addressed with Piolet and the other clients?

Pablo Soto: Anonymity in MP2P is addressed in several different ways. By mixing UDP and TCP communications we separate host and content lookup and negotiation from actual data transfers. Transport protocols now implement full encryption. As a third layer of anonymity, the new TCP connections act as proxy\'ed negotiators.

Slyck.com: Tell us a bit more about RockItNet and its anonymity feature. Who is leasing the rights to this program? Other than the name, what differences are there between RockItNet and Piolet?

Pablo Soto: RockItNet is run from The Netherlands, which is a big difference now that the Supreme Court there declared P2P programs legal. Beside that, it uses the same MP2P technology that Piolet and Blubster use.

Slyck.com: Last year, the RIAA managed to grab a few people from the Manolito Network (look for [email protected]) Hs the RIAA been able to persue any additional users that you know of?

Pablo Soto: As far as I know, there was no prosecution, as the MP2P cases didn\'t even have one single hearing before a judge. It would be interesting to see how the RIAA deals with the obligation to probe their claims and show the logs.

Slyck.com: Which Manolito client is the most popular?

Pablo Soto: Blubster, estimates say over 5 million downloads.

Slyck.com: What other P2P companies will be joining the Manolito network? If you can\'t be specific, can you at least tell us if others joining?

Pablo Soto: No, some entered in negotiations in the past, but only wanted to make us lose time, it appears.

Slyck.com: The population of Piolet has stalled at around 250,000-300,000 users. What is being done to promote the Manolito Network?

Pablo Soto: Most of the promotion is being done by Optisoft\'s crew, specially its CEO, Wayne Rosso, and a PR firm that worked in the past with Napster and MP3.com; HBPR. My personal work about that is coding, coding and coding - beside doing a few interviews, only with friendly writers

Slyck.com: Are you still the only developer for this network? Will you be hiring additional programmers any time soon?

Pablo Soto: There are some outsourced developments, but protocol-related developments rely 100% on me and the help of a couple of coders. I expect to grow the team soon.

SOURCE (http://www.slyck.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3357)

04-19-2004, 08:11 PM
:D You want an interview with NIR.....the man behide SS?One of us can PM him for you. :P


:D Give us some more ScreenShots of the new Piolet.Pleasssse. :D

silent VI
04-19-2004, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by sharedholder@19 April 2004 - 19:57
CrumbCat do you really believe what Download.com ( RIAA reviews ) wrote ? A site that have Kazaam (http://download.com.com/3000-2166-10254948.html?tag=lst-0-10) and Kazaam Gold Studio (http://download.com.com/3000-2166-10249666.html?tag=lst-0-15) available for download and high rated can you trust this shit ???????????????????

:huh: nothing is hi rated one is 50%

04-19-2004, 08:51 PM
Kazaam Gold Studio User Opinions

''i like it"
verey good prg

"Gets the job done"
Kazaam is simple to use, and makes it very easy to watch the movies I download in Kazaam. I was especially satisfied with this program because it contains no spyware, or adware.

:lol: :lol: <_< :lol:

Earthstation 5 User Opinions

"Superior Online Experience for Entire P2P Community"
Excellent program. I&#39;ve used all of the p2p programs but this one is definately the best I have come by. Its easy to use and provides many options that cannot be found elsewhere and it has no adware or spyware in it.

"ES5 is Perfect. It Searches and Downloads from Kazaa, ES5, and Gnutella automatically"
I am new to ES5 and VERY IMPRESSED. Its by far the best p2p fileshare program I have ever seen. Kazaa Lite got my best friend sued so now everybody in my university is connecting to ES5 cause it can get around the university firewall undetected. It offers some really cool security features to hide my ip address using proxys. Thumbs up to this program and I solemny recommend it to each and every p2pr.

&#39;&#39;quite amazing..."
Never have I heard of a p2p program that hides your identity...until now.This program does everything that it claims, though the interface is a little buggy.But I still recommend it, because it is truly amazing of how much value this can be.Thumbs up&#33;

<_< <_< <_<


silent VI
04-20-2004, 04:33 AM
not what i ment the user ratings are not hifg 35% and 50% :huh: but i get what your saying

04-22-2004, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by sharedholder@19 April 2004 - 12:57
CrumbCat&nbsp; do you really believe what Download.com ( RIAA reviews ) wrote ? A site that have Kazaam (http://download.com.com/3000-2166-10254948.html?tag=lst-0-10) and Kazaam Gold Studio (http://download.com.com/3000-2166-10249666.html?tag=lst-0-15) available for download and high rated can you trust this shit ???????????????????

Interview with Pablo Soto of the Manolito P2P Network

The Manolito P2P network, spearheaded by the popular Piolet client, has long been one of the more efficient ways to trade information. Piolet, with its sister clients Blubster and RockItNet, connect to the mp3-only Manolito network. Although it averages about 200,000-250,000 users at any given time, it has proven to be a viable, and safer, alternative to the FastTrack network.

However, the Manolito network has stagnated recently, with no noticeable increase or decrease in its population (considering the current P2P landscape, this may not be such a bad sign.) In addition, the file-sharing community has not seen a new release in over half a year, which has many concerned.

To discover the latest with the Manolito Network, we spoke with Pablo Soto, lead programmer behind this community.

Slyck.com: It has been a while since we have seen an update to Piolet. When will we see the next version released?

Pablo Soto: We are in the latest phase of the new release; it&#092;&#39;ll be a joint release between all the MP2P clients, rather than just a Piolet release, so that some Blubster 1.2.3 clients don&#092;&#39;t fragment the network in zones made of old clients and zones made of new encrypted clients. The release date has not been set, but Slyck.com readers can stop by P2pchat.net to get the latest news and stay tuned...I&#092;&#39;d love to release it in some days, and that&#092;&#39;s what we are trying.

Slyck.com: What new features can we look forward to with the next version (what&#092;&#39;s this I hear about Universal Connection)? Any thoughts on allowing all media types to be shared, or has the community spoken against this?

Pablo Soto: There are tons of enhancements in both, the program and the protocol. The program now features an easy to use built-in CD burner. The newly improved internal player, featuring a built-in equalizer, can compete with any of the leaders in that market, [especially] in quality of sound.

The ease of use has always been one of my biggest concerns, and we just made steps in the right direction integrating the XP look and feel and giving the software customization features, which leaves room for advanced users to have full control of their copy.

The interface no longer has any ads in it; we make revenue through Google text-ads and the two software bundles, which add real value to the package, are totally optional and passed our tough privacy and quality requirements.

The MP2P protocol has evolved greatly in the last months; several layers of encryption have been added to every communication between peers, on all transport protocols. Many optimizations and feature revisions are ready to make the MP2P network scale like no other decentralized network has shown before. The so-called universal connection grants fire walled TCP/IP users full access to the network, keeping the speeds that made it famous, if not improving the overall responsiveness.

I&#092;&#39;d need some hours to explain all that has been done in these months, but the bottom line is the client software works faster, is more robust, and provides a better experience as an end-to-end music platform.

Piolet, Blubster and RockItNet are at the moment music sharing networks. I am getting a lot of feedback about the possibility of opening to all file types, and I understand that the concerns of the music lovers at MP2P are the performance problems (long queues, worse file availability, etc.) derived from big files flooding the network. These concerns, while legit, have real-world solutions on MP2P, and the next step for our network in order to prove its technological leadership is to allow other media being shared, beside music.

Slyck.com: A while back there was a falling out between you and Optisoft. If you can, please give us some back ground information and have things been resolved between you two?

Pablo Soto: Yes, Optisoft founders were difficult to deal with, and it almost killed Blubster. Now the company has new investors, and I am external to it. This is allowing the MP2P technology to prosper.

Slyck.com: What are some of your main priorities now with the Manolito Network? What visions do you have for it and where do you see it going in 6 months? A year?

Pablo Soto: I see Manolito probing itself as the best-performing P2P technology within this year. That is my biggest goal, well over download numbers or revenues.

Slyck.com: We&#092;&#39;re seeing a number of networks such as Mute make their way into the P2P scene. How is user anonymity being addressed with Piolet and the other clients?

Pablo Soto: Anonymity in MP2P is addressed in several different ways. By mixing UDP and TCP communications we separate host and content lookup and negotiation from actual data transfers. Transport protocols now implement full encryption. As a third layer of anonymity, the new TCP connections act as proxy&#092;&#39;ed negotiators.

Slyck.com: Tell us a bit more about RockItNet and its anonymity feature. Who is leasing the rights to this program? Other than the name, what differences are there between RockItNet and Piolet?

Pablo Soto: RockItNet is run from The Netherlands, which is a big difference now that the Supreme Court there declared P2P programs legal. Beside that, it uses the same MP2P technology that Piolet and Blubster use.

Slyck.com: Last year, the RIAA managed to grab a few people from the Manolito Network (look for [email protected]) Hs the RIAA been able to persue any additional users that you know of?

Pablo Soto: As far as I know, there was no prosecution, as the MP2P cases didn&#092;&#39;t even have one single hearing before a judge. It would be interesting to see how the RIAA deals with the obligation to probe their claims and show the logs.

Slyck.com: Which Manolito client is the most popular?

Pablo Soto: Blubster, estimates say over 5 million downloads.

Slyck.com: What other P2P companies will be joining the Manolito network? If you can&#092;&#39;t be specific, can you at least tell us if others joining?

Pablo Soto: No, some entered in negotiations in the past, but only wanted to make us lose time, it appears.

Slyck.com: The population of Piolet has stalled at around 250,000-300,000 users. What is being done to promote the Manolito Network?

Pablo Soto: Most of the promotion is being done by Optisoft&#092;&#39;s crew, specially its CEO, Wayne Rosso, and a PR firm that worked in the past with Napster and MP3.com; HBPR. My personal work about that is coding, coding and coding - beside doing a few interviews, only with friendly writers&nbsp;

Slyck.com: Are you still the only developer for this network? Will you be hiring additional programmers any time soon?

Pablo Soto: There are some outsourced developments, but protocol-related developments rely 100% on me and the help of a couple of coders. I expect to grow the team soon.

SOURCE (http://www.slyck.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3357)
c00L.....just what I was looking for.....some info - thanks for the work sharedholder&#33;

No, I don&#39;t believe Everything on that site....but that was the first thing I read
about it, so I though I&#39;d post it here.....

Since you have provided us with this info, I am in the next stage of considering
the application.

Just so you know - I love the informative posts you always make, and
you efforts are appreciated.

I was just too lazy to research the program.....so again, thanks for you work&#33;

The big question......

Are you using it?

4th gen
04-22-2004, 04:41 PM
You want to believe that Piolet is the best p2p for mp3s then go ahead, but don&#39;t say that it beats everything else just because you don&#39;t like any of the others :lol:

04-23-2004, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by CrumbCat@19 April 2004 - 19:49
From a friend (yeah - I like dogs):

GreyDog - 27-Mar-2004 01:05:55 PM
"Piolet is a Hackers Dream come true."
The Piolet P2P program turns your computer into a Network Node Relay Station. Within minutes my computer was relaying data to hundreds of other user computers. My modem was sending and receiving non stop even though I was not searching, downloading or sending mp3 to anyone. Every user computer IP Address that was receiving a small piece of data is recorded in my logs providing a nice fresh victim list. This data transfer averaged about 1.5 KiloBytes a second, or 90k a minute, or 5.4 megs Hour, or 130 megs a day, or 3.9 Gigs a month. Given that my ISP only allows 4 Gigs total a month, and costs &#036;50 each month for that bandwidth, I would say Piolet is an expensive way to get MP3 music. If you are not willing to act as a Node Relay Station, then you are not online, which defeats the purpose of P2P sharing. Given that there is no central Hub to store the files list of each Node Relay, the program is constantly checking each computer for each search performed and relays the data throughout the relays (you) over and over again. You are also delivering MP3 data from Upstream users to Downstream users non-stop, whether you realize it or not because you are a Relay Station. Also, given that Piolet opens hundreds of high numbered ports and requires you to either disable your Firewall or give it 100% Trust status, the Piolet program is a Hackers dream come true. 1000&#39;s of fresh IP&#39;s showing up in my log file with disabled or no Firewall protection at all. What could be easier. Also, the Piolet program changes components for Internet Explorer and I was unable to use IE at all if the Piolet program is actively running. It also played havic with my anti- pop up software, but I did not see any banner ads nor did any pop ups appear. But, eventually, Piolet&#39;s extreme appetite for system calls and system resources overwhelmed my Firewall, Anti-Virus and Anti-PopUp software causing them to crash after a few hours of my computer acting as a free Relay Station to the world, which necessitated my having to shut my computer off and restarting again. Then, my Firewall reported 1000&#39;s of non-stop (blocked) port closure calls being received from all of the other user computers that had been connected to my computer. This lasted about half an hour. I pitty the fool that is kind hearted enough to allow this program to run for any length of time on their computer. A P2P without a central Hub is asking far too much from each individual Relay Station (you).

From: http://download.com.com/3302-2166_4-10192787.html


what a bullshit