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View Full Version : Tony Blairs Hair

04-24-2004, 12:44 AM
story (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/allnews/tm_objectid=14172832%26method=full%26siteid=50143%26headline=pm%2ds%2dhair%2dnets%2d%2d1%2d000%2dfor%2dafrica-name_page.html)

An auction was held to rasie money for African orphans and PM Tony Blair donated some locks of hair with the towels that were on his shoulders at the time of the cut (personally i am suspicious because it was reported that some of the hairs were" short and curly")
The hair raise over 1000 pounds !!!!!!!!!!!

what i want to know is what is the new owner going to do with it? (please no more lamsey monobrow jokes :frusty: )

04-24-2004, 12:54 AM
30 Days (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0060582626/qid=1082764624/sr=1-2/ref=sr_1_2/002-4215508-2560032?v=glance&s=books)

One of the best books I've ever read (full of Alistair Campbell asides taking the p*ss out of everyone) :lol:

(sorry it's off topic but just had to share that)