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05-05-2004, 11:58 AM
After I get search results I had to know if I already have the file I intend to download in my computer.
So I open "my kazaa lite" and sort it by file size and look to see if I already have a file with the same size.
If yes, I do not download this file (the size is a good indication for 99.99% of the files).

This is a very heavy and time-consuming procedure.
Did any one know any kazza option or any utility to do it in a faster way?

05-05-2004, 12:03 PM
Afraid not.

This is another example of where kazaa falls behind newer p2p apps, such as Shareaza, which does what you ask beautifully... ;)

05-05-2004, 12:28 PM
It's elementary. I hope you are wrong :)

05-05-2004, 06:33 PM
I use a freeware program called CloneSpy (http://www.clonespy.de) to delete multiple copies of the same file on my computer, but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way of stopping multiple files from being downloaded in the first place. Not on K-Lite anyway.

05-06-2004, 02:07 AM
I may be missing the point here (at my age you miss a lot of things!!) but isn't the file name a bit of a giveaway?

ROTK, LOTR3 = Return of the King = the same thing

VirtualDub 154, VirtualDub 156, VirtualDub 1510 = different versions of the same thing

Rock n Roll Music-Chuck Berry, Rock n Roll Music-Beach Boys = same song by different artists

and for music and video you can preview when you've downloaded a bit.

Wheeeeeeeeeee!!! (that's the point hammering past me at a high rate of knots!!)

05-06-2004, 02:12 AM
Originally posted by oldjagman@6 May 2004 - 03:15
I may be missing the point here (at my age you miss a lot of things!!) but isn't the file name a bit of a giveaway?

ROTK, LOTR3 = Return of the King = the same thing

VirtualDub 154, VirtualDub 156, VirtualDub 1510 = different versions of the same thing

Rock n Roll Music-Chuck Berry, Rock n Roll Music-Beach Boys = same song by different artists

and for music and video you can preview when you've downloaded a bit.

Wheeeeeeeeeee!!! (that's the point hammering past me at a high rate of knots!!)

Judging files by their given names on Kazaa


That's a good one...

05-06-2004, 02:52 AM
OK so they could be fakes or they could just be poorly named.

But surely if they are search results they've turned up because some kind of criteria has been set which has pointed to these files and the problem (I think) is whether Aflalo already has them.

Hang about! Why is someone searching for something they may already have? And the earlier ones are in Aflalo's My Kazaa Lite! Doh! I think I just lost the plot!

:frusty: :frusty: :frusty: :frusty: :frusty:

05-06-2004, 09:44 AM
Originally posted by oldjagman@6 May 2004 - 03:00

Hang about! Why is someone searching for something they may already have? And the earlier ones are in Aflalo's My Kazaa Lite! Doh! I think I just lost the plot!

I sometimes search for different Live versions of the same song, quite often I've thought I've found a new version (for example, Sunday Bloody Sunday by U2) when it turns out to be the same as what I already have. :angry:

05-07-2004, 06:22 AM
That makes sense. But you could sort this out by previewing.

PS I reckon the early BBC Sight and Sound version is Mega. Starts off with Bono shouting "This is NOT a rebel song!".

It's the outdoor concert where he climbs up to the top of the stage gantry and waves a large flag.

I think it's from Newcastle or Gateshead and about 1982 vintage.

05-09-2004, 10:52 PM
To oldjagman,

Some times after searching, for instance, a video clip, you get 200 results for same criteria and the same clip has sometimes 20 different names. Since the size is a good indication for duplicate for 99.99% of the files, the only way to know if you already have those clips is to compare to file size and look to see if you already have a file with the same size.

I hope my point is clear now.

05-09-2004, 11:53 PM
yeah this always happens to me when i download porn! i always end up dlin the same thing 6 or 7 times :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: