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05-09-2004, 09:39 AM
Download Here (http://gosupernova.free.fr/files/download.php)

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[img]http://gosupernova.free.fr/images/screenshot_3.jpg' width='200' height='120' border='0' alt='click for full size view'> ('http://gosupernova.free.fr/images/screenshot_3.jpg')

GoSupernova improves your BitTorrent search time

Bittorrent is great, the fastest file sharing system I've come across yet! The thing about it though, is that you've got to get the files while they are 'hot'. So if you're like me you're checking for new arrivals almost everyday. That's not such a bad thing, but if your looking for files regularly and have a number of favorites, it can become quite time consuming. The best example is 'suprnova' which is in my opinion the best site out there, but the site can sometimes become unbelieveable slow to the point of ridiculousness. So to avoid all the hassle of time consuming web searching I decided to write GoSupernova to speed up the whole file searching process.

Great, but what is BitTorrent ?

Simply put BitTorrent is a protocol like ftp or http for transfering files, or in our case for sharing files. This file transfering method is (in my opinion) extremely efficient. The basic idea is that as you download pieces of a file you will share those pieces with others wanting the file and others trying to get the file will do the same with you. Everyone who is trying to download a particular file will be participating to the distribution of the file as a whole. This system works well for files that in the process of being distributed. You have to get the files while they are 'hot', afterwards as less and less people download a particular file it becomes more difficult to acquire.

How does it work ?

Traditional method :

Install a bittorrent client, it's light software which allows you to download bittorrent files. Once you have a bittorrent client installed you go to various web sites who post files depending on the theme of the site. These sites will usually host "[torrent files are not allowed]" files which are small files containing the nessacary information for your bittorrent client to download and share the file. Clicking on the links from within these sites will automatically download the "[torrent files are not allowed]" file and open it in your bittorrent client thus starting the download.

GoSupernova way :

Install a bittorrent client. Install GoSupernova and use it to find bittorrent files and initiate downloads.

Mad Cat
05-09-2004, 10:59 AM
Something like this, a plugin for Azureus, was removed and discontinued production. Its a little unfair how Supr provides all them, and we work out ways to bypass their advertising and lose what litte they can get.

05-09-2004, 04:42 PM
B) looks like a good program

05-09-2004, 04:45 PM
Your late :lol:
