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View Full Version : Ubisoft Vs Ea

05-10-2004, 04:09 AM
I personally prefer ubisoft in a way. I mean, yeah ea haf good games and stuff but i only like their games. Ea has a level 0 4 creativity. For example, they publish the 1st medal of honor. It sells well, there shrieking" Omg, lets make another one!" and it goes on like dat. On the other hand, ubi venture in2 the unknown, like wif prince of persia and brother in arms. So, who do u prefer more?

05-10-2004, 06:59 AM

Beyond Good & Evil if they didn't publish this game i would have gone with EA.

Rip The Jacker
05-10-2004, 07:31 AM

EA keeps screwing up their games in my opinion. As time goes by, their games have less features instead of more.

Need for Speed 3 was great. It had good graphics, day and night, cars headlights worked, and weather effects (snow, rain, etc).

Need for Speed 6 was not. They removed racing at night, the headlights, and they removed driving in rain or snow. Why? Who knows.

NFSU is alright. Racing only at night sucks. Racing without weather sucks. And I don't know about you guys, but after 10 minutes of racing, every single race track looks the same to me.

I like Ubisoft more.

2nd gen noob
05-10-2004, 07:44 AM
I hate EA because they have a monopoly on so many good car makers licenses :angry:

05-10-2004, 02:23 PM
EA is pretty similar to Microsoft in the monopolising the market kind of way - but i don't want to bow down to brand loyalty, so i hate EA and Ubisoft equally, the bastards

05-10-2004, 03:12 PM
whaat about activision theyve let out some stinkers but some real gems too.

i think i made it clear in the E3 thread why i hate EA. like jack and noob i hate em for buying up all the licensses and ruining them when rival games with miles better engines have to use cheesy names for stuff <_<

05-10-2004, 04:37 PM
EA is goin 2 shit, all their games get so hyped up just bcuz theyhave the money 2 push their games on us but they really r fallin behind their compition in the past 3 years or so. especially their sports games which is pretty much all they have to them...

i cant name a single EA game that has an actual plot or storyline 2 it and they r basically a family game makin company(everything is rated E for everybody in the family)

05-10-2004, 09:47 PM
I also go with Ubisoft.After the success of Splinter Cell they seem to really gone for it, and have come up with some really good stuff.
Beyond Good and Evil and Prince of Persia are two excellent games,which have been criminally overlooked by the majority of people. We need to give Ubisoft support,help them to grow and become great.Because without money,they will soon go bust and then another great publisher/developer will have bit the dust.

05-10-2004, 10:01 PM
UbiSoft easily, but the whole Tom Clancy range is starting to get old. EA just take over other companies ruining good titles eg. C&C (i hate u Mr. EA) Also EA games are all really really pussy pollitically correct child protection crap etc... tbh who would be stupid enough to get abducted etc from using the net. blah&#33; blah blah blah Rant RANT RANT &#33;&#33;&#33; :angry:

*ahem* anyway i dont like EA so Ubi Soft all the way :blink:

05-10-2004, 10:17 PM
what are you talking about abduction?? :o :huh:

05-10-2004, 11:38 PM
Depends on whether you&#39;re talking about either&#39;s developers or the actual publishers themselves.

If you mean publishers, then neither - Both have had a rep in the past of botching some games&#39; launches in the past. TBH I&#39;d have preferred to go with Micro Prose if it were a few years ago :(

As for developers, still neither - The Black Isle/Bioware boys any day :smilie4:

For a hybrid of both, Introversion Software seem to be a developer/publisher with an upcoming future, what with Uplink and their next game :D

05-10-2004, 11:44 PM
it seems publishers boss the developers around quite a lot. so when ubisoft and activision among many others will let developers experiment and give them freedom to develop. EA, it seems, have a strict schedule and simply buy licenses and say to their developers "make this game in this time&#33;&#33;&#33;"

05-11-2004, 01:03 AM
ubisoft like duh. lets c, farcry (even though crytek made the game), pop, splinter cell 1 + 2, and some others. ea games were ok once upon a time, but they&#39;re drowning in the pool of competition. still, the original mohaa online is still pretty fun sometimes

05-11-2004, 01:07 AM
ea are running away with the market cos stupid fuxors continue to follow marketing

05-11-2004, 01:16 AM
i like Ubisoft because they make raibow Six 3 and Splintercell
ea games has MOHAA and BF1942

both have good and bad but ubi has more good then bad :)

05-11-2004, 03:24 AM
i like ACTIVISION :lol: , seriously though UBISOFT (come on guys don&#39;t forget FAR CRY&#33;) EA&#39;s only accomplishment was MOHAA IMO