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05-14-2004, 04:13 PM
Which films in your opinion are waiting for a sequal and which films should just be left as is-like that which is mentioned in a previous post-Close encounters of the third kind
ET-leave it
Van Helsing-do it
You get my drift.

05-14-2004, 05:24 PM
Freddy vs. Jason/ Predetor vs. Alien .. NO. but I think we will see X sequels :lol:

05-14-2004, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by {I}{K}{E}@14 May 2004 - 13:32
Freddy vs. Jason/ Predetor vs. Alien .. NO. but I think we will see X sequels :lol:
Freddy VS. Jason- NO

Alien VS. Predator- Can&#39;t comment. It hasn&#39;t come out yet. <_<

Kill Bill Vol.2- Yes. Old Uma. Grown up daughter, grown up uhh...Vivica&#39;s daughter

Alien- Yes. Two words. James Cameron.

Star Wars- Yes - after ROTJ. No brainer.

Blade Runner- Yes. It was a flop then but it has a following now. Japanese anime has copied it numerous times.

05-14-2004, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by Busyman@14 May 2004 - 15:06

Alien- Yes. Two words. James Cameron.

hell yah&#33;&#33; after i read this , i know they can make a 4


o and i like james camron for both aliens and terminator ;)

Xero Grid
05-15-2004, 06:46 AM
Star Wars - No. It turned from a great story into a ridiculous visual specticle with less plot than Dumb and Dumber. Any dignity it has left should be salvaged by discontinuing any sequel ideas.

Superman - Yes. What was the last Superman movie you saw? I mean Christopher Reeve should always be known as the greatest superman (he looked so much like the comic, it&#39;s scarey), but I&#39;m sure great things could be done nowadays.

Batman - Maybe. Only if it is decent. The story has been so kid-like, lately. I mean not all batman stories are for kids. He&#39;s called the dark knight for a reason.

Spiderman - Definately. The first movie was so much better than I expected. The second already sounds great. I&#39;m just waiting and hoping for Venom, like every other Spiderman fan.

-- Xero Grid --

05-15-2004, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by Xero Grid@15 May 2004 - 02:54
Star Wars - No. It turned from a great story into a ridiculous visual specticle with less plot than Dumb and Dumber. Any dignity it has left should be salvaged by discontinuing any sequel ideas.

Superman - Yes. What was the last Superman movie you saw? I mean Christopher Reeve should always be known as the greatest superman (he looked so much like the comic, it&#39;s scarey), but I&#39;m sure great things could be done nowadays.

Batman - Maybe. Only if it is decent. The story has been so kid-like, lately. I mean not all batman stories are for kids. He&#39;s called the dark knight for a reason.

Spiderman - Definately. The first movie was so much better than I expected. The second already sounds great. I&#39;m just waiting and hoping for Venom, like every other Spiderman fan.

-- Xero Grid --
Take a look at this (http://filesharingtalk.com/index.php?showtopic=107084&hl=Movie+ideas) link

Star Wars would be great if it&#39;s not a new story by Lucas. Simply use the books that are already written.

There&#39;s some ideas about Spiderman/Venom too. Again Hollywood need just follow the comic.