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06-10-2004, 10:17 AM
can anyone tell me how to optimize my downloads in kaaza please,i have tried numerous downloads and none seem to be doing the job,i have tried kaaza download accelerator pro,fresh download and i am even registered with iwannadownload,which was supposed to speeddowanloads up which has not happened.Any help would be much appreciated,thx........michael

06-10-2004, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by michael_fit@10 June 2004 - 04:25
can anyone tell me how to optimize my downloads in kaaza please,i have tried numerous downloads and none seem to be doing the job,i have tried kaaza download accelerator pro,fresh download and i am even registered with iwannadownload,which was supposed to speeddowanloads up which has not happened.Any help would be much appreciated,thx........michael
They all feed you the hype about these accelerators speeding up your connection. When will you learn? If you have 56k speed you will only get 56k...If you have DSL you will only get DSL Speed..cable, well...just like what I said...

You can only download at the speed of what the user has that is sharing that file on Kazzalite and the number of ppl sharing the same file.... <_<

Last but not least...post this where it belongs...this is the wrong section to ask..


06-10-2004, 11:52 AM
newcsster68 -
Look you might think you are helping...but...your attitude that comes across tells me you need to get your butt of the seat and actually talk face to face with real human beings....your a sad sad person...I really don&#39;t know why you even bothered to put any kind of reply when all you do is patronise - NOT WORKING as I am sure there are people out there who do actually want to help and not be snardy....Thanks :frusty:

06-10-2004, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by michael_fit@10 June 2004 - 06:00
newcsster68 -
Look you might think you are helping...but...your attitude that comes across tells me you need to get your butt of the seat and actually talk face to face with real human beings....your a sad sad person...I really don&#39;t know why you even bothered to put any kind of reply when all you do is patronise - NOT WORKING as I am sure there are people out there who do actually want to help and not be snardy....Thanks :frusty:

your a sad sad person...I really don&#39;t know why you even bothered to put any kind of reply when all you do is patronise - NOT WORKING as I am sure there are people out there who do actually want to help and not be snard

I was not patronizing him I was just merely stating a fact. Please do not make rude comments towards me as you do not know who I am or what kind of person I am.. ooh and why don&#39;t you just have a seat and have a nice hot cup of "relax-my-ass-express"

That might calm your nerves