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06-22-2004, 12:54 PM
Nearly missed this one...

The latest incarnation of the great little Firefox tweak has been available since the 9th!
http://www.computerbase.de/downloads/softw...illa_optimizer/ (http://www.computerbase.de/downloads/software/browser/mozilla_optimizer/)

06-22-2004, 08:50 PM
Dutch :blink:

Is there an english version?

lol nvm the program is english.

fred devliegher
06-22-2004, 08:59 PM



Können Sie Deutsch und Niederländisch niet uit mekaar houden ?

Good program BTW. Nothing you can't do manually, but still.

06-22-2004, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by fred devliegher@22 June 2004 - 16:07




Können Sie Deutsch und Niederländisch niet uit mekaar houden ?

Good program BTW. Nothing you can't do manually, but still.

well i assumed deutsche meant dutch. lol.

06-23-2004, 12:01 AM
is there a translation of what it does?

OT: can you change the order of options when right-clicking on tabs in Firefox? I want "Close Tab" to be on top, not "New Tab"

06-23-2004, 12:03 AM
dont worry it doesnt matter what language it is!

just download iT!!! ;)

it really works :)

06-23-2004, 12:07 AM
That's not the way to go about software

I want to know what it does.

06-23-2004, 12:20 AM
Originally posted by ninjamonkey@22 June 2004 - 19:15
That's not the way to go about software

I want to know what it does.
when u download it, it is a zip file, in teh zip is a readme, the exe and something else which i didn't bother looking at lol. In teh readme it says what teh program does.

or go to altavista.com, click translate, type in the site's url, then click translate and it will translate teh whole site (make sure u selected teh right languages).

06-23-2004, 01:37 AM
slight performance increase in firefox.. not much tho.
I think it trys to download more of the page before it shows it, that's what makes it look faster probably.

fred devliegher
06-23-2004, 08:43 AM
when u download it, it is a zip file, in teh zip is a readme, the exe and something else which i didn't bother looking at lol. In teh readme it says what teh program does.

- EXE in English
- English readme.txt
- German readme.txt (liesmich.txt)

06-23-2004, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by CB Mozilla Optimizer Readme.txt
Mozilla Optimizer 1.6.3

Mozilla Optimizer improves the browsing speed in all browsers based on the
Gecko Rendering Engine (GRE) like Mozilla, Phoenix, Mozilla Firebird and
Mozilla Firefox as well as Netscape 6 and Netscape 7. All optimizations can
be applied manually, this tool simply automates this procedure!

This is achieved by activating HTTP Pipelining so that using a single
connection to the webserver up to 8 files can be requested directly after
each other without of having to wait for the delivery of the last file
requested. Furthermore some settings relevant for the actual page display
are optimized.

It´s recommendable to use the newest version of your browser which is
available at: http://www.mozilla.org/. Should there arise any problems due to
the optimizations, you can revert them with a single click!

The most recent Mozilla Optimizer version can be found at:
http://www.computerbase.de/downloads/softw...illa_optimizer/ (http://www.computerbase.de/downloads/software/browser/mozilla_optimizer/)

user_pref("nglayout.initialpaint.delay", 100);
user_pref("content.notify.ontimer", true);
user_pref("content.notify.interval", 100000);
user_pref("content.notify.backoffcount", 5);
user_pref("network.http.pipelining", true);
user_pref("network.http.proxy.pipelining", true);
user_pref("network.http.pipelining.maxrequests", 8);
user_pref("network.http.max-connections", 32);
user_pref("network.http.max-connections-per-server", 8);
user_pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy", 4);
user_pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server", 2);


Version 1.6.3 (June 9th, 2004)
- Once again the location of the user profiles has been changed in the
  new nightly builds. Since this location probably will stay the same
  for Firefox 0.9, Mozilla Optimizer now handles this new situation!

Version 1.6.2 (June 3rd, 2004)
- The soon to be released Firefox 0.9 and recent nightly builds since
  the end of May 2004 have again a changed profile location. Mozilla
  Optimizer now supports these new versions!

Version 1.6.1 (March 15th, 2004)
- New nightly builds of Mozilla Firefox put their profile data in the
  "Firefox" and no longer in the "Phoenix" directory. Mozilla Optimizer
  now handles both cases!

Version 1.6 (March 1st, 2004)
- A few optimizations are a bit less extreme
- For german Windows versions, the prefered language sent by the browser
  to the webserver is changed to "de, en, en-us"
- Addition of this Readme file

Copyright ComputerBase Medien GbR (http://www.computerbase.de/)

It's not mentioned above, but the Optimizer also reduces the initial startup time of Mozilla/Firefox.

06-23-2004, 08:48 AM
it doesent seem like it ;) ;) :blink:

06-23-2004, 09:45 AM
Well it sure did reduce the startup time for 0.7 and 0.8.

Edit: 0.9 starts up pretty fast for me.
When did you defrag last?

06-23-2004, 05:17 PM
its pretty fast release, few weeks back version 1.6.2 was released and now version 3 :unsure:
any way thanks,