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06-22-2004, 05:14 PM
a friend says that if the motheboard bus speed isnt as high as the processor needs then the processor will perform at a low speed ... is this true?

06-22-2004, 05:54 PM
Yes. For example, you can run an Athlon XP 2500+ on a board that has a maximum FSB speed of 266MHz even if the chip is designed to run at 333MHz FSB.

06-22-2004, 07:14 PM
ya to add to what virtualbody1234 said, the cpu would then run at the speed of a athlon xp 1700+ becuase of the lower FSB.

source (,/?St=17,E=0000000000095810703,K=3801,Sxi=7,Case=obj(1224))...Take the original multiplier and then just look at it over in the 266mhz FSB section instead of the 333 ones.

06-23-2004, 05:43 PM
Thanks for the reply people, knew so myself .. just had a friend round who didnt believe that I have a decent processor even though its running at a slowler speed due to my motherboard. Asking in the way I did just made things more simple .. thanks again.