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View Full Version : Please Help With Overnet!

06-26-2004, 04:38 PM

1. First off, I was downloading Overnet Lite from here:


It would never connect no matter what I did, so is that install file, the same one that's talked about here?


So, now I've gone and gotten Overnet Basic from www.overnet.com

Is this a good idea or bad idea? It works and connects now, and on my TaskBar, it's labeled as Overnet Pro, anyway, what's the difference between this official one and the ones from the links above?

NB 2. I was downloading something that had an availliblity of 22, and the speeds were shocking, 2.2kb/s and I'm on 512 ADSL!

Does Overnet work in the same was as Bittorrent and Emule that you have to wait a few hours before your speeds go up and you upload alot and get credits or can you get fast speeds straight away? Do you have to upload alot to get decent download speeds?

NB 3. Does it work like Bittorent whereas you have to upload almost double what you're downloading? If this is the case, I need to know now or else my 3 Gig ADSL Cap will be gone in a night!

4. Overnet and EDonkey2000 are basically the same right? I'll get all of Edonkey's search results plus more with better speeds with Overnet, right? But whats the difference between Overnet/Edonkey2000 and Emule?

5. in the search results, why do different results have different colors? Blacks and shades of blue and purple and some are highlighted grey ?

6. Last one, I just got that 10KB Overnet 0.52 loader which I heard greatly improves speeds, now I have Overnet Basic 0.53, will this loader work with it? Or should I get an earlier version? It says that the loader would allow me to set my upload and download capacities from 0 to whatever, but I could always do that, it also said it got rid of a banner, but I never saw any banner on the version of 0.53 before I got the crack... The speeds don't seem increased at all, I'm downloading a 750 meg video with 22 availibility and it's going at like 2.2! I have my max download settings at 57 (90% of 64, which is my limit with 512 ADSL) and my download at 15kb...

What should I do here to get speeds up?! Should high speeds be instant or do they take a long time?

06-28-2004, 10:35 PM
please can someone answer these.

06-28-2004, 10:49 PM
listen greedy, all you need t0 do is uninstall overnet and get shareaza it connects to a crapload of networks, and its mad fast

06-29-2004, 09:45 AM
Shareaze? Bwuhahaha!
I piss on Shareaza.

06-29-2004, 08:19 PM
Sharezea blows - go for eMule...

06-29-2004, 09:36 PM
;) Can any of you please answer the topic questions

06-30-2004, 12:19 AM
Overnet FAQ (http://www.edonkey2000.com/documentation/clientfaq.html)

GOOGLE!!!!! (http://www.google.com/)

06-30-2004, 11:22 AM
I've read and reread the FAQ and it doesn't answer the above questions