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View Full Version : Ok...so Kazaa Sucks....now What?

06-26-2004, 10:28 PM
Hi gang.......

apparently I am a bit behind the times as far as P2P is concerned.

I started out with morpheus and ended up using Kazaa because it had better and more available files for sharing (although I DID like the multi search feature of Morpheus) anyway.....It seems that it is getting quite difficult to get quality files from the Kazaa program (I like music and games and some software etc...)

I have gotten used to the Kazaa program interface and like alot of its features.

Can anyone suggest a more reliable program to use to share files similar in features and eaze of use???
(reliable meaning not so many fuc**** fakes)

Some bring me up to date PLEASE!!

I look forward to your opinions

Thanx in advance :) :)

06-26-2004, 10:32 PM
Ares (http://www.aresgalaxy.org)


06-26-2004, 11:47 PM
Not so long ago I was a die-hard Kazaa user. But, the winds of change have blown across the plain that is the p2p world. Kazaa, a once great p2p network became mainstream and an easy traget for those that wish to destory the p2p world. It is nothing but a shadow of what it once was.

I, have moved on to greener pastors. I now use Bit Torrent. I recommend it to all that will listen. The speeds are amazing, and the community is very friendly and self regulates it's self against fakes and leechers. I would recommend going to Phoenix-torrents.com It is a board similar to this one, full of torrent files and great people. The client I would recomend is Torrentstorm v 1.1 (2.2 is basied on later versions of shadows client which suck). It is a simple and powerful program. It can be had at torrentstorm.com

For really indepth information I would strongly recommend going to phoenix and asking. After the fall of Kazaa this board is becoming a bad spot to get fast responces, plus it is better to ask people that are really familiar with the Bit Torrent world.

06-27-2004, 02:24 AM

06-27-2004, 07:17 AM
Use Ares people. It&#39;s similar to Kazaa but faster searches and downloads. Plus alot fewer corrupt files. I guess there a few lurking around there. <_<

06-27-2004, 11:04 AM
anything http://www.members.cox.net/dodger1954/dunno.gif

06-27-2004, 11:30 AM
BT or IRC, "No Fake Files" And "Very Fast Downloads"

06-27-2004, 02:24 PM
BT is the best filesharing Prog, Easily

06-27-2004, 04:09 PM
OK.......I have been hearing for a while now that Bittorrent as well as Emule and Ares are ALL very good programs(Im taking your words for it)

Can anyone kinda clue me in as to which might have a "bigger & better" network of users?????
Cuz as we(I) are(am) learning......fastrack is getting pretty bad.


Thank you all for taking your valuble time to reply to my uneducated questions regarding this subject.

Again....Thanx in advance

06-27-2004, 05:05 PM
As for Ares and EMule, I can&#39;t help.

The por&#39;s and cons of bittorrent and mirc are endless. FOr me, though:
Pro&#39;s- BT has plenty of files with few if any fakes. I haven&#39;t found any to date. THe music tends to be high bitrate-192 and up.
Cons- Older files can be hard to find as the torrents can be dropped. They are seeded, which means someone has to avtively share the file. Older files might not be shared anymore, so the selction varies from day to day. You might have to check back to your fav torrent site dayly to find older, rarer files.
Pro&#39;s-huge selection of stuff from software to MP3&#39;s. I haven&#39;t found any fakes here iether.
Cons-You have to pay t register mIRC or use &#39;alternate code&#39;. Speed is variable. I&#39;ve watched the speed go from 100+kbps to 1kbps and back again and up and down the scale (I have a 3 MBps ADSL line). All P2P share this, but mirc seems to be somewhat worse Tthough I did download &#39;1 night in paris&#39; in just a little over 3 hours which blows fasttrack out of the water bigtime. The MP3&#39;s I&#39;ve downloaded tend to be lower bitrate than BT. I just got 3 doors down&#39;s &#39;away from the sun&#39; and it was ripped at 128kbps. Sux. Deleted. Got it off BT at 320vbr. There are also ques to deal with. YOu might want Halo, for example. It&#39;s a huge file and you find yourself in quoe at #12 in line. That&#39;s days away. Come back in an hour and be #3. Or can&#39;t get in line at all.

In short, mirc is great to find any file, you just might wait in line a while especially for new files. If you can find a torrent, you can get it. As for Shadow Experimental, I&#39;ve been using it for over a year and I like it. No probs. It&#39;s a matter of personal preferance though.

Hope this helps some,

PS-Fasttrack is going down the tubes. You might also try LimeWire pro. It&#39;s ok. BT or mirc is better though, in my opinion.

06-27-2004, 08:09 PM
Ok, I guess Its not gonna kill me one way or the other to try bittornet. I think Im going to give it a go.........if I dont like it...I dont have to use it....right?

Im sure there will be a "learning curve" for me with this....but what the heck.

SOMETHINGS got to give

thanx for all the feedback. :D :D

06-28-2004, 11:17 PM
Hell, BT is easy enough. Just check the BT forum here at filesharingtalk if you need help. There&#39;s a damn nice tutorial that&#39;ll get you started.

Also, never forget the handy &#39;search&#39; function to find that thread about the question you have. It&#39;ll save u a flame or two........ ;)

Later taters,