View Full Version : Peer To Peer Personal Program?

06-29-2004, 08:59 PM
I'm looking for a P2P program that is private. Specifically, I have to transfer 3 GB of data to my office. I don't want something like PcAnywhere because I don't want to control my PC from the office and the program is bloated and causes many problems.

I remember a long time ago there used to be a little application that allowed 2 computers to transfer files back and forth. It didn't do ANYTHING else, it took up hardly any memory, you got to set the shared directory and it had minimal security.

Anyone remember it?

06-29-2004, 11:22 PM
assuming you cannot burn the data to one DVD or to a few CDs the best option is to set up an ftp in your house and access it from work.

cuteftp and wsftp are pretty basic, reliable programs :)

06-30-2004, 03:58 PM
I was looking for something a little more simple, since I'm not the only one who will be using it, but I guess that will work...Thanks!

06-30-2004, 05:19 PM
no problem :)

if you're worried about ftp software being a little technical for your co-workers then don't forget they dont need to use it. they can access the ftp through their browsers. just type ftp:// followed by your IP number in the address bar. should work fine :D

edit: spelling

06-30-2004, 09:18 PM
WWW File Share is a software that can help you share files with your friends.

What you need to do is to specify the path which contains files you want to share (for example: "d:" or "e:mp3") and the port number to start the share service (you can use default port number and ignore it).
Then press "Start" button, a service will start on your computer and your computer becomes a server, you can stop this service anytime. Then your friends can visit your computer and download files via browser (IE/Netscape/Opera/etc.).
They will not be required to install this software or any other software because an internet browser is enough. This version is freeware, no backdoor, no spyware, no banners, and no pop-up.

From here watch the porn pop-up.
It does say "freeware" but there is a crack download I'd watch that bugger.


07-01-2004, 05:09 AM
That's It! That's It!!!!! Exactly what I was looking for. Easy on, Easy off. Easy enough for the noobs in my office to operate so I can go on Vaaaaccaaaatttiiiiooonnn! Woot Woot!!! Hoodeehoooooo!

Err, um, Thanks.
