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View Full Version : Good Programs For Learning New Languages

06-30-2004, 12:42 PM
can someone plz give me some names of good programs to learn languages.im intrested in learning japanese and french so if there are any just for these languages that would be brill...thanx in advance

06-30-2004, 01:03 PM
start out with Pimsleur audio language sets. Pimsleur has Japanese I,II and III and French I,II and III. The sets contain 30 or more MP3s that clock in at 30 minutes of material each. You should do 1 Mp3 a day, so that would be 90 days per language.

After you have mastered Pimsleur, you will be able to hold basic conversations and you will be able to understand the language a lot better.

then go with Transparent Language Learn French and Transparent Language Learn Japanese. Their basics suck a little, but if you started with Pimsleur, you will fly through.

After you have mastered Transparent Language, you will be able to hold advanced conversations and you will be able to read newspapers and magazines.

then sign up with about.com/french (Lucy Lawless) and if they have one for Japanese, go for that also.

Then when you have finished all of that, you will be The One Neo.

06-30-2004, 01:09 PM
Many thanks morpheus

06-30-2004, 01:19 PM
Expect to shock the crap out of all of your friends in about 60 days. Expect to shock the woman who is secretly calling you a Jerk in Japanese at the Go-Sushi place in about 6 months.

Same for French. But I don't recommend doing them at the same time.