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View Full Version : Download From Ed2k Links

06-30-2004, 08:31 PM
Someone E-Mailed me this link to download.


I can't "Click-On" it. So I tried to paste in search bar in overnet and that did not work. I even tried pasting in my regular browser.

I have used ed2k links before, but they where always able to be clicked on and have overnet open itself and auto start to download.

Is there a way to get overnet to recognize this link, a way to paste it in somewhere??

Yours, Nicole

07-01-2004, 05:38 PM
on ur overnet's "transfers" window, right-click anywhere in the ur downloads section then select "eD2k link from clipboard". (u must of coz copy the ed2k link first before doing that)


07-01-2004, 08:15 PM
Just to clarify, you can actually right click the link first and select copy shortcut, then follow advice above by right clicking on transfers section and select ED2K link from clipboard.

07-02-2004, 03:10 AM
Knew you'd figure it out, haks999.

All set now?