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07-04-2004, 03:35 PM
I got a mate who talks waaaaay too much, keeps coming out with tall stories, for a 21 y/o he has done absolutely everything.
We were talking about motorbike crashes and he told me this storie of his 2 mates who raced eachother home, one had his g/f on the bike, said that on the way home he had a crash, slid under a lorry, when his head hit the bar cos he did'nt get low enough it ripped his head off, and the worst part was the g/f watched this happen, she actually saw it......................before the wheels of the truck went over her and killed her too :blink:

Ok so this story maybe true to some extent, but why tell me she saw her b/f's head come off before she died, I dispute this for 2 reasons

1: How the feck does he know what she saw?

2: When the guy got hit his head would have bashed into her helmet so she would not have seen shit <_<

Why exagerate a story like that? <_<

Jonno B)

07-04-2004, 03:46 PM
i think you&#39;re exaggerating <_< , why would you have a friend who would tell a story like that? Why don&#39;t you just tell him bullshitting isn&#39;t clever?

07-04-2004, 03:54 PM
Nope, I&#39;m not exagerating, those were his words, he really stressed the fact she saw it, and he&#39;s not a friend, he&#39;s a mate, big difference :)

He&#39;s always doing it, and ocasionally he messes up ( A liar needs a good memory), he was telling me about his uncle who gets free cable tv cos he made this chip he put in the back of tv, the tv has to be really old, pre 1975. He sat there and said it&#39;s great flicking thru the channels (motioning he had a remote control) and then says, oh but the tv does&#39;nt have a remote so you have to get up to change the channel :frusty:

I mean come on, if you&#39;re gonna tell a story like that first make sure you don&#39;t mess up, 2nd make sure you&#39;re not telling it to someone with a degree in electrical engineering :frusty: :rolleyes:

Jonno B)

07-04-2004, 04:49 PM
oo i got one of those &#39;friends&#39;

he bullshits about absolutely everything


he must have a really boring life and has to lie to make it seem interesting :(

07-04-2004, 07:26 PM
mayb as he sllid along the road behind him she saw it

07-04-2004, 07:31 PM
I hate people like that too.

One time i found a watch, and my friend at the time (he has moved since then) took it from me and said his dad uses them to build computers. <_<

I beleived him at teh time, but now i know it is impossible lol. What an idiot. <_< <_<

07-04-2004, 07:35 PM
i know someone who always talks about people he beats up, when really we all know that at the slightest whiff of confrontation he&#39;d run a mile <_<

07-04-2004, 07:48 PM
Horrible enough, something similar happened to my Mums pals brother about 10 year ago.
A lorry jack knifed, he couldnt avoid it, skidded under and his head was sliced off.
How awful, what a nasty way to die. :(

07-05-2004, 12:26 AM
Degree in electrical engineering

I get it :lol: you&#39;re the bullshitter&#33;

Whats that got to do with televisions?

07-05-2004, 05:37 AM
this entire thread is a lie&#33; :D

07-05-2004, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by benxuk@5 July 2004 - 00:34

Degree in electrical engineering

I get it :lol: you&#39;re the bullshitter&#33;

Whats that got to do with televisions?
I never said I had a degree, I was&#39;nt the only one in the room, and Eletrical Engineering is all about eletric things :frusty: :rolleyes:
Thats why they call it Electrical :rolleyes:

@lilmiss........ :(

Jonno B)

07-05-2004, 09:45 AM
I had a mate who always used to go on and on about what to do with motorbikes, fixing em, making em go faster....blah blah....trouble was, his was a wreck and he would go on about it to people who were mechanics as if they were the ignorant ones....didnt make him the most popular guy at biker parties&#33; lol

07-05-2004, 09:59 AM
See, it&#39;s a dippy thing to do, run on and on about stuff you don&#39;t really know much about to people who do know, it makes you look a complete twat :rolleyes:

Jonno B)

07-05-2004, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by JONNO_CELEBS@5 July 2004 - 10:07
See, it&#39;s a dippy thing to do, run on and on about stuff you don&#39;t really know much about to people who do know, it makes you look a complete twat :rolleyes:

Jonno B)
Twat......funny, but that was what most people called him, often to his face&#33; Didn&#39;t make any difference tho. I was amazed that nobody ever hit him out of frustration&#33;

07-05-2004, 10:09 AM
Oh I see, he&#39;s one of those people you tell to piss off and he blanks the coment, so you chuck water on him and he does&#39;nt even break his sentence so a few of you carry him to a lake and throw him in watching him talk as he struggles to stay afloat?

Twat :frusty:

Jonno B)

07-05-2004, 10:48 AM
yep, thats about the size of it.... :lol:

Having said all that, he died last year (he was diabetic and had heart failure at 38) and the funeral was really well attended by everyone he had bullshitted to. His redeeming feature was that he would always help out a mate any time. I guess he was a decent sort of twat. :)

His hearse (spelling?) was a motorbike and sidecar....now that was cool.