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View Full Version : Growing Guarana

07-08-2004, 10:29 AM
Hey im looking to get some Guarana seeds and growing some Guarana plants.
Anyone know where I could get this info i tried googling it but all i came up with was a bunch of medical info about the plants.

Did you know in the lushness of the Brazilian Amazon where it originates, it often grows to 12 m high. The fruit is small, round, bright-red in color, and grows in clusters. As it ripens, the fruit splits and a black seed emerges—giving it the appearance of an “eye” about which Indians tell legends.

not really medical but i didnt wanna bore others with medical facts about the plants.

07-08-2004, 10:33 AM
if you create the right conditions in a greenhouse, then why not. :D

if you find this taxing, just eat a cadbury boost http://www.brackenbankstores.co.uk/acatalog/boostGpg.jpg

07-08-2004, 10:55 AM
ok i knida figured that you could grow it in a green house or anywhere else you wanted. Im mostly looking for instructions on how much water( lots little every day once a week once a month) how much (light morning or evening light or midday or none) and where i could get the seeds.