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View Full Version : Aria Are Assholes

07-12-2004, 11:39 AM
ARIA have finally had a major design update to their site for the first time in 3 years, and with it they had to weight into the whole file-sharing debate (ARIA is to Australia what the RIAA is to America)...And what i found highly amusing is this was one of their right and wrong points

Downloading is just like home taping.


File sharing via the internet cannot be likened to copying tapes deck to deck at home. That's like comparing someone physically copying a book to a printing house churning out hundreds of copies a minute of the same book - and then making it available to absolutely everyone around the world for free.

The damage this sort of copying causes to music is enormous. But it also presents other dangers to the unwitting consumer. If you use a peer-to-peer service, you open your computer and all the information you've stored in it up to hundreds of strangers - simply at the touch of a button. When you use a file-sharing service you may unwittingly be acting as a 'mass distributor'; as whenever you're online every other user around the world has the ability to access your hard drive. And this could lead to problems with your personal computer, including the transmission of viruses.

Downloading is like home taping, they are supposedly both breaking copyright laws...So ARIA have basically owned their own asses...they are a bunch of assholes...to read more of their bullshit visit here (http://www.aria.com.au/pages/current-issues.htm)

Cely :music1:

07-12-2004, 11:41 AM
Oh also the new changes to the copyright laws in Australia.

Enforcement Amendments To the Copyright Act in 2003

Recent amendments to the Copyright Act have had a positive effect on anti-piracy activities. The amendments fall under the following broad categories:

* Improvements to provisions relating to proof of subsistence and ownership of copyright;
* Extension of the jurisdiction of the Federal Magistrates Court;
* Increases in criminal penalties to $71,500 per offence for individuals and $357,500 per offence for corporations;
* Additional damages criteria; and
* The offence of advertising for the supply in Australia of infringing copies of computer programs has been extended and will now apply to all copyright material, including sound recordings.

By extending civil jurisdiction for copyright matters to the Federal Magistrates' Court, the amendments provide copyright owners with a quicker and more convenient forum in which to conduct smaller and more straightforward copyright infringement actions.

The creation of this jurisdiction has already enabled our members to conduct quite a number of copyright actions more cost effectively.

There has been an extension of the criteria under the Act that authorises the court in civil proceedings to award additional damages to those damages proven in any proceedings for copyright infringement. Specifically the court must now take into account:

* The need to deter similar infringements of copyright; and
* The conduct of the defendant after the act constituting the infringement.

The first of these is particularly useful as it allows copyright owners to file evidence in relation to the impact of piracy on the industry more generally and the need for the courts to award damages having regard to that impact.

As a package, these recent amendments to the Copyright Act are enormously beneficial to the ongoing fight against piracy. The most significant benefit relates to the proof of subsistence and ownership of copyright in both criminal and civil proceedings.

The recent amendments also allow these facts to be established on a prima facie basis using the relevant copyright labels, marks, certificates and or "P" lines. In the absence of any evidence (or any persuasive evidence to the contrary), the labels, marks, certificates and or "P" lines will be sufficient evidence to prove the relevant facts.

These measures streamline evidentiary requirements resulting in substantial savings in terms of both time and money. They will, in effect, allow the industry to apply anti-piracy funds far more cost effectively.

07-12-2004, 11:45 AM
I just added it up and my friend :lol: will owe $3 575 000 000...

i guess he will be up shit creek without a paddle :lol: