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07-14-2004, 11:12 PM
Well its been on the net for the past 5 hrs at least now but doom 3 has a release date at last id software have made it gold so its official people its coming our way next month

people living in america will get it on the 5th and any one else e.g europe would get it on the 6th i just cant wait for the game its gonna rule big time

but the specs for the game are still floating around but alot of websites have confirmed that the specs are at least 2ghz, 512mb of ram if you want a smooth game and to have the game running good

07-14-2004, 11:21 PM
    Yeah, I was lucky enough to receive my copy today, so I'll share it with you guys.

    1. 6800 is a tad faster than X800 cards. Both run it in full glory

    2. The game has four render paths: NV10, NV20, R200, and ARB2. All paths look awesome, even down to a g4mx, but the ARB2 path is the full package, and is used for the R300+ and Geforce FX+ cards. It does all it's fancy **** in one pass.

    3. PCI Express enhances NOTHING.

    4. The difference between a 128mb and 256mb card is that the former uses compressed textures whereas the latter only compresses diffuse and specualr maps. In another words, no big deal. However, a 500mb card is needed to run the game in Ultra Quality mode.

    5. 512MB is the ideal system total memory. 384 is required, 1GB is nice, but the difference is negligible.

    6. Nothing special is included for a 64-bit OS.

    7. A 1.5 Ghz processor is the least recommended, but a 2Ghz and above will help since...

    8...The sound engine is entirely CPU dependant. Therefore a crappy soundcard works flawlessly. Not to worry, the enfine only uses a small percentage of cycles, much less than if the engine relied on a soundcard.

    9. The only reccommendation regarding faster framerates is to disable to advanced special effects option. In other words, upgrade if you have problems.

    10. They tie it up by providing three levels of Doom lovin' PC's

    1.5GhzP4 or equivalent
    512MB Ram
    Geforce4 Ti 4800 or Radeon 9500

    2.4GhzP4 or equivalent
    1GB RAM
    Geforce5950 or Radeon 9800 Pro/XT

    High_End: Aka Hardware that doesn't exist, but best guess anyway
    3.4GhzP4 or AMD equivalent
    2GB RAM
    GeForce 6800 Ultra or Radeon X800 XT PE.

    In conclusion, the game will run well on a variety of hardware, and Rob Duffy, the lead programmer, says that the game looks real good no matter what, and that it will continue to look better as hardware improves. Like all previous id engines, we'll be playing games based on D3 for another five years down the road.

    Enjoy everybody!

source (http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=31959)

07-14-2004, 11:39 PM
Omfg...you need such high specs, hardly anyone's going to be able to play it. A lot of people are just gonna have to go out and buy a whole new gaming comp just to be able to think to play it. Never in my life will I get to play it... :(

07-14-2004, 11:57 PM
omg omg omg omg, CANNOT WAIT, i'm buying it the day it comes out already called futureshop they said it might not be in on the 5th here in surrey bc (king george hwy one) :angry:

Dark Ride
07-15-2004, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by cpt_azad@15 July 2004 - 00:05
omg omg omg omg, CANNOT WAIT, i'm buying it the day it comes out already called futureshop they said it might not be in on the 5th here in surrey bc (king george hwy one) :angry:
Your specs ? :huh:

07-15-2004, 12:24 AM
u guyz rekon it'l run good with my specs? say 1024 x768?


07-15-2004, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by Dark Ride+14 July 2004 - 16:08--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Dark Ride &#064; 14 July 2004 - 16:08)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-cpt_azad@15 July 2004 - 00:05
omg omg omg omg, CANNOT WAIT, i&#39;m buying it the day it comes out already called futureshop they said it might not be in on the 5th here in surrey bc (king george hwy one) :angry:
Your specs ? :huh: [/b][/quote]
not good at all, it can run the game at low-medium settings (low actually, hopefully) :(

tidbits about doom3:

source: http://www.planetdoom.com/#PQN468794

Now that DOOM 3 has reached gold status, CNN money had a quick talk with id software CEO Todd Hollenshead about the game and what we can expect. A few juicy tidbits of info were brought up in this article including the confirmation (again) that there is no DVD version and that the Xbox version may not make it out this year after all. Here&#39;s a snip:
"I know some gamers are hoping to use the DVD players on their machines for something other than watching movies, but there are downsides," he said. "For us the cost of the goods and the cost of the replication and having to make two masters just isn&#39;t worth it."

CNN money link (interview wit todd hollenshead): http://money.cnn.com/2004/07/14/commentary...dex.htm?cnn=yes (http://money.cnn.com/2004/07/14/commentary/game_over/column_gaming/index.htm?cnn=yes)

looks like no dvd :blink:
damnit i was waiting 4 the xbox version too :o <_< :(

07-15-2004, 12:30 AM
The game will ship on either three or four CDs. Despite the hopes of hard-core gamers, though, there will not be a DVD version of the game, id Software CEO Todd Hollenshead told CNN/Money.

"There&#39;s just not a compelling reason," he said, taking a break from a company celebration.

"I know some gamers are hoping to use the DVD players on their machines for something other than watching movies, but there are downsides," he said. "For us the cost of the goods and the cost of the replication and having to make two masters just isn&#39;t worth it."

Of course, id Software is not a dumb company. An Xbox version of "Doom 3" is well underway and was heavily shown at this year&#39;s E3 trade show. When that will hit the streets, though, is still up in the air.

"We can&#39;t say, at this point, that it&#39;s going to come out this year," said Hollenshead. "There are a couple of big pieces of work that still have to be done."

info from that cnnmoney thingy site :01: goddamnit i honestly cannot wait i&#39;m shaking wit joy as we speak :blink: :D B)

god help us all, this game is gonna rock and scare the crap out of me and others literally :ph34r: (i just had to say that)

edit: http://pc.ign.com/articles/529/529830p1.html everything u ever needed to know about doom3 plus everything that is known to date about it so far, i think it was made (article) or edited july 12th, 3 pages, very good read makes me hyper :)

07-15-2004, 12:42 AM
i know this is spam so sue me <_<

Even if you&#39;re completely out of ammo, there are still a few combat options open to you. For one thing, you can punch guys. Though I wouldn&#39;t recommend throwing a right cross at some of the larger demons and devils in the game, it may be your only option from time to time. You can also use your flashlight to swing at enemies. It also, I believe, can be used as a flashlight. :lol:

You&#39;ll encounter scientists as well. In one case, you&#39;ll need to escort a flashlight-toting scientist through a particularly dark area. You&#39;ll want to keep him alive because he has a flashlight and can light your way for you. He&#39;s also apparently keeping the futuristic technology of taping a flashlight to the barrel of your shotgun an absolute secret. :lol:&nbsp; :lol:&nbsp; :o&nbsp;

this one gets me all fired up even tho most ppl already know it by now:

If you find that it&#39;s a bit harder to hit these enemies than it is to hit similar enemies in other shooters, that&#39;s because Doom 3 uses a per-poly hit detection model rather than relying on large bounding boxes around the models. In short, some games place a large, invisible box around character models; anything that hits the box is assumed to hit the model as well. This makes it possible to shoot between a character&#39;s legs or between his arm and torso and still score a hit. That&#39;s not the case in Doom 3; if you want to hit something, you have to actually hit its body. P.S. my accuracy is below average looks like im in for one hell of a fight :(

07-15-2004, 09:21 AM
any ideas on a HL2 release date?

07-15-2004, 11:37 AM
There goes my money down the drain

07-15-2004, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by Keikan@15 July 2004 - 03:45
There goes my money down the drain
? :blink:

07-15-2004, 11:13 PM
Shite, I don&#39;t match even the mid range specs&#33;&#33;&#33; Looks like i&#39;ll have to upgrade pretty soon.....that&#39;s good though, I&#39;ll be prepared by the time HL2 comes out. I think i&#39;m going to skip Doom 3.

07-16-2004, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by blitz81388@16 July 2004 - 11:21
Shite, I don&#39;t match even the mid range specs&#33;&#33;&#33; Looks like i&#39;ll have to upgrade pretty soon.....that&#39;s good though, I&#39;ll be prepared by the time HL2 comes out. I think i&#39;m going to skip Doom 3.
:o You CANT skip DOOM 3 &#33;&#33; :huh: