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07-24-2004, 08:17 PM
Lately I've noticed some weird supernodes. There seems to be 2 groups of supernodes.
One has around 73 000 users/73 000 000 files/750 000 GB . That's not even worth connecting to. I never get search results from those.
If I jump supernodes a few times I'm able to connect to a supernode of the other group, which has around 2 500 000 users/1 500 000 files/18 000 000 GB , but I usually won't stay connected to it for very long.
If I leave my Kazaa Lite running during the day it always ends up on a supernode with hardly any users. WTF is up with that !? Are different parts of the world cut off from others? Is the RIAA cracking down on fasttrack?

07-24-2004, 09:08 PM
Ok my bad for not searching. I've noticed everyone is quite touchy on this and screams SEARCH! So I did. All I found was other people like me asking the same question and getting flamed. Would you mind pointing me to the proper post(s) on this topic?

07-25-2004, 08:39 AM
No one seems to know the answer to this but, as I have pointed out in other posts, the problem is as old as P2P sharing. Both Imesh and pre-Sharman Kazaa produced this sort of result from time to time.

Jumping Supernodes seems to work.

07-25-2004, 03:02 PM
try using the supernode at the stickied stopics

07-25-2004, 05:27 PM
oldjagman, you need to follow your own advice from your signature. learn to read! I said, quote:

If I jump supernodes a few times I'm able to connect to a supernode of the other group... but I usually won't stay connected to it for very long.

07-25-2004, 05:33 PM
the stickied supernodes dont work for me either

07-25-2004, 05:53 PM
I've also noticed that a lot of the Kazaa Lite packages being released under people's names have the "Do not function as a Supernode" option turned on. That can't be helpful right?

07-26-2004, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by executive@25 July 2004 - 18:28
oldjagman, you need to follow your own advice from your signature. learn to read! I said, quote:

If I jump supernodes a few times I'm able to connect to a supernode of the other group... but I usually won't stay connected to it for very long.
Sorry about that. I was called away at short notice and didn't finish.

The post should have continued by pointing out that, regardless of the number shown as on line, search results seem to be unaffected.

As a corollary of this the annoying habit of searches disconnecting and re-connecting can bring your on-line number back up to the 2.5m expected by re-connecting to a different supernode.

Similarly download user numbers and speeds seem unaffected in the long run.

07-26-2004, 01:19 AM
The search results are affected if you ask me.

For example I've been trying to download the move "Titus" for about the past month. Before this whole network fragmentation thing, I'd get around 5 search hits for the movie (either spanish or french unfortunately but at least something). Now I'll get around 1 or 2 hits on the larger network (2.5 M users) and none on the smaller network ( 90K users)

Also, when connected to the big network, "Find more sources" on any file may take several minutes before returning "More sources needed". On the smaller network it takes mere moments.

I still think you don't understand me when I say I always end up with 900K users. I know what jumping supernodes means ... I could be jumping supernodes all day and Kazaa will still dump me into the small network!

I don't know why you insist on sounding so optimistic. Bottom line is people like me aren't getting their files.
On another note, I think people are overlooking an interesting fact. Some people have said that the FT network is fragmenting into many "pieces", but I find it highly unusual that all the small pieces have roughly the same number of users. I think there are only 2 pieces: a big one and a small one.

07-26-2004, 02:19 AM
I'm seeing the same general picture but I'm optimistic because its always been like that in my experience.

Search results may vary wildly - I've had zero for popular files when the population is (was) huge and 50+ for a song from a 90K population - there doesn't seem to be a pattern.

It's life, Jim! But not as we know it!

07-26-2004, 02:37 AM
In any case, I'm going to leave Kazaa alone for now. I'll check on it in a few months but I'm skeptical. All the other P2P proggies are inadequate too... Time to find something more productive to do!

07-26-2004, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by executive@26 July 2004 - 03:38
In any case, I'm going to leave Kazaa alone for now. I'll check on it in a few months but I'm skeptical. All the other P2P proggies are inadequate too... Time to find something more productive to do!
That is the most sensible proposition I have seen for ages - more power to you Exec!