View Full Version : Kav Script Checker Error

07-30-2004, 05:25 AM
Everytime i try to get on the internet a error pop up and say this

Cannot load library for lanuage 'JScript'
Path:C:\PRgram Files\Symantic Shared\Script Blocking\scrauth.dll'
Please contact Kaspersky Lab. for the solution.

Its does this everytime i get on the internet. Please can somebody help me out and i would post some images but it wont let me do it

07-30-2004, 06:51 AM
ZeroTolerance Posted on 30 July 2004 - 06:26

Cannot load library for lanuage 'JScript'
Path:C:\PRgram Files\Symantic Shared\Script Blocking\scrauth.dll'
Please contact Kaspersky Lab. for the solution.

I had this problem a couple of days ago

every time you try to do anything that message pops up

having admim privileges doesn't help.

you can,t get into user accounts?

even when you boot up in safe mode it doesn't help.

you can,t even do system restore.

when you reboot you get a new boot screen asking how you would like to restart

and last but not least you can,t re install your old nav.

sound familiar y/n

If N i just wasted my time in typing this. I do need the practice tho:D

if Y it can be fixed? I'm still testing it

But it looks promising :)

08-01-2004, 06:03 AM
i dont love problems