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03-22-2003, 07:58 PM
damn ive been busted by somebody. I live in the uk and the shop i got my pc from 6months ago called "time computers" phoned today but i was at the football match. They then asked my mum all questions about how i use the computer and what i used it for. I thought this was pretty suspicious..now ive just turned on my PC and all my downloaded stuff and kazaa has vanished?????!?! how could this have happend? all my legitimate stuff is still installed yet my kazaa,my shared files and all the downloaded files i have on my pc have vanished. Is it really possible for them to delete and uninstall things???

it seems a VERY big coincidence how a guy from the shop phones asking my mum if i download,what i use my pc for etc and then for me to switch on my pc and EVERYTHING i have ever downloaded including non kazaa has vanished??

it is not my hardrive deleting itself because all my legitimate games,software and other things are still on my pc

any ideas?? Thanks

oh and should i reinstall kazaa?? i want to but im not pretty damn scared to :(

03-22-2003, 08:19 PM
Perhaps your mum deleted everything.

03-22-2003, 08:19 PM
All I can say that is really scary.

That really sux for you.


03-22-2003, 08:21 PM
lol my mum dosent even know how to switch on a pc never mind hack my password, and then delete all my stuff

they phone up and ask how ive been using my pc and internet

then all my fielsharing files have gone along with other downloads.. :blink:

03-22-2003, 08:23 PM
It was the :alien:

03-22-2003, 08:26 PM
i don't get it so you think the company you bought the pc from has some kinda backdoor to your pc and they unistalled kazaa and deleted your shared folder.

I cannot see why?
But i would check the logs. i think windows records all the tasks it performs you just have to find the file. i cannot remember the name though.

have a look through system restore and see when the point of kazaa disappearing was set. then look through the logs at that date.

03-22-2003, 08:39 PM
i got my pc from 6months ago called "time computers"
That computer company is probably putting secret spyware in they're computer builds and it lets them see everything u do on it. Piracy Attackers.. If u want to do things right, build your own computer. :huh: That kind of act they did on you sounds illigal.. They had direct access via your internet and network. It's possible for these things to happen...even with a firewall sometimes (cause if the device they put in is hardware...cant block it unless u take it out)

03-22-2003, 09:07 PM
Perhaps your mum deleted everything.

this cracks me up, I'm sorry but its sad. :rolleyes:

Calling your house to see how your computer is doing by the shop isn't a big deal, since i'm sure its what they do to anybody who buys at their shop.

check your computer for virus/trojans, scan everything.

and, ask your mom. :blink:

03-22-2003, 09:11 PM
This is simple just call the company, try and remember the guy u bought it from (it was only 6 months ago think hard) and talk to him. Bitch him out like you've never bitched anyone out before and fuckin make him feel like shit. Threaten to sue and then maybe he'll/she'll confess. That is kind of a solution. But it still dont get ur files back. Just trying to help :)

03-22-2003, 09:21 PM
This is simple just call the company, try and remember the guy u bought it from (it was only 6 months ago think hard) and talk to him. Bitch him out like you've never bitched anyone out before and fuckin make him feel like shit. Threaten to sue and then maybe he'll/she'll confess. That is kind of a solution. But it still dont get ur files back. Just trying to help

Don't do that, this mistake could could be done by its user. think back what you did..

03-22-2003, 09:29 PM
1 Time don't exist anymore, bought out by PC World or dixons, something like that
2 Why would the pc vendor bother, they've got your cash they do NOT care what u do with the PC, it's not there responsibility, u can't sue a gun shop because the murderer bought the gun from there
3 run an undelete programme through your machine, restore the deletes
4 Why would a pc building company expend extra cash to install hardware to protect other companies profits ie copyright
5 And this one is much more likely, run some anti vvirus saoftware, there are loads that specifically target kazaa, my shared folder. and while you're on with that it might be an idea to have a look at your outlook express folders, you will probably get a nasty surprise

03-22-2003, 09:48 PM
yeah seems strange only thing that i can think off is that i almost bought a time pc a few years ago and they tried pretty hard to sell me some kind of warranty where they could fix almost all software problems by accessing the pc via the internet using their own pre installed software could be something to do with that but not sure really.Seems strange they would bother though :blink:
ps weren't the sheep piss poor wednesday night lol :D :D

03-22-2003, 10:38 PM
My theory is that someone from the ISP called your mom, not the computer vendor (if she is so unknowledgeable in comps she might've mixed the 2 up) and the ISP didn't want you using Kazaa so they told your mom that it was illegal and gave her instructions on how to delete everything :blink:

I really can't think of another possibility as this is very strange...

03-22-2003, 10:54 PM
Did anyone used your computer when that happened? :huh:

03-22-2003, 11:10 PM
sounds like k lite was pulled off and all the files and folders went to as for time must companys phone to try to get you to take xtra cover money for them time bought out tiny pc like why wold time spend time money trying to find out what poeple download and time run supanet there own ISP

03-22-2003, 11:18 PM
I've bought two Time computers, one in '98 and one last year. They phone every 6 - 9 months, probably to get you to buy something else. Don't think Time deleted your files

03-22-2003, 11:22 PM
your mother could be a spy? :rolleyes: :unsure:

but really, that phone call isn't strange, some isp call to see if your happy with the services that they given you. if they wanted you to stop filesharing, they would of sent you a letter telling you to stop filesharing or else they cancel your account..... two things, somebody used your computer, or you did something. the thrid, your mom knows more about what you do on the computer then you know. :D :rolleyes:

give that last one a thought...who knows. :P

03-23-2003, 12:53 AM
Kazza aint Illegeal (at least at the mo) so they couldnt have touched it dude, plus u could sue their asses if they tried owt like that, probably just a sneaky coinsidence

03-23-2003, 03:53 AM
Originally posted by Nottingham_Forest_Football_Club@22 March 2003 - 20:58
now ive just turned on my PC and all my downloaded stuff and kazaa has vanished?????!?!
I'm curious, unless I read this wrong you *just* turned on your computer? Then how did 'they' turn it on, a remote device? (or did you mean you just turned the screen on and the computer had in fact been running while you were out?)

03-23-2003, 04:46 AM
I'm curious, unless I read this wrong you *just* turned on your computer? Then how did 'they' turn it on, a remote device? (or did you mean you just turned the screen on and the computer had in fact been running while you were out?)

thats a good question. Probably the ISP called your mom and your mom deleted the stuff under their instruction like whats his name just said. what does your mom say about that?

The Great Dude
03-23-2003, 04:50 AM
I don't understand why the shop that you bought from would phone you about this? :huh: Doesn't make sense at all.

03-23-2003, 04:57 AM
...maybe it WAS extra ET-thingie, somebody out of this world, or this time maybe....
sounds so weird? i do agree, but i think ppl needs a bit more info like:
Exactly Who (or what) was accessing your PC and when, and by god, HOW?
Was your puter ON at the moment, ie. connected to the NET (or the space)?
What EXACTLY your mom does for living (hang out in KLF, spy, tweak puters)?
...otherwise we keep coming up with the stooopid ideas like i did. :lol:

NO pun intented to anyone. I had a one too many.


03-23-2003, 08:23 AM
Have you done a full virus scan?Dont just think that because you scan and it comes up ok thet you havnt got some sort of virus.Try doing an online scan at housecall to see if your computer is infected or not....

03-23-2003, 08:41 AM
Dude I got a PC from Time last year they just ring u up 2 buy stuff so how do they no what is on your PC F**K time that is what I say

03-23-2003, 04:49 PM
...and the ISP didn't want you using Kazaa so they told your mom that it was illegal and gave her instructions on how to delete everything

He said the computer had a password. Do you leave your password on the refridgerator for all to see. Plus if the computer was off, there would have been no way they could have powered it up remote.

Sounds like a bullshit story to me. May I ask how did this Invisible Elliot Ness know which games were pirated and which ones were bought. A serial is a serial. He must have been stalking your every movement for months and decided to strike with furious attacks all for the love of companies he has nothing to do with.

03-23-2003, 06:38 PM
sorry to hear that happened man

03-23-2003, 08:35 PM
First off, why didn't you do a clean install after you got the comp. I always do, it gets rid of all the crap pc makers throw on the pc.

Second, i don't think it was the pc maker. You probably got hacked, or ur mum deleted the files. I know the riaa wants to hack. I'm pretty sure they don't recognize the law because they pretty much own the congressmen in the us. Probably the same way in the uk. Greedy fuckers.

03-24-2003, 03:47 AM
i've seen all the replies on your invasion of privacy. the very first thing i would do is to get the phone number of that incoming call from your phone company on that day, and trace the mongrel from there. it may cost a few dollars for the itemised phone account, but at least you will know the exact person(mongrel) you are dealing with, and from there start retrieving all and sundry.

03-24-2003, 04:13 AM
Still sound like a bullshit story. Just doesn't add up.

03-24-2003, 05:33 AM
No doubt. This is about the strangest thing I have heard pc wise...

Sounds like total bullshit, cuz its virtually impossible, less your mom was in on it too.

Think you need to look into your pc more, and check stuff out, this doesnt add up.

03-24-2003, 09:53 AM
It's either your mom, a mate, yourself, a trojan or a virus. Or my personal favorite, you're yanking our chain. :lol:

03-25-2003, 02:19 AM
Originally posted by zapjb@24 March 2003 - 10:53
It's either your mom, a mate, yourself, a trojan or a virus. Or my personal favorite, you're yanking our chain. :lol:
You are not wrong, sounds like a post written drunkenly, after watching that Notts Forest "play" football.I been to your club a couple of times to watch my team play.Both times I had to face down Forest thugs, post-match, on my way to catch the train.Hope you stay in the First Division. :P

03-26-2003, 05:16 AM
Plus he hasn't replied in a while. Probably enjoying the files he says were deleted.

03-30-2003, 01:28 PM
this is a good story, but i dont think its true. Theres simply no way they can remote access your pc like that. Unless they have installed some kind of device, open the chassis up and check. Still why would your pc dealer install something like that? Then they would do it in every damn pc they ever sold? just think of the things that would happen to them if someone found out. they would be out of business! You mom did it, or you did it yourself

03-30-2003, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by lunatacs@22 March 2003 - 21:07

Perhaps your mum deleted everything.

this cracks me up, I'm sorry but its sad. :rolleyes:

Calling your house to see how your computer is doing by the shop isn't a big deal, since i'm sure its what they do to anybody who buys at their shop.

check your computer for virus/trojans, scan everything.

and, ask your mom. :blink:
perhaps yout mum was jelous. See might of wanted to of downloded some muisc...etc.

03-30-2003, 02:35 PM
LoL! that sounds like SpyWare Time computers are gay you shoulda built your own m8, woulda been cheaper too...Spyware sounds like something Time Computers would do. :ph34r:

03-30-2003, 03:50 PM
It just can't be the shop. It had to be the ISP--or the music cops posing as the shop . . . unless you did it unwitingly to yourself. :blink: