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08-03-2004, 12:49 PM
Well, I figure this is about a good a place to ask as any. ;)

I want to upgrade my PC, in that I need a completely new system. I'm no longer able to keep my very patient spouse on the crappy computer (and it really is pretty bad. It's a 466 Celeron, if I'm remembering correctly), especially now that we're playing games online together (thanks to my sister needing temporary storage for her PC).

Problem: I'm, as I know clocker and Virtual know, in the middle of nowhere. Quite literally. I could order parts, but I have no garauntee if they'd even arrive in one piece. And with few people accepting cheques anymore, especially reputable places online, that makes it difficult. The only *real* computer store is at least a two hour drive, and even there they don't carry much. I could go to Future Shop (an hour and a half drive), but their prebuilts make me cringe and their "customization options" make me flee.

So, I get to my point (which takes a while because I'm killing time at work, waiting for coffee). Are there any places you could suggest that sell parts cheaply (this means no American sites people ;) the duty would kill me), and won't flake out if it doesn't work, or it's broken, or if it never actually arrives? Or maybe even a place that gives a very very wide range of options for customizing, so long as it doesn't charge an arm and a leg?

And just to head this off already...No. I won't buy an Alienware machine. I like my money, thank you.


08-03-2004, 12:52 PM
So Magic, are you interested in building this system or buying a PC as a whole?

08-03-2004, 01:37 PM
Whichever works out cheaper (and hopefully easier). ;) I'm not hung-up over the possibility that I might have to buy it and then customize. I've done it before. Building it really isn't a problem either- we're both fairly handy with computers.


08-03-2004, 02:27 PM
No do not buy anything from TINY they are same people as TIME and in the UK do not sell very well anymore becuase of the amount of problems they have do not buy from TINY.

I would go with building your own.

But seriously not TINY u will regret it.

08-03-2004, 02:27 PM
So how arduous a trek is it to the nearest metropolitan area large enough to offer the selection of stores that might actually carry the parts/PCs you would be interested in?

Is a day trip or weekend jaunt an option?

08-03-2004, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by clocker@3 August 2004 - 15:28
So how arduous a trek is it to the nearest metropolitan area large enough to offer the selection of stores that might actually carry the parts/PCs you would be interested in?

Is a day trip or weekend jaunt an option?
Well, it's at least a 6 hour drive. So, pretty ardous. ;)


08-03-2004, 04:02 PM
But mightn't it be a viable option?

You paint such a bleak picture of other scenarios.

08-03-2004, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Mr JP Fugley@3 August 2004 - 16:04
I can only speak as I find.

The laptop was excellent value for money, I did a great deal of comparison shopping before buying it and it was substantially cheaper than anything comparable.
that's true, Tiny are very good value for money, it's just you don't get as much control over what you get, the last Tiny desktop i bought had absolutely no prospect for upgrade, including the particularly evil trick of gluing the video card in

@MagicNakor - would the daytrip not warrant the possibility of a nice new PC?