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View Full Version : Logitech Z-640 Power Button Problem

08-03-2004, 07:29 PM
I recently bought this product a few weeks ago and I noticed it worked fine. Since the last week or so, the power button has been giving me slight problems, such as having to press it two-three times to get it to stay in and keep the speakers turned on. Now it's at the point were it refuses to even turn on unless I hold it down. How can I resolve this?

I already contacted they're tech support, but thought I'd let you guys know also. Still waiting on their reply.

08-03-2004, 11:00 PM
since the switch is mechanical, i would bet that said switch is failling.
(something that is entirely possible)

it should still be under warranty. (typically its 90 days labor/1 year parts)

3 options at this point:

1. contact the place you bought them from and ask about their return policy. they may exchange them for you. (easiest)

2. contact the mfg. do what they tell you to do. (probably shipping them somewhere)

3. throw them away and by a new set.

finally, you do still have the receipt don't ya? (otherwise,you may have problems doing #1 or 2)


08-04-2004, 12:26 AM
I have the same speakers and have similar problem. Well, I am not at the point where I cant turn the power, but I always press 2 times in a row in order to switch on/off. I thought that was normal....

08-04-2004, 12:43 AM
Hey, I found a solution!!

Push the button in, whilst keeping it pressed..move your thumb upward and off the button. (eventually you will be able to do it quick from habbit)

For some reason, after I did this.. it has been working great. I even tried it over and over and it's the only method that works!

Heh, it might require an extra step to turn on, but it's liveable.


08-04-2004, 11:49 PM
cool. you got to like it when it's something simple...