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08-07-2004, 08:58 AM

Im going on hoilday and i need some help or advice on books to take, i read like crazy and i like books that you cant put down. Has anyone got any ideas on books to 4 me to take if they could like give me a little info on whats it about and stuff. Also someone told me a book about a women who falls and dies from a tree and her dog sees it and the hisbund teaches the dog how to talk...u know whats that called?

I dont really know what kind on books im aiming to take away like one horror one comedy one thriller you know stuff like thta,

gripping addictive books!

thanks 4 all ur help

08-07-2004, 10:17 AM
I think the funniest book i've ever read was a walk in the woods by bill bryson. it's a travel book about the appalachian trail. Don't be discouraged by the genre it's really hilarious and informative too.

for horror i reccomend stephen king not really unique but good. soem of the best imo are pet cemetary, the shining, and cujo. if your looking for something different clive barker has written imajica and weaveworld. (coldheart canyon is really sexually grhapic and you might not like it) You'll porbably read something like dean koontz's intensity or winter moon quickly. intensity is especially hard to put down. the action never slows

hpe that helps :)

08-07-2004, 11:12 AM
Best Stephen King book, imho is It.

Set in the small town of Derry, It is the story of an evil presence and the kids who fought it off.

Years ago, a group of children discovered the existence of, and fought off, an evil creature that was preying on the children of Derry.
The creature often took on the form of a clown, calling itself Pennywise.
It also sometimes appeared as whatever it's victim was most afraid of.

The children thought that they had killed Pennywise, but made a pact to return and finish the job if he ever returned.
The children grew up and all but one left Derry and became a success in the world.

Then the killings started again. Over the course of time, a kind of spell-like trance had taken their memories of what they had done and seen as children.
With little more than the memory of the oath they had made so long ago, they must now return to Derry and stop Pennywise, stop It, once and for all.

Great page turner... and it's a huge book.

08-07-2004, 12:17 PM
I can't stand Stephen King. He produced two, perhaps three, decent books. Now he's simply milking it (not that I really blame him).

What genres do you like? I'd love to give you recommendations, but I don't want to recommend things you probably aren't looking for (comedic sci-fi, for example).

The book you're referring to, however, is called "The Dogs of Babel." Interesting premise, but it's not executed entirely well. Although, for a debut novel, I suppose it's fairly decent.


08-07-2004, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by MagicNakor@7 August 2004 - 08:18
I can't stand Stephen King. He produced two, perhaps three, decent books. Now he's simply milking it (not that I really blame him).

What genres do you like? I'd love to give you recommendations, but I don't want to recommend things you probably aren't looking for (comedic sci-fi, for example).

The book you're referring to, however, is called "The Dogs of Babel." Interesting premise, but it's not executed entirely well. Although, for a debut novel, I suppose it's fairly decent.

if the copyright date isn't 198_ it probably isn't very good

08-07-2004, 06:54 PM
Any of Stephen Donaldson's are must reads imo:

Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
The Gap Series

Being the best.

Brett Easton Ellis is one of my favourite authors as well. American Psycho being one of his better known works but The Informers is my personal favourite of his.

08-07-2004, 07:32 PM
lol this is a very sad question but where do i download autobiographys..im looking for katie prices - being jordon shes tracy and im not spending 16.99 on her! library wait is like 3 months :o

neideas i checked supanova they didnt have it !

Jordan (aka Katie Price)
08-07-2004, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by original_nuttahx@7 August 2004 - 19:33
lol this is a very sad question but where do i download autobiographys..im looking for katie prices - being jordon shes tracy and im not spending 16.99 on her! library wait is like 3 months :o

neideas i checked supanova they didnt have it !
I wouldn't bother mate. ;)

08-07-2004, 09:29 PM
i know but i like trash books sumtimes...anyone know or is it not avaible on the net?


wow thanks guys you know alot im 16 so i dont really read as much as i should .

ok here are the books im gonna take so far:

Stephen King - The Stand
Irvine Welsh - Porno
Mark Nillingham - Sleepyhead
Micheal Moore - Dude, Wheres My County

My taste?? Well its hard it like music and film i like anything really. I dont think im to keen on sci-fi but if there is a classic mabye Aliens id like it. Dont like romance they seem all the same to me but thats probily because i read crap ones.

As you can see the books are very different thats why i like trying out different geners and stuff, i like books that are addicitve and you cant put down.

LOL not really helpful is it . . .

08-08-2004, 01:16 AM
Helpful enough. ;)

I'd recommend Pilgrim by Timothy Findley. It centres around a man who can't die, even though he's tried multiple times. He's diagnosed a schizophrenic, and is put under the care of Carl Jung.

The Truth Teller by Katherine Govier's also a decent read. I probably like the former better, though.

Then there's always the newest hit, The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons, which isn't arguably a hit, but by the same authour and in the same vein as Code.

If you've got a bit of time to kill, pick up Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo. It's an excellent book, and I've even managed to get someone who doesn't read all that often hooked to it.


08-08-2004, 05:27 AM
I recently finished _Sharpe's Rifles: Richard Sharpe and the French Invasion of Galicia, January 1809_ (Napoleonic War historical fiction) by Bernard Cornwell.

And I almost never read fiction.

This is the first historical fiction I've come across and liked -- I was turned onto it by the historical series of the same name (runs on the History Channel, is out on VHS/DVD).

It took me two night sessions to finish it, and from what I hear the series only gets better. (I've been learning to use the library lately instead of buying everything in sight, so it has me wandering into areas I normally don't venture into).

Light reading, but page-turning and fun (the sort of thing I practice speed reading on) -- and its all based on a framework of actual historical events.

Gets my vote where fiction's concerned!


08-08-2004, 09:14 AM
You've helped me alot and i will check out those books ive ehrd alot about darren brown and the book about the guy killing himself looks good.


p.s i will be bk to report what i think of them lol :D