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View Full Version : Four Charged In Xbox Killings

Darth Sushi
08-08-2004, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by CNN.com
Authorities have arrested and charged four people in the killings in Deltona, Florida, of six people who were beaten with aluminum baseball bats while in their beds, Volusia County's sheriff said Sunday. The murder was organized by a man who was angry because he believed his Xbox video game system and some clothes had been stolen, said Sheriff Ben Johnson. All four are charged with first-degree murder and armed burglary.
Full Story: CLICK HERE (http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/South/08/08/bodies.found/index.html)


08-08-2004, 08:06 PM
An X Box costs how much?

This seems, to me at least, like a slight over-reaction.

08-08-2004, 08:37 PM
If I recall correctly, Volusia County was one of the locales wherein black voters claimed to have been "disenfranchised" in the 2000 Presidential election.

I don't recall them being moved to this kind of violence at the time.

To paraphrase Patrick Henry:

Give me X-Box, or I give you death!

Rip The Jacker
08-08-2004, 08:42 PM
Beaten to death over an Xbox and some clothes, what kind of world are we living in... :(

Manny Roscoe
08-08-2004, 11:31 PM
What the fuck were they thinking? Were they high?

08-09-2004, 12:28 AM
What to do wih people like that? <_<

Take a bat and beat the shit out of them,like they beat the shit out of the victims <_<
That will make them think twice before they go out to do a thing like that again.

Things like this should be treated with the "Eye for an eye,...."policy,imo. :smilie4:

08-09-2004, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by Filliz@9 August 2004 - 01:29
What to do wih people like that? <_<

Take a bat and beat the shit out of them,like they beat the shit out of the victims <_<
That will make them think twice before they go out to do a thing like that again.

Things like this should be treated with the "Eye for an eye,...."policy,imo. :smilie4:
The problem with that approach is of course that once in a while you&#39;ll hammer an innocent man to his death...

Why lower yourself to the standards of killers?

08-09-2004, 01:11 AM
remember when buying an expensive pair of sneakers meant that you had to watch your back whenever you venture forth into the ghetto? the great "kids shooting kids for a pair of sneakers" scare... perhaps the greatest problem the U.S. had faced since cyanide-contanimated Tylenol, and Halloween candy with razor blades in it. hmm, well, maybe not the greatest problem, but sensationalism does count for a lot, dunnit?

08-09-2004, 03:23 AM
what the fuck were they thinking?Stealing that guy&#39;s x-box <_<

08-09-2004, 04:01 AM
Originally posted by ziggyjuarez@9 August 2004 - 03:24
what the fuck were they thinking?Stealing that guy&#39;s x-box <_<

08-09-2004, 05:49 AM
Originally posted by ziggyjuarez@9 August 2004 - 03:24
what the fuck were they thinking?Stealing that guy&#39;s x-box <_<
twisted, but expected. ;)

08-09-2004, 07:10 AM
my mom just saw it on the news."What stupid bitch face&#39;s,they killed a man for a gay box".

08-09-2004, 08:15 AM
when your pissed off, your pissed off :crazy:

08-09-2004, 11:09 AM
Give me X-Box or give me death&#33;

They gave him death. :lol:

08-09-2004, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by Arm@9 August 2004 - 06:10
Give me X-Box or give me death&#33;

They gave him death. :lol:
From what I have heard during the weekend, it was much worse than death. There is still one victim unidentified, and several had to be identified by dental and dna records. Hearing the Sheriff of Volusia speak this morning, he is so pissed by what he saw that he wished the death penalty could be carried out quicker than what is the norm. :(Orlando News (http://www.wftv.com/index.html)

08-09-2004, 12:36 PM
:blink: Damn. :o

Maybe when the cops find them then they can kill them in a gunfight. :gunsmile: :tank:

Alex H
08-10-2004, 03:03 AM
Yeah, just plant a wallet on them and say they were reaching for a gun :D

Or use the masturbation excuse: "I was cleaning it and it went off".