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View Full Version : Kazaa

08-14-2004, 03:00 PM
One of my friends told me that if I get kazaa I can get free pc games and music, but I can't find where to put my address, so how can I get all the stuff sent to me?


peat moss
08-14-2004, 03:13 PM
Ok I'm too much of a softy . Toby69 you have to download on to your harddrive. Use a better p2p program tho. Use the search function to find help. And never give out your address To anyone on the net. :)

08-14-2004, 05:29 PM
ok you open kazaa (the program) go to the search tab, and type in the artist of the song u want to hear (for example jay Z)

and then hit search. kazaa will find .mp3s or a type of file that is a song.

then you double click on the song you want (in my example Jay Z Big Pimpin)

then go to the transfer tab were you will see your songs progress of how far it has downloaded onto your computer.

once the song is done downloading, go into My Shared Folder and double click on your song, this should open a program that plays mp3s and now you can lison to your songs with out going and buying it.

welcome to p2p. :)