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View Full Version : Flat Screens?

03-24-2003, 01:09 PM
G'day all

We are thinking of getting a LCD screen and were a bit in doubt about what make and model to get. Sometimes you get what u pay for so price can be a factor but i would like to hear others thoughts on models and makes.

We are looking at either a 15 or 17". There seem to be some that come with a hard glass cover over the screen are they better?
We have small kids and they like to get into everything. I have read that you must not touch a LCD or it will be damaged true or false??

Many thanks in advance.

03-24-2003, 01:39 PM
first which LCD screem?? buy LG their the best, and yes, hard glass cover over the screen are better
it's protect you screem from dust and etc'.
u can touch the screem but it's not recommended.....

hope this is useful :D


03-24-2003, 02:14 PM
Top Tip here is one of "Nead & Requiremnet" first of all what do you need it to do. If its for gaming I would hang of for a few months as certain supliers will be drasticaly reducing prices soon. If its purely as a space saver go for it however please ensure that the screen is not resolution locked as this will can seriously piss you off.

03-24-2003, 04:23 PM
"Resolution locked " i never even thought about that? I do need one to change between resolutions so i will keep an eye on that!!

Why will certain supliers be dropping there prices soon??

03-24-2003, 04:41 PM
Personally i would go with the NEC flat screen monitors as they are very reliable and they are a well known make. They also look the part :D :w00t:

03-24-2003, 05:24 PM
Why have you chosen an LCD screen vs. a CRT? Is it for gaming? Are you 'space restricted'?

If you have the space and you want it for gaming then get a CRT screen instead.

If that's not the case then just be sure the LCD screen will work at the resolutions you need.

03-24-2003, 05:57 PM
For me it's been ViewSonic Flatscreen monitors and use of LCD screens. Can't say that I have had any issues thus far. Try some LCD screen reviews on the net, see what tops out, but as others say guess it would have to be based on the use. Don't get something a CRT monitor can do just as good.

Nice sig, looks original - B)

03-24-2003, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by CornerPocket@24 March 2003 - 12:57
Nice sig, looks original -  B)
Thanks for the compliment, CornerPocket. :D

03-24-2003, 06:42 PM
I would recommend you get the 17" HP Pavillion F70. The best colors in the biz in my opinion.

03-24-2003, 07:16 PM
Its a question of space, we are sharing a space where 3 business and their computers all sit, so the LCD screens seem the best bet to save.

Thanks for all the input.............

03-24-2003, 07:25 PM
hey aeo,
Go with a 17", if at all possible. look for one with a high contrast ratio(>200:1). Don't get one if you're planning on running any "hardcore" video games(Doom, Quake 3, etc.) or for viewing movies. LCD screens just don't have the refresh rate necessary. You will notice severe ghosting/blurring, especially during high-action sequences. (nothing beats a CRT for this reason alone)
For everyday users, buy the cheapest you can find. Brand doesn't matter as far as quality is concerned since monitor manufacturers are all using the same lcd vendors. Use your own best judgement. Afterall, your eyes may be better then the salesmans. shop, shop, shop around, deals on them can be found. Be wary buying from online vendors(read any fine print/warranty info).

I work in the consumer electronics repair industry, just my 2 cents.

P.S. You can touch an lcd screen as much as you want. It takes a good amount of force to break one. ($$$ fix)

good luck.

03-24-2003, 07:49 PM
Cheers harrycary

Even though its a work computer (we work from home) i still need a good screen for games & movies etc, seems a bit of a best of both worlds is needed??

Well time to go shopping.........err not now tomorrow i mean.........

03-24-2003, 07:56 PM
no problem aeo,
Make sure the salesman shows you some high action gaming and/or video 'till your satisfied. Better still, bring your own CD with you.

03-24-2003, 08:28 PM
i want a 20" flat screen that wud b ace how much wud that cost me :lol:

03-26-2003, 05:04 AM
For me it's been ViewSonic Flatscreen monitors and use of LCD screens.

I have a viewsonic and must say it is very impressive. I like the fact that it does an auto adjust. I hate playing with the settings to get rid of the borders. At a touch of a button, it adjusts to fit perfectly. It also mounts on the wall, if you would like to put it there.

The resolution is great at 1152 x864 and if you are using XP, clear type makes the fonts jump off the screen. It comes with cool parrots ontop.

The downside is that it came with one dead pixel...I fought with them, but they said up to seven dead pixels are acceptable. Not for me. But, I came to forget about this one pixel. Also, if I adjust the tilt of the screen, sometimes I lose funtionality of the buttons. See, they are all digital buttons. They are touchy so to speak. Good luck.

03-27-2003, 12:21 AM
you should go and check www.pcworld.com they have reviews for products and stuff