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View Full Version : What Do You Recomend For Web Site Editing?

03-26-2003, 03:58 AM
Okay, this is kinda a newbieish question, but I was wondering what I should use for making a web site. I have used Dreamweaver and Frontpage before, but I'm nowhere near much of an expert. I just mostly want something so I can make a decent site with. Also... if anybody has advice for compressing pictures and stuff so it loads quicker I would be apriciative of that. :)

03-26-2003, 04:05 AM
Dreamweaver is a good one to learn with, especially if you don't want to learn too much html code. I also use CoffeeCup, it's a neat little package. Of course you can always use Notepad.

For more info on learning about html, check out:


There are some great tutorials on there. As for image editing - if you are going to use Dreamweaver, I would suggest Fireworks - the two integrate beautifully. Photoshop is also an amazing graphics editor.

I don't generally have problems with image loading, sorry I couldn't help you out there.

03-26-2003, 04:41 AM
lol Notepad hahahahahaahha

unless u REALLY know ur HTML down pat, i wouldn't try it......

hell, I couldn't even do a site with Notepad......

I mean, I could do most of it in Notepad, but I'd have to edit it in Frontpage or something eventually.....

my personal favorite is Frontpage 2000.....haven't had a chance to get 2002 yet, but I LOOOOVVVVEEE Frontpage, it rocks!!!

Ive made 3 sites with it, and I consider them decent.......lol

03-26-2003, 05:57 AM
Originally posted by metalrebelzz@26 March 2003 - 05:41
lol Notepad hahahahahaahha

unless u REALLY know ur HTML down pat, i wouldn't try it......

hell, I couldn't even do a site with Notepad......

I mean, I could do most of it in Notepad, but I'd have to edit it in Frontpage or something eventually.....

my personal favorite is Frontpage 2000.....haven't had a chance to get 2002 yet, but I LOOOOVVVVEEE Frontpage, it rocks!!!

Ive made 3 sites with it, and I consider them decent.......lol
Seriously, I know just about what every line of html does and I could more than likely get a page up with notepad. But there are just to many lines to memorize all I mean think about it... tables, cells, rows, columns, and then the always hated filters. I am a whiz with html but notepad isnt the way to go. I use Stones WebWriter. Its free and works just as good as Coffeecup. Also it comes with a tutorial and a tooltip option in case you are new at html. Download it here (http://www.stoneware.dk/)
One tip though, when installing it when it asks for a key press cancel. The key is only if you plan to use it for commercial use and not private.

Old People Shouldnt Drive
03-27-2003, 12:48 AM
I like frontpage myself. just dont mess around with anything that would require frontpage extensions (databasing and stuff like that, but like you said, youre a beginner)

03-27-2003, 06:17 AM
Netscape Composer... is a good one.. you can get this by downloading th Netscape browser... or if you already have the netscape browser then you should have composer

03-27-2003, 07:04 AM
Namo webeditor 5.0, eysy and have it all.

03-27-2003, 03:49 PM
I always use notepad, if you know html, this IS the way to go. Editors always put useless code in pages.
For rollovers, imagemaps and slices in general i use Photoshop/Imageready, and cut/paste it into the page.

03-27-2003, 07:50 PM
I would say notepad also but then there's UltraEdit (http://www.UltraEdit.com) its like a SSJ Notepad