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View Full Version : Vmware Caused Problems On My Machine!

03-26-2003, 01:41 PM
:angry: Yes, i even tryed uninstalling it but it still left it's crap on my machine... I used the darn xp restore and it messed up all my hardware to were i couldnt even update the drivers for xp to install them (WTF xp did'nt know how to install it's own damn microsoft brand keyboard???)
Well I then tried making a another partition to install xp on and start over, but keep my original files. BUT then it says some bullshit (The new partion was primary) like Autocheck skipped....then it restart...and went on and on and on... so, i try to install windows me and it refuses also... @#$%* @#$%* and now i'm on my old imac writeing this while I try other ways to get my pc back on.. :angry: btw the hardware is fine...it's the software and drivers that got all confused and messed up... too much virtual stuff makes things conflict. Well..when I get the pc back on... i'm gonna install windows 2000 also as backup so I could just work with xp later and use internet on 2000 without worrys :rolleyes:

03-26-2003, 11:33 PM
PHEW! i dont have to loose any data after all. I found out how to install another xp onto another partion, but when I first tried useing NTFS file system..it did'nt work...i tried Fat32 and it does now.
Once its up, i'll go into the older xp partion and delete the Windows Directory for it.. then i can reinstall windows xp I just installed, but in NTFS (the supreme file system format :rolleyes: )
Then use partion magic to combine the 2 partions (I kept the install .exe)

*Shouts with joy* :lol: