View Full Version : mIRC question

Dj tYMe
10-20-2004, 01:25 AM
i got banned from one server for spamming when i didnt even spam and then couldnt go back on it and then i switched my proxy but still was banned what can i do and how do i find my old proxy back??? anyone i need help plzz

10-20-2004, 05:14 PM
Wait, most of the time its only a temp ban. A few hours maybe a day or a week.

Edit: If you got banned for spanning do a virus scan. There are many IRC viruses/ trojans which will send pms out with the link to the virus

Dj tYMe
10-20-2004, 07:27 PM
i did and washed the trojans out how do i get unbanned tho it said server ban

10-20-2004, 09:45 PM
wait a day or two to see if its a temp ban you can also look at the homepage of the net mostly they have it written somewhere how long a ban will last.

If it does not get lifted automatically look for an email address on the homepage and email them asking to be unbanned.

10-21-2004, 12:05 AM
Or if that dont work, just find a really good proxy server and sneak your way back on. :01: It sometimes works.

10-21-2004, 12:38 AM
I know, being banned for no reason sucks.

I'm banned from #ocs