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10-20-2004, 12:40 PM
i found this (http://www.knowhere.co.uk/) - its a nice site where you tell the world what a crap hole you live in, it's only for the UK though

hearing about my hometown (http://www.knowhere.co.uk/3329.html) has made me feel tingly all over :)

Redhill has one 'club'. This is of course the Embassy Rock Bar. This monstrosity is not 'rock' by any definition of the word and is barely a bar.

Frequented by a wide range of patrons (from imbeciles to cretins) the embassy is filled each weekend by both boring office workers and brainless thugs alike who have no idea what going to a club usually entails as they rarely venture further than croydon.

Fights outside the venue are an integral part of the embassy experience, and if bad sub-dance music is your thing, you're onto a winner with this one! Why not spend the price of a beer or two on a train to a town with decent night life? (and the least said about those who actually travel INTO redhill for this place the better...)
Home, sweet, home :rolleyes:

Jon L. Obscene
10-20-2004, 12:55 PM
Good find man :01:

Some of it acurate, some of it just plain lies :lol:

This made me smile tho

How can the person be serious that wrote the heroes of the town include -'the lifeboat men (of the big boat we used to have, not the dingy)'?

:lol: We used to have a real lifeboat, big ol' self righting proper lifeboat, then they decided since there's one at Cromer (4miles east) and one at Wells (8 miles west) and small Atlantic 21 rubber dingy would do for here :frusty:
It also said they go out in all conditions, again, not true, the A21 can only handle a force 6 :)

But fun reading thru it all, some stuff I did'nt think would be comon knowledge like the Queen having her hats made here and stuff :) Explains a lot does'nt it :lol:

Jonno :cool:

10-20-2004, 01:01 PM
Buskers, Street Entertainers

The friendly Big Issue man with the big beard.
The strange mad bloke who walks around in a green and yellow football strip all day, every day, and approaches strangers to tell them the football scores. If you catch his eye, run.
The old guy who drinks meths and is normally lying on the pavement somewhere near the town centre at about 8 every morning.
The strange old man who looks like Captain Birdseye and argues with strangers in a very loud voice.
The couple in matching anoraks and bottle glasses who have loud drunken arguments in the Warwick Quadrant most afternoons.
The old guy in the Sun with a pint of bitter and a flushed red face who looks just like "Rabies" from that kids tv show "Maid Marian"... remember?
A refugee with a beautiful singing voice who was busking outside Woolworths for about half an hour once before the police led him away.
its a craphole, but at least the residents have a good sense of humour