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10-22-2004, 12:39 AM
:o Opinion (http://www.jewishworldreview.com/kathleen/parker092404.asp)

When it comes to hearth and home, females vote their ovaries. It's the nest, dummy.

:01: :angry: :boxing:

10-22-2004, 12:50 AM
:o Opinion (http://www.jewishworldreview.com/kathleen/parker092404.asp)

When it comes to hearth and home, females vote their ovaries. It's the nest, dummy.

:01: :angry: :boxing:

I think I'm going to vomit...about 10 times. I don't know what world Kathleen Parker is living in, or what year, for that matter.
I was a single mother. No one was going to protect my kids better then i could...watching over the cubs, and beware if you screw with my babies..is pretty much where I was at..that hasn't changed even though they are in their twenties.
ugh. Tell you what..as far as feeling safe..it just isn't a safe world, and no one is immune.

10-22-2004, 01:07 AM
On a deep-brain level, mothers want what they dare not utter aloud in a culture that pretends the sexes are the same. They want a man to protect them and their helpless offspring. And the alpha male will be recognized on a level too primitive to be measured by polls

:swear: :boxing: :shit: Okay. Maybe my responses aren't exactly right for the talk club. Reason will come back to me soon. I am almost certain it will. I am a reasonable woman, ... ..... :smoke: ..... Oh, Ruthe, mere words cannot express. :boxing: I think I had better spend some time on the treadmill if I am to get rest tonight!!!!!! :lol:

10-22-2004, 01:11 AM
Too funny!

10-22-2004, 01:29 AM
Mothers, whose offspring confirm prior experience with some sweet-talkin' dude, know that score by heart.

Where do I start? :rolleyes: I resent this remark. I really resent it. In the first place, it implies that women have to be 'sweet talked' into sex. Damnit....we have hormones of our own!!!!

10-22-2004, 01:43 AM
Mothers, whose offspring confirm prior experience with some sweet-talkin' dude, know that score by heart.

Where do I start? :rolleyes: I resent this remark. I really resent it. In the first place, it implies that women have to be 'sweet talked' into sex. Damnit....we have hormones of our own!!!!

I'll say. ROFL. Keep going..this can get to be fun!!!

10-22-2004, 01:47 AM
I will tell you one thing. I will have to venture back in there to get my back up again. I haven't got that mad that fast in years. It plumb wears you out. :D

10-22-2004, 01:56 AM
wanna disect it paragraph by paragraph? I'll help. (you know I'm good for that). She does women no favors with that attitude.

10-22-2004, 02:00 AM
I have been aware of both Bush and Kerry's attempts to court the women's votes. It is pretty obvious listening to them both speak these days.

And I suppose it makes political sense. It is a good thing neither of them made the remarks Kathleen made in her opinion of that fact. Gets my dander up.

Good night Ruthe. I am plumb wore out. ;)

10-22-2004, 02:06 AM
nitey nite. Take it easy..

10-22-2004, 02:09 AM
wanna disect it paragraph by paragraph? I'll help. (you know I'm good for that). She does women no favors with that attitude.

I would love to do that. There is plenty more where that came from. Poor Biggles didn't know what he would unleash when he mentioned her posts all came from a certain camp.

Can you imagine telling your daughter "Oh hon, I succumbed to all his sweet talk, I just really totally lost my brain he was just such a charmer, and you my dear are my blessed reminder/confirmation of the fact that ..............'

Oh what the hell. It is late I am too tired. Tomorrow is Friday. YES!!! :clap:

10-22-2004, 03:02 AM
You know, that article would have made me laugh, except that it wasnt written in humor... the lady was serious. It's sick. What makes it even worse is that there are some people out there that think like she does. SO much for women's lib, huh? :P

"Women vote their ovaries".... wtf? Does she mean that they don't use their brains? They dont have opinions? In that case, maybe women across the country should just ask their husbands (cuz if she's a good woman she'll be married of course) who to vote for... after all, its a serious subject, and we dont want women mucking it up, right?

As for the part about "Mothers, whose offspring confirm prior experience with some sweet-talkin' dude, know that score by heart.".... good god. I dont even know where to start on this one. I agree with you EVerose, but it seems like we're wrong, if ur to believe this article anyway. Ah, maybe now i know why I dont have any kids yet.... I havent been properly sweet talked? :blink:

So ultimately this article doesnt deal with the presidential election... it is more of a tool to set back women by about 100 years. :lol: I will say this though, I suddenly have this uncontrollable urge to take of my shoes, get knocked up, and make sure theres cold beer in the fridge and a big pot roast set out on the table..... oh and i need some socks to darn too.....

meh, i see all the outrage you were feeling. Instead of anger tho, Im mainly disappointed and disgusted. I usually stand by everyone entitled to their opinions, wether i agree with them or not, but this is one case where I think we'd be better off if she hadnt shared hers.

/end rant

10-22-2004, 03:04 AM
I would love to do that. There is plenty more where that came from. Poor Biggles didn't know what he would unleash when he mentioned her posts all came from a certain camp.

Can you imagine telling your daughter "Oh hon, I succumbed to all his sweet talk, I just really totally lost my brain he was just such a charmer, and you my dear are my blessed reminder/confirmation of the fact that ..............'

Oh what the hell. It is late I am too tired. Tomorrow is Friday. YES!!! :clap:

Here is the dreaded article. LOL. any italicized sentences are my opinion. ROFL

Freud's most famous question - "What do women want?" - might be the title of this political season's playbook, as President George W. Bush and Sen. John F. Kerry strut their best stuff and try to win women's votes.

First off, forget Freud. i do think Kathleen would benefit from therapy though. LOL

What women want, apparently, is to be safe. In post-Sept. 11 America, the group of swing voters formerly known as "soccer moms" has morphed into "security moms" - mostly white, married women with children who worry first about national security.

I bet alot of them worry about enough money to keep food on the table, health insurance, are the kids gettinga good education, etc. I am sure safety is an issue too.

In other words, in a trend that Freud doubtless would find unsurprising, women are looking to their leading man for protection. It is, after all, a jungle out there.

And women are running around, finally able to answer "who's your daddy" :rolleyes: This is also assuming they think the president is a leading man, or any man is their "leading man". I thought leading men were from the movies. We are not damsel's in distress.

Thus far, polls show Bush leading among such women, which is causing headaches for the Kerry campaign. In recent years, women reliably have voted Democratic, as in 2000, when 54 percent went for Al Gore.

But 9/11 really did change everything, including women's idea of an alpha male.

Alpha male? Beta male? Guess they come in all types. I don't know about you, but when I hear the term "alpha male", I tend to think of dogs..

A New York Times/CBS News poll conducted in mid-September found that registered women voters favored Bush over Kerry 48 percent to 43 percent. The split became more dramatic when the question focused specifically on which candidate would better protect the country from another terrorist attack.

Forty-eight percent said they had "a lot" of confidence in Bush, compared with 29 percent for Kerry. Twenty-five percent said they had "some" confidence in Bush, with 35 percent having "some" confidence in Kerry.

Married women were far more likely than single women to vote for Bush (59 percent) than for Kerry (32 percent), according to the same poll.

Naturally, Bush is trying to sustain and build on his popularity among women, while Kerry is trying to figure out how to catch their eye. This may explain his heavy emphasis on hair and apparel.

Please..get a grip Kathleen. Kerry is just into his hair and clothes..who cares? I bet he is really jealous of big badboy GW (who reminds me of Yosemite Sam, downon the ranch) They are both after the votes period.

Bush, whose macho image needs no buffing, has toned down the cowboy rhetoric and begun presenting his daddy/hubby side to female audiences. He gets emotional talking about mothers being executed by the Taliban and misty-eyed about Afghan women registering to vote. Kerry, meanwhile, has enlisted the help of 9/11 widows and disgruntled mothers of soldiers in Iraq to support him in his bid to unseat W, which Bush says stands for Women.

OK..here I go.In my opinion, I don't know about a "macho" image. I think it's unattractive. what the hell is this daddy/hubby side BS? Are we talking electra complex. Back to "who's yer daddy, um, er, husband, ol man, um whatever". I don't know about Bush getting emotional or not, but I think he has balls..he uses these people and examples. I'm not saying it's not great for women voting, but lets get real...there is still horrendous persecution of Afghani women. 911 widows support both candidates, so nothing there. Disgruntled mothers? what an insult, Kathleen. to refer to the mothers who have children and spouses, who if not already dead or maimed, are in danger of being so? The term disgruntled is highly offensive. It minimizes what these women are feeling. They are not simply disgruntled. They are in absolute terror...hoping they don't get a telegram.

You half expect to see the boys strap on a Speedo and set to competitive pyramid building.

Bush and Kerry are right to court the ladies, but adapting the message to the moment isn't likely to make the difference that counts. Women by now know what Bush and Kerry are made of and most likely will vote their instinct rather than respond to a slogan or a promise.

"It's just a feeling, a comfort level," Dina Murphy, a New Hampshire mother who voted Democratic the past three presidential elections, told the on-line newspaper telegraph.co.uk. "I trust Bush more to lead our country."

When it comes to hearth and home, females vote their ovaries. It's the nest, dummy.

We vote our ovaries? What planet are you from? I vote for my right ovary. It is not just about our kids, will there be a draft, etc. If it's about the nest, Kathleen, you might look at the world as a "nest". It goes beyond one's own solitary orbit.

On a deep-brain level, mothers want what they dare not utter aloud in a culture that pretends the sexes are the same. They want a man to protect them and their helpless offspring. And the alpha male will be recognized on a level too primitive to be measured by polls.

If that is what a woman wants, why would she not dare to utter it? some women do want that, and that's fine by me. To present an imagery of women as fearful, helpless, quivering, incapable self protectors is ridiculous.
alpha male...back to that. Lemme tell you something. Watch out for the alpha.

Oh, by the way, those tremors you feel? Don't be alarmed. It's just the hate-Daddy Metro crowd stamping their feet in protest. This is not an unexpected response when long-buried truths bubble to the surface. It will pass.

The hate-daddy metro crowd? WTF?

Sometimes they just need a nap. Meanwhile, as campaign strategists try to paint a portrait of their candidate as the more intellectual, or the smarter strategist, or the morally superior man, or the more nuanced or the tougher hombre, they're missing the point. The real issue in the post-9/11 dating game is simple: Which is the truer man?

I am coughing and sputtering..they are politicians...HELLO

Who is the most constant, most dependable, most responsible?

Obviously, if you believe Bush lied to drag the United States into war so that Halliburton and pals could get rich, such questions are irrelevant. But if you're a swing-votin' security mom, they matter.

Kerry's luck with the girls could shift, but he'll have to surmount an obstacle course of his own creation, including an impression of indecision and a record of saying what he thinks people want to hear.

His luck with the girls? What is this..find a prom date? Of course, this is all Kathleen's subjective opinion..which all opinions are. LOL

Mothers, whose offspring confirm prior experience with some sweet-talkin' dude, know that score by heart.

OK..so woman are idiots, and have to be sweet talked into bed? Give me a break. Most women don't have a problem getting laid if they want to. Kathleen..are you saying all of our children are the products of some guys bullshit line to sleep with us? You insult men with that comment, as well as women. Cause of course, none of us WANTED to have kids..they must be some accident, caused by a sweet-talker. LOL

For their votes, they want a stand-up guy who will keep the hyenas at bay, not a windsurfing crooner stuck on his own purple heart.

So, Kathleen..Bush is a stand-up guy and Kerry is a crooner? (crooner reminds me of Alfalfa from the Little Rascals) I am curious, Kathleen, of what your definition is of a stand-up guy...one who doesn't sweet talk his way into a war? A crooner stuck on his purple hearts? Do you mean "stuck-on", like "Band-aids" stick on you, like the disrespect paid all veterans at the RNC when delegates paraded around the convention with band-aids with a little purple heart on them, plastered on their faces.

10-22-2004, 03:07 AM
Mathea..I like how you think. When you get knocked up, I"ll paint you a baby outfit.

10-22-2004, 03:14 AM
Mathea..I like how you think. When you get knocked up, I"ll paint you a baby outfit.
Well i think first i gotta find me a big strong alpha male who has raw sugar cane for words.... well that, and maybe stop taking birth control i suppose :lol:

im at a loss.... all this time I thought that what the candidates said and stood for and all of that should mean something. That I should vote bc of what i believe to be right (and to get Bush outta office:P) Apparently I just have to close my eyes and wait till i ovulate so I know who to pick. Will I ever learn?!?!?!??!

10-22-2004, 03:16 AM
Well i think first i gotta find me a big strong alpha male who has raw sugar cane for words.... well that, and maybe stop taking birth control i suppose :lol:

im at a loss.... all this time I thought that what the candidates said and stood for and all of that should mean something. That I should vote bc of what i believe to be right (and to get Bush outta office:P) Apparently I just have to close my eyes and wait till i ovulate so I know who to pick. Will I ever learn?!?!?!??!
You are too funny. The power of the ovaries! :01:

10-22-2004, 03:18 AM
Maybe the men of Stepford had it right all along....

Im waiting for all in the family to come on so I can see how to be a proper wife
that whole "children should be seen and not heard"... does that apply to good women as well?

10-22-2004, 03:19 AM
"Good women" already know not to be seen or heard. I must be bad, so bad.

10-22-2004, 03:22 AM
"Good women" already know not to be seen or heard. I must be bad, so bad.
Seems like I have alot to learn. Im quick though... Ive already thrown out every pair of pants I own.... according to old tv shows (which depict life before dysfunctional families) women always wore skirts. Ive gathered that once they put on pants they seemed to start thinking and having opinions. I now know this is where women went wrong. Any more suggestions? (Sorry, I know Im going off topic, Ive been in the lounge for too long :P)

10-22-2004, 03:34 AM
The only thing "alpha male" about Bush is the fact that he's President.

That woman is an idiot btw. Pure political crap.

:unsure: Don't hit me. I'm a guy. :unsure:

10-22-2004, 03:34 AM
Seems like I have alot to learn. Im quick though... Ive already thrown out every pair of pants I own.... according to old tv shows (which depict life before dysfunctional families) women always wore skirts. Ive gathered that once they put on pants they seemed to start thinking and having opinions. I now know this is where women went wrong. Any more suggestions? (Sorry, I know Im going off topic, I've been in the lounge for too long :P)

Maybe it was the skirt wearing generation that got sweet-talked. Those skirts had easy access. Those pants were such a blessing. MATHEA...immediately get yourself some pants, or you will be fooled by those macho, sweet-talkin, cattle-rustlin he- men Save yourself.

10-22-2004, 03:36 AM
@busyman: maybe then you can help me create a list of all i gotta do to be a good lady?
@ruthie: I thought that was the point? Ive been going about life all wrong!

10-22-2004, 03:39 AM
I learn some of my best stuff in the lounge, Mathea!!!! ;) :D

10-22-2004, 03:42 AM
I learn some of my best stuff in the lounge, Mathea!!!! ;) :D
you poor woman :lol: no one warned you bout the lounge i see.... be careful. be v careful. tis a lovely place, but YOU CAN NEVER LEAVE! (unless you have a good man to tell you when you missed a spot. erm, tho if u were a good woman you wouldnt miss a spot when cleaning i would imagine)

10-22-2004, 03:55 AM
:unsure: Don't hit me. I'm a guy. :unsure:

:lol: I think I will steer clear of this thread...

10-22-2004, 04:01 AM
:lol: I think I will steer clear of this thread...
I'm starting to tear. A bottle just hit my head. :cry1: :helpsmili

10-22-2004, 04:47 AM
sorry i got shit aim

EDIT: just ot clarify... was aiming for the garbage, not ur head

10-22-2004, 11:23 AM
I suddenly have this uncontrollable urge to take of my shoes, get knocked up, and make sure theres cold beer in the fridge and a big pot roast set out on the table..... oh and i need some socks to darn too.....

If you liked that article, you'll love Ann Coulter.....

"I'm so pleased with my gender. We're not that bright."

10-22-2004, 01:19 PM
The only thing "alpha male" about Bush is the fact that he's President.

That woman is an idiot btw. Pure political crap.

The woman is not an idiot, Busyman, believe me, she knows exactly what she is doing. This is why 'pure political crap' is used. To incite. It is being used to sway women who she thinks just do not get it, to her candidate, which is Bush. The problem arises when people who already know what is going on read biased opinions such as these. Their intelligence is offended.

:unsure: Don't hit me. I'm a guy. :unsure:

If I hit you, Busyman, you probably wouldn't even know you have been hit. :D Tis part of your charm. :)

10-22-2004, 01:34 PM
If I hit you, Busyman, you probably wouldn't even know you have been hit. :D Tis part of your charm. :)

She is an idiot to some and an idiot maker of many it would seem.

10-22-2004, 03:36 PM
Anyone familiar with Kathleen Parker (she's a regular in the Chicago Tribune op-ed page) knows she's a right-wing hack. She practically writes columns like that in her sleep by now.

10-22-2004, 03:54 PM

If you liked that article, you'll love Ann Coulter.....
I very much dislike her. I think she is a bitch tbh.

She would probably consider that a badge of honor.

She is either a blind follower or a conniving one. :dry:

10-22-2004, 05:35 PM
Anyone familiar with Kathleen Parker (she's a regular in the Chicago Tribune op-ed page) knows she's a right-wing hack. She practically writes columns like that in her sleep by now.

These articles were written by her. Right wing, Left wing. I try to read both perspectives, but that is what they are. Extremely biased perspectives.

10-22-2004, 07:05 PM
I wish I had the time to parse this column for you all.

You have all missed the point by such a wide margin that I am stunned, and I hate trying to get to sleep when I have been stunned.

If only I had been slightly less curious when I was prompted to peek....


You know I need my rest. :huh:

10-22-2004, 07:37 PM
:huh: What have I started? :lol:

I have not read this piece but the general refrain appears to take up the theme of other pieces I saw.

Lots of fun - as long as you don't take any of it seriously.

10-23-2004, 03:29 AM

You have all missed the point by such a wide margin that I am stunned, and I hate trying to get to sleep when I have been stunned.


I spent 18 years of my life letting myself be ridiculed by a man every time I voiced my opinion, to the point where I stopped even forming them. Sometimes I still cannot just come out with it. At these times, I try to show, by my actions what I mean. I don't think I would have felt the need to do this. But Hobbes has expressed the same things I have thought about propoganda being included in posts. And no one is listening to him.

I tried to lead people through it by posting an example of it and showing how it made me feel, any propoganda.

It got out of hand, I got worn out with expressing my anger at the propoganda, and didn't teach anyone anything.

You are right, J2. I thought I could see it though and make a point, but I couldn't. No one would get my point, because of my inability to come right out with it.

10-23-2004, 04:39 AM

You have all missed the point by such a wide margin that I am stunned, and I hate trying to get to sleep when I have been stunned.


I spent 18 years of my life letting myself be ridiculed by a man every time I voiced my opinion, to the point where I stopped even forming them. Sometimes I still cannot just come out with it. At these times, I try to show, by my actions what I mean. I don't think I would have felt the need to do this. But Hobbes has expressed the same things I have thought about propoganda being included in posts. And no one is listening to him.

I tried to lead people through it by posting an example of it and showing how it made me feel, any propoganda.

It got out of hand, I got worn out with expressing my anger at the propoganda, and didn't teach anyone anything.

You are right, J2. I thought I could see it though and make a point, but I couldn't. No one would get my point, because of my inability to come right out with it.

Practice makes perfect ;) You don't think I was just born with my uncanny ability irritate everyone? Remember, the times you actually make someone rethink themselves is a great victory, a rare moment to be savored.

But always remember to consider that YOU could be wrong, so be sure to read their posts thoroughly. Sometimes people have seen a side of a situation you never considered.

The key is to learn to drop it and walk away when the person you are talking to is attempting to deflect, redirect or intentionally misunderstand you. If you ask specific questions and they don't tackle them head on, point for point, they are probably just liars attempting to keep their self delusion alive. Feck'em.

Always consider that YOU could be wrong, so be sure to read their posts thoroughly. Sometime people have seen a side of a situation you never considered.

I remember one guy who I keep rephrasing my posts to. "No, that is not what I meant. I meant ...". It finally dawned on me that this was his game. He had no intention of dropping his lies. I sent him a PM apologizing for my naivette. I just don't understand holding an agenda in the face of truth. Anyway I dismissed him to his cold angry world.

Oddly enough when people stated to ignore him, he left.

10-23-2004, 06:46 AM
I remember one guy who I keep rephrasing my posts to. "No, that is not what I meant. I meant ...". It finally dawned on me that this was his game. He had no intention of dropping his lies. I sent him a PM apologizing for my naivette. I just don't understand holding an agenda in the face of truth. Anyway I dismissed him to his cold angry world.

Oddly enough when people stated to ignore him, he left.
Either 1234 or leftism?

10-23-2004, 01:17 PM
Practice makes perfect ;) You don't think I was just born with my uncanny ability irritate everyone? Remember, the times you actually make someone rethink themselves is a great victory, a rare moment to be savored.

People on this board have done this for me, led me through the rethinking of my position. They are smart enough to know that sometimes it does take a little 'fertilizer'. :D As long as they are aware that I am smart enough to recognize 'fertilizer' when I see it, I might add. :lol:

But always remember to consider that YOU could be wrong, so be sure to read their posts thoroughly. Sometimes people have seen a side of a situation you never considered.

This is where I have tried to be what I originally termed 'open-minded'. I am looking for a better term to express this concept. Do you have any suggestions?

The key is to learn to drop it and walk away when the person you are talking to is attempting to deflect, redirect or intentionally misunderstand you. If you ask specific questions and they don't tackle them head on, point for point, they are probably just liars attempting to keep their self delusion alive. Feck'em.

I understand what you are saying here. From the position of having asked specific questions and those specific questions being deflected, redirected, or reformed. I also remember deflecting redirecting and pretending to intentionally misunderstand a person because I didn't think he could deal with what I was really trying to say without a lot more mental gymanstics and I had grown weary. ;)

A person who I consider a friend on this board once told me, when I expressed my concern about what I saw as biased viewpoints that sometimes when all you have gotten from the other candidate is bias and propoganda, you start having to fight back with a little bit of your own. I have a lot of respect for that person telling me that. I understand both the frustration and wisdom in this, but I also feel it becomes a never ending circle and ends up making it hard to ascertain, or get to, the original fact in the statement.

Always consider that YOU could be wrong, so be sure to read their posts thoroughly. Sometime people have seen a side of a situation you never considered.

This happens often with me. And it is why I often read and reread posts without responding to them. If it is a person that I know will understand I am not trying to put them on the defensive, but want to learn their perspective, and how they came to their conclusion, I will ask. And in doing so, I learn. If I have observed this person ridiculing and defensive of their opinion, I have learned not to give up on the learning, but to seek those answers elsewhere to try to understand their viewpoint. And often their perspective is a good one. I have had to take this roundabout way to get an understanding of ones viewpoint more and more lately, and I am hoping the need to do so eases off a bit after the election.

There have been times I have brought an article to this board and have been questioned about why I brought it, what my intentions were. At first, I felt I was having to defend any article I brought. (and this is where the problem arises with 'articles', is it not?) But this was only a fleeting feeling. I soon became grateful when people asked me about them, and now realize if I am going to post an article a brief reason I am posting it would help others. :D I am grateful for those on this board that ask, but sometimes it is in watching the responses it provokes on this board where I really learn why it was necessary for them to ask, and why it may have been best not to post the article at all.

I remember one guy who I keep rephrasing my posts to. "No, that is not what I meant. I meant ...". It finally dawned on me that this was his game. He had no intention of dropping his lies. I sent him a PM apologizing for my naivette. I just don't understand holding an agenda in the face of truth. Anyway I dismissed him to his cold angry world.

I think I remember this guy and your having to continually do this. I admired your stamina. You really tried with this guy. And you are right, you did eventually have to dismiss him. No other options were given you.

Oddly enough when people stated to ignore him, he left.

Yes, ignore him or totally confuse him with our sense of humors. I don't think he ever understood how people could laugh at themselves.

10-23-2004, 07:00 PM
Either 1234 or leftism?

STFU! Um, wait I meant "Shhhhh! She'll hear you!"

10-23-2004, 11:03 PM
STFU! Um, wait I meant "Shhhhh! She'll hear you!"
1234 is blackballed (for me) anyway. I could give a shit. :lol: :lol: :lol: