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10-24-2004, 09:43 PM
Hello there you geniuses in Software world...:)

So, I get firefox like you recommend...now I think I need to tweak it...with your assistance.

1. the cursor when writing posts on this forum is very thick and annoying...can I change that?

2. The scroll button only works on the main page and doesn't work on the post new thread section....any ideas about that?

3. It installed fine, and I used it yesterday with no problem, all bookmarks in place etc. Then, today when I opened it up it asked me which profile I wanted, and wouldn't let me just open in 'default'. I had to set up a new user profile, which didn't have my bookmarks. I thought...hmmmm pain, so uninstalled and reinstalled it....now my bookmarks had to be imported from IE which would be ok, but they are all in one IE bookmarks folder, whereas before they just appeared on the bookmarks section. Dunno whats going on there....

Danb, said something about firefox 1.0 and I wonder if these are some of the problems he had.

If so, maybe I need to install an earlier version.

At the moment though, if I don't get this stuff sorted, I may be tempted back into the IE/Crazy Browser net....


peat moss
10-24-2004, 10:18 PM
Sara ,did you download any extensions? That might help, I like the mouse click one . I can open bookmarks by pressing the wheel button.


Edit: Navagate using the menu at the left for some ideas. :)

10-24-2004, 10:45 PM
When you get that new profile thing just hit exit or cancel then re-open firefox. Don't know what causes it but my dad gets that sometimes. :blink:

not sure what you mean about the cursor, can you take a screenshot?

10-24-2004, 11:59 PM
Danb, said something about firefox 1.0 and I wonder if these are some of the problems he had.
was it something about Firefox 1.0 not being quite final version yet? it's still in the late beta stages i think

also have you tried the Mozillazine forums? i think that's the best place to go for Firefox help

10-25-2004, 09:53 AM
Sara I'm having similar issues with FF.

When I had the old version it worked fine but since i installed the 1.0 version things have been a bit wierd.

Today when i opened a window it said page could not be found. When I checked my internet settings the home page had changed to a random collection of letters!

Then when I re-set it to mozzilla.com all of my tabs had gone AND all of my bookmarks had reverted back to how they were when I first installed......... which I'm really p*ssed off about because I spent a whole day sorting them last week

If anyone could tell me how I can prevent this from happening again I'd be really happy.

10-25-2004, 10:06 AM
When it comes up asking what profile you want to use you need to check task manager cos I often find it is still running and hasnt closed down properly yet.

Sara to get round the srcolling problem I have an extension called smoothwheel which is neat. I don't know about the thick cursor thing though.

The problems I had with 1.0 was that it would close itllef when loading a page or get stuck halfway through loading, mainly on this forum though.

Brenda, theres an extension called bookmark backup which makes a copy of all your bookmarks every day, if anything ever goes wrong you just need to revert back to one of them.


http://www.extensionsmirror.nl/index.php?showtopic=13 - Bookmark Backup

10-25-2004, 02:02 PM
When it comes up asking what profile you want to use you need to check task manager cos I often find it is still running and hasnt closed down properly yet.

Sara to get round the srcolling problem I have an extension called smoothwheel which is neat. I don't know about the thick cursor thing though.

The problems I had with 1.0 was that it would close itllef when loading a page or get stuck halfway through loading, mainly on this forum though.

Brenda, theres an extension called bookmark backup which makes a copy of all your bookmarks every day, if anything ever goes wrong you just need to revert back to one of them.


http://www.extensionsmirror.nl/index.php?showtopic=13 - Bookmark Backup
Cheers Dan thats ACE! :D

10-25-2004, 02:07 PM
yes the cursor thing is a annoying but im used to it

the scroll thing is that if your not used to it
you have to remember to clik on the page or section that you want it to scroll
in IE it would automatically scroll the section where your mouse is

10-25-2004, 04:10 PM
I must be thick...but having downloaded the extensions....how do I use them? Sorry.....having a slow day... :)

10-25-2004, 06:06 PM
in menu bar in firefox clik on FILE
> Open FILE
browse to where they are (normally called .xpi at the end and simply clik them)
they will then install - close Firefox and they are installed
then go to File -Tools- Extensions and clik on their each options and set it how you want it.

Normally when i installl i dont download i install it instantly (but your way is smarter)

The begining is a leetle bit edgy but stay with it and the world will enlarge.

10-25-2004, 10:35 PM
Thanks....seems like things are working a little more to my liking... :)

peat moss
10-26-2004, 12:46 AM
Thanks....seems like things are working a little more to my liking... :)
It takes a little tweaking, but you'll never go back to IE . ;)

peat moss
10-26-2004, 05:54 AM
@danb, I checked out your link the extention mirror. Couldn't believe the goodies. Like SARA its new to me also.Got to love open source ! :01:

10-26-2004, 12:22 PM
@danb, I checked out your link the extention mirror. Couldn't believe the goodies. Like SARA its new to me also.Got to love open source ! :01:
ya! :)

u got adblock, right?

10-26-2004, 02:48 PM
@danb, I checked out your link the extention mirror. Couldn't believe the goodies. Like SARA its new to me also.Got to love open source ! :01:

No probs, I find it better than the official site tbh :D

peat moss
10-27-2004, 12:24 AM
ya! :)

u got adblock, right?

Oh ya thanks for that. I can't believe there are some many tweaks and tips tho! I assume they just wanted to keep the download small for the browser.Then add the extentions as you like . Microsoft could learn from this . :P

10-28-2004, 11:54 AM
So Sarah
Are you enjoying the benefits of Firefox?
The begiing is a nuisance due to all the extras but do you get it now? was it worth the stumble?
The extensions i use are
Tabbrowser preferences
Compact menu (makes the menu small)
ieview (right clik and view this page/link in IE)
imagezoom (allows zooming in on images-vcool if your into grfx and other dirt stuff)
tabbrowser preferences
Tab X (adds a close button on every tab)
BBcode (no longer needed for this forum but useful on others)
Titlebar tweaks (gets rid of "mozilla Firefox" in title)
thats all

11-01-2004, 11:04 PM
Well, I like the tab thingy,

and I have sussed out the scrolling problem :)

got adblock
and a few other bits and pieces...but...

There is one thing that is pissing me off :dry:

And that is why so many links pop up with 'no data'

Ideas guys? :huh:

peat moss
11-02-2004, 01:00 AM
Sara, have you tryed Crapcleaner ? I see it supports Firefox now .

Link: http://www.ccleaner.com/

11-02-2004, 08:19 AM
sarah remember to install
sun java
flash player
quicktime alternative