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View Full Version : Ashlee Simpson's "excuse"

10-26-2004, 12:44 AM
A tape snafu left one musician embarrased for a live musical performace on Saturday Night Live. Ashlee Simpson stood on stage while a track of her singing "Pieces of Me" played in the background and her band played a different song.

Ashlee did a quick “hoe-down” before walking off stage 35 seconds later. NBC quickly cut to commercial.

Manager and father Joe Simpson said the audio tape was a result of Ashlee’s recent fight with acid reflux.

“Sometimes our voice is not perfect and it doesn’t go,” Joe said. “It doesn’t mean you can’t sing. It just means ya’ gotta’ do what you gotta’ do.”

Joe continued to say that every major star he’s seen has done the same thing.

“Our young drummer was so excited to be on Saturday Night Live, [he] did not reset the machine after he did ‘Pieces.’”

Ashlee commented on her website that her voice was overworked.

“I'll hold my head high and say I think it was silly of me to do it, silly of me to blame the band, I was just so fucking embarrassed,” she wrote. “But I don't think it did me much harm, and people will see that soon."


Mmm hmm.. and I saw a UFO flying in the sky.

10-26-2004, 01:18 AM
the vid is posted in Movies & TV sec of this forum

10-26-2004, 01:21 AM
Me no like it long threads. Besides different topic

10-26-2004, 02:46 AM
Me no like it long threads. Besides different topic

Mr. Blunt
10-26-2004, 03:31 AM
He's not talking about the video, he's talking about her fathers excuse for her lip synching. (however you fucking spell it)

10-26-2004, 03:41 AM
Oh my, must've been embarassing.

Well, shit happens, and the show goes on. Popular Music.... pah....


10-27-2004, 10:25 PM
Oh my, must've been embarassing.

Well, shit happens, and the show goes on. Popular Music.... pah....


How do you define "pop"? It's not just Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys or whomever. It contains all those one hit wonders.

I have a whole song list of "pop" songs I enjoy when I work out. They fill me with transient energy and don't tax my mind. Fly, I get knocked down, break my stride, 99 red balloons, walking on sunshine, jump, walking on the sun, what is love, run runaway. Heck, I even have a Spice Girls song! All banal little songs, but serving a purpose.

Pop is like suger, stimulating but not sustaining.

You people are giving the population as a whole far too much credit. Anybody can enjoy a stimulating picture (nude model, sunset, race car, etc.) but only a few can really appreciate art. The texture, the layers, the context, the contrast, the stroke pattern, the color scheme. These are all points for the officianados of the genre.

You don't expect the fans of Jerry Springer to appreciate Picasso or Monet, so don't expect any more from the them when it comes to music. These people are the masses, these people make you rich. I would put out a Pop album in a heartbeat. Once I had my money, then i could concentrate on my "art".

Besides, Kid Rock, Vanilla Ice, Christina Aguilera (sp), Eminem just didn't emerge from a pod to produce a record, they went through years of hard times and disappointment before you even heard of them. Most have been in the business since they were children. Although I don't own their albums I do respect them for their dedication.

So, if producing "pop" were so easy we could all do it. For every success you see there are hundreds, thousands of failures. These people have talent and dedication and succeed in a very competitve field. I couldn't imagine living in a world of deep thoughts and musical complexity, sometime I just need to be stupid and pop welcomes me with open arms.

So, get of your high horses and give a tip of the hat for what these popele have done. Sure, Pop is glorified by the masses and you feel insulted because true art is ignored (not able to be appreciated), but that this life. Most people are average or idiots, this will not change and, therefore; true art will always be lost on the mainstream. Just learn to enjoy what you can appreciate and don't worry yourself over the masses.

A true shepard does not value the opinion of the sheep.

10-27-2004, 10:38 PM
Well, I do agree on your points, well put.

I just dont like Pop (popular) Music that much, makes me say Pah...
I dont hate it, I just dont care about it.

And I thought I might "blend in" a tad better if I post something a tad negative
than poisitive.


10-27-2004, 10:46 PM

10-27-2004, 11:43 PM
A tape snafu left one musician embarrased for a live musical performace on Saturday Night Live. Ashlee Simpson stood on stage while a track of her singing "Pieces of Me" played in the background and her band played a different song.

Ashlee did a quick “hoe-down” before walking off stage 35 seconds later. NBC quickly cut to commercial.

Manager and father Joe Simpson said the audio tape was a result of Ashlee’s recent fight with acid reflux.

“Sometimes our voice is not perfect and it doesn’t go,” Joe said. “It doesn’t mean you can’t sing. It just means ya’ gotta’ do what you gotta’ do.”

Joe continued to say that every major star he’s seen has done the same thing.

“Our young drummer was so excited to be on Saturday Night Live, [he] did not reset the machine after he did ‘Pieces.’”

Ashlee commented on her website that her voice was overworked.

“I'll hold my head high and say I think it was silly of me to do it, silly of me to blame the band, I was just so fucking embarrassed,” she wrote. “But I don't think it did me much harm, and people will see that soon."


10-28-2004, 05:13 PM
She has this show on MTV Asia where they follow her around. I watched it last month. She went to the doctor to have her vocal chords checked and they were pretty damaged. In my opinion its because she talks so much. She never STFU.

Mr. Blunt
10-28-2004, 10:41 PM
She has this show on MTV Asia where they follow her around. I watched it last month. She went to the doctor to have her vocal chords checked and they were pretty damaged. In my opinion its because she talks so much. She never STFU.
They had that show in the US also.

I think she looked better with blonde hair. (Since she looked like her sister. :01: )

10-30-2004, 08:06 AM
This may need a new thread....
Girls with big mouths really turn me off! :|

11-02-2004, 12:12 AM
Acid reflux??

to much taco's?

11-05-2004, 05:18 AM
who the fuck is Ashlee Simpson