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View Full Version : "Unstoppable" Wesley Snipes

10-27-2004, 10:18 PM
Evening all. im downloading this at the minute and just wondered if anyone had seen it? liked it? or is it straight to video crap?

im assuming its been out in usa for ages, but imd.com says its not out in uk till next summer, so its makes you wonder why ie is it crap?

cheers for any replies in advance

ps apparently wesley snipes is pissed off big time with blade trinity producers and is saying he has been pushed out of the film and its awful! as a big fan of the first two - can anyone else heard this?

cheers fella's

10-28-2004, 12:19 AM
I started watching Unstoppable recently but found it very dull. I'm a fan of Wesley Snipes but this film just didn't interest me.

I have the attention span of a goldfish these days so unless a film is amazing I'm easily distracted.

10-28-2004, 03:30 PM
Evening all. im downloading this at the minute and just wondered if anyone had seen it? liked it? or is it straight to video crap?

im assuming its been out in usa for ages, but imd.com says its not out in uk till next summer, so its makes you wonder why ie is it crap?

cheers for any replies in advance

ps apparently wesley snipes is pissed off big time with blade trinity producers and is saying he has been pushed out of the film and its awful! as a big fan of the first two - can anyone else heard this?

cheers fella's

According to Imdb (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0349889/releaseinfo) its not even released in USA, i see it on SN will download but is there any thriler to see, i cant get it on IMDB

mr. nails
11-01-2004, 02:42 AM
i watched it and it was meh. kinda slow and u can tell that not to much time was spent with it.

as for blade, i haven't heard anything...

11-01-2004, 12:15 PM
watched it, wasnt good enough

11-01-2004, 04:32 PM
couldnt agree more fella's. i cant really recommend this at all. felt very weak in almost all area (Script, acting, specail effects etc)

really not worth bothering with im afraid.

shame, i quite like old snipes.............