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View Full Version : Diet Kazaa Help

03-27-2003, 10:12 PM
does diet kazaa have any viruses or not? i read sum where that it has a trojan. is diet kazaa better that K++ ??

03-27-2003, 11:24 PM
As long as you get Dietk from http://www.dietk.com I can assure you it has no virus in it and I dunno where you ever heard it did...
Sadly though, the current, is lacking quite a bit compared to K++, but RC3 is in the works and from what i hear it'll have some great new features and should give K++ some good comptetition :)

Oh and try asking questions about dietk at http://www.dietk.com/forums.php that's the official forums for dietk :)

03-28-2003, 04:34 PM
use the speedup tool it's alot better that dietkazaa

03-28-2003, 04:56 PM
Also it is not competition for K++ because it is an add-on tool.

You can use both if you would want too.