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View Full Version : Is there a lyricist in da house?

11-04-2004, 04:19 PM
I'm looking for original song lyrics to use in my music. If you are a writer maybe I could use yours. You will of course get full credit when needed and a copy of the finished song. Be warned some lyrics may be changed, but only if they need to be. Please PM me the lyrics. When/If I'm going to use them I'll be sure to write you back, and I'll probably post the song here on the forum. Don't worry, I'm not going to steal anything and if you don't like the finished song I won't use it on my next album.

Anything would be useful to have at some point, but the song I'm working on now is reminescent of Sublime's Santaria. So if you have lyrics that would fit the Ska Genre....
But, I must emphasize, any lyrics would be great. I have a bunch of songs I've started.

Hope you guys can help me out.

Edit: Is there PM-ing anymore? guess not. Okay, e-mail me then. [email protected]

11-04-2004, 06:35 PM
i rip and i ryme i ryme what i rip this is the way bujuy spits

u want som of the hot fira!!

11-04-2004, 07:26 PM
Pming is still availabel - you need to enable it in your options menu

sorry my lyrics make me happy so i quit doing it

musicworld maybe?

thanks for offer anyway;)

11-04-2004, 09:48 PM
Done and Done.

How about a shift over to musicworld mods.

11-04-2004, 11:33 PM
now Bush is elected
the voice of the world rejected
what will become of our world
with a mad man in the drivers seat
what will become of world peace
with a warlord that decides on it

god bless the United states
they will need it

four more years of madness
for the poor and needing a lot more sadness
when will issues count in politics
where oneliners and religion seems to dictate
when will mankind see
the true needs of the world

god bless the United states
they will need it

He's like a crusader in modern times
but one without reality in his mind
a crusader on the loose
seeding hate between man of different race
All in the name of his god and country
sad this cruisader is blind for the truth

god bless the United states
they will need it

George still plays with toy soldiers
at least that's what he thinks
the war for him is just a strategy game
with bombs looking like videos
actually we can't blame him
for not knowing the truth

god bless the United states
they will need it

George and his friends all live in wealth
his worldview is paved with gold
just like a modern day emperor
really thinks that's how the real world looks like
god how should he know
god bless the US

and fuck the rest of the world

11-05-2004, 03:40 AM
now Bush is elected
the voice of the world rejected
what will become of our world
with a mad man in the drivers seat
what will become of world peace
with a warlord that decides on it

god bless the United states
they will need it

four more years of madness
for the poor and needing a lot more sadness
when will issues count in politics
where oneliners and religion seems to dictate
when will mankind see
the true needs of the world

god bless the United states
they will need it

He's like a crusader in modern times
but one without reality in his mind
a crusader on the loose
seeding hate between man of different race
All in the name of his god and country
sad this cruisader is blind for the truth

god bless the United states
they will need it

George still plays with toy soldiers
at least that's what he thinks
the war for him is just a strategy game
with bombs looking like videos
actually we can't blame him
for not knowing the truth

god bless the United states
they will need it

George and his friends all live in wealth
his worldview is paved with gold
just like a modern day emperor
really thinks that's how the real world looks like
god how should he know
god bless the US

and fuck the rest of the world
now thats hot fira! ;) :nuke: