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11-04-2004, 08:15 PM
Should Gordon Brown the British Chancellor make his move now for control of the Labour Party, before its too late? If Tony Blair is still the British Prime Minister going in to the next election, IMO Labour would lose. Surely the British public are not as gullible as the millions who re-elected George Bush?

11-04-2004, 08:18 PM
Would his views differ much from Tony Blair?

Rick Phlegm
11-04-2004, 08:18 PM
I can't see Gordon Brown there any time soon.

Unless he assassinates the Prime Minister :unsure:

11-04-2004, 08:24 PM
Would his views differ much from Tony Blair?
His views differ greatly from Blair. Blair only keeps him there because Gordon Brown is keeping Labour in power with his fiscal policies. Remove him and what have you left?

Rat Faced
11-04-2004, 08:26 PM
And who would you suggest would win?

Michael Howard?

Thats like choosing between Count Dracula and Dr Jeckyll .... and least Dr Jekyll is a monster only half the time.

Too many people see LibDem as a wasted vote, i cant see them winning the next one (although i'll be voting for 'em)... but they may take 2nd place, which would give them a chance at the one after...

Blaire isnt worried...

EDIT: Brown knew everything that Blaire did... so the fact he didnt speak out against it, makes him just as culpable. Besides, The Chancellor is probably the only successful part of the Government.. who would replace him there? :unsure:

Rick Phlegm
11-04-2004, 08:28 PM
I agree, even though most of the country hates him, he's still the best candidate.

The thought of the other parties in charge would frighten anyone. Charles Kennedy wouldn't be able to keep off the booze long enough to run the country for a start!

11-04-2004, 08:43 PM
Tony Blair will win the next election if he remains as leader, I have no doubt of that.

Gordon Brown, in my opinion is the best Chancellor that we have ever had. I do not know if he would make as good a PM. I'm not saying that he would not, I just don't know.

However I feel that Mr Howard would have a better chance of beating him than Mr Blair.

A better chance, yes. But still no chance.:cool:

11-04-2004, 09:47 PM
"If Tony Blair is still the British Prime Minister going in to the next election, IMO Labour would lose"

Not sure what position you are taking here big man. :blink:
Simple. Tony Blair is a liar, or misleads,:rolleyes: or Bush leads(I hate this come dancing)I dont think this country would vote for Labour with him in charge. If Brown were to take charge then Labour IMO would win.:cool:

A 'hung' parliament would ensue if Blair remains.:cool:

11-05-2004, 08:34 AM
If Brown were to take charge then Labour IMO would win.:cool:

A 'hung' parliament would ensue if Blair remains.:cool:

I'm sorry JP but I thought I had made my thoughts pretty clear as in the above quotes.

Neo 721
11-06-2004, 04:20 PM
But you said that Mr Howard would have a better chance with Mr Brown leading the labour Party than Mr Blair, but still no chance. Which seems to contradict the point of this thread.

Please do me a favour and make a simple statement of your position. Who, between Mr Blair and Mr Brown would have the better chance of winning the next election.

Maybe we should have a vote, then the commons can also have a vote, lets see what happens there.