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11-16-2004, 12:18 AM

It did not rely on special effects, but on the human fear of the loss of control.

The story about the USS Indianapolis was awesome.

"Sometimes the sharks, they go away, sometimes they don't"

You get 1 choice.

Rat Faced
11-16-2004, 12:19 AM
The bit with the head coming through the hole in the boat still makes me jump :lol:

11-16-2004, 12:21 AM
Jaws was good. How bout an oldie..Whatever Happened to Baby Jane

11-16-2004, 12:23 AM
ever? wow, okay, my choice:


11-16-2004, 12:24 AM
Tombstone. :01:
(although, I will change my mind the moro.)

"I've got two gun's, one for the both of ya". :D

Nice choice, Azad. :P

Rat Faced
11-16-2004, 12:24 AM
"We want...... A SHRUBBERY"

11-16-2004, 12:25 AM
Somewhere in Time?...at least the concept.

Rat Faced
11-16-2004, 12:29 AM
There is just too much choice...

At least split it into catagories :unsure:

11-16-2004, 12:29 AM
The Great Escape, although The Good, The Bad & The Ugly is a close 2nd

11-16-2004, 12:45 AM
Star Wars, or for the sake of being esoteric, Rushmore

11-16-2004, 01:51 AM
gone with the wind

11-16-2004, 02:58 AM
LOL. I knew that was coming

11-16-2004, 03:08 AM

It did not rely on special effects, but on the human fear of the loss of control.

The story about the USS Indianapolis was awesome.

"Sometimes the sharks, they go away, sometimes they don't"

You get 1 choice.
well f**k me....i don't believe it.... we both think Jaws is the best movie ever.:01:

But if you mention the sequals apart from ridiculing them i will have to destroy you :lol:

11-16-2004, 06:16 AM
what!! :blink: hell no scarface or boondock saints :01:

11-16-2004, 06:24 AM
I just saw Boondock Saints last night..that was a great movie.

11-16-2004, 06:55 AM
Star Wars, or for the sake of being esoteric, Rushmore

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest...If I was being esoteric (
:P )...The Royal Tenenbaums

Peace brotherdoobie

11-16-2004, 07:31 AM
what!! :blink: hell no scarface or boondock saints :01:scarface number 2 on my list, and as someone said above, there are way too many choices, gotta split into categories, so here's my version:

Action: Scarface
Comedy: Monty Phthon and the Holy Grail
Drama: The Godfather Part 2 (well actually, make that The Godfather 1 and 2)
Adventure: Star Wars Episode 5 - The Empire Strikes Back
War: Band Of Brothers; and if that doesn't count (miniseries), than Saving Private Ryan
Animation: Akira
Horror: The Exorcist or The Ring (tied on my list)
Sci Fi: Star Wars Trilogy (the original ones dumbass [1977])
Documentary: Fahrenheit 9/11
Thriller: Reservoir Dogs

11-16-2004, 09:25 AM
Tombstone. :01:
(although, I will change my mind the moro.)

"I've got two gun's, one for the both of ya". :D

Nice choice, Azad. :P

No, don't change your mind, this was an excellent movie ;)

11-16-2004, 09:42 AM
No, don't change your mind, this was an excellent movie ;)

I almost deleted that one the other day to save HD space, without watching the damn thing mind you... :P

I might just give it a chance though :D

As for best movie? Amelie perhaps :01:

One of the best westerns I've seen though is Unforgiven with Clint Eastwood as a former, cold murderer.

11-16-2004, 10:20 AM
Lotr Rotk

11-16-2004, 10:52 AM
The world according to Garp.

11-16-2004, 10:54 AM
Mine wasn't real but it will do for the lounge version, ROTK rawks.

11-16-2004, 10:58 AM

11-16-2004, 11:02 AM
@manker, die, die and burn in hell :)

11-16-2004, 11:05 AM
When I was younger i woked as a spool boy in a cinema. I saw, on average, 10 movies a week. Far too many to choose from. I will select a more recent one:

Shawshank Redemption :)

11-16-2004, 11:06 AM
@ Yogi, yes :01:

@ Azad, I love baiting LOTR haters :D

11-16-2004, 11:07 AM
:ohmy: you monster lol. you know my weakness :(

11-16-2004, 11:10 AM
:ohmy: you monster lol. you know my weakness :(
I do indeed.

ROTK is a great movie, esp for the battle scenes but my true favourite movie of all time is Reservoir Dogs. I'd already posted that recently in Movie World so I decided LOTR deserved a mention too :D

11-16-2004, 12:02 PM
Star wars films are shite *Pardon le french*

And so are James Bond films

Besides that, you are welcome to say whatever else.... except for the matrix 1 + 2, It should've just been a one off

Will get back to this thread later talking about more crappy films :P

11-16-2004, 12:07 PM
Die Hard.

11-16-2004, 12:13 PM
When I was younger i woked as a spool boy in a cinema. I saw, on average, 10 movies a week. Far too many to choose from. I will select a more recent one:

Shawshank Redemption :)


I change my vote :D

11-16-2004, 01:54 PM
scarface number 2 on my list, and as someone said above, there are way too many choices, gotta split into categories, so here's my version:

Action: Scarface
Comedy: Monty Phthon and the Holy Grail
Drama: The Godfather Part 2 (well actually, make that The Godfather 1 and 2)
Adventure: Star Wars Episode 5 - The Empire Strikes Back
War: Band Of Brothers; and if that doesn't count (miniseries), than Saving Private Ryan
Animation: Akira
Horror: The Exorcist or The Ring (tied on my list)
Sci Fi: Star Wars Trilogy (the original ones dumbass [1977])
Documentary: Fahrenheit 9/11
Thriller: Reservoir Dogs
action-boondock saint/ kill bill 1
comedy-lil rascols
adventure- goonies
war- glory-or full metel jacket
anime -dbz and grappler baki
sci fi- aliens or predater-robocop
documentary- supersize me/9/11
thriller-saw,but before i saw that movie was night of living deads all of them

11-16-2004, 03:25 PM
woot for goonies

11-16-2004, 03:53 PM

Admittedly a genre flick, but nonetheless, almost frame by frame perfect.

A close runnerup would be Goodfellas.

11-16-2004, 03:57 PM
A close runnerup would be Goodfellas.

Goodfellas rawks :01:

11-16-2004, 10:39 PM

11-16-2004, 10:41 PM
There are so many

Blade Runner

Dr Strangelove

Il Postino

No Man's Land

Monty Python's Grail & Brian

Arsenic and Old Lace

11-16-2004, 10:42 PM

Another good one :ohmy:

Man, this thread seems to be filled with great movies! :1eye:

@Zedaxax, why edit?

11-16-2004, 10:44 PM
better pic located

11-16-2004, 10:44 PM
better pic located


11-16-2004, 11:25 PM
Which, the original cinema release, or the "Director's Cut".

I prefer the Director's cut as I find the gumshoe voice-over anachronistic. Just a personal preference though.

Mr. Mulder
11-16-2004, 11:32 PM
The Crow

11-17-2004, 07:19 AM
The Italian Job (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0064505/) - The original version, from 1969 - Featuring classic Michael bloody Caine, Pervy old Benny Hill and HRH Noel Coward.

Reasons I love this film: Fab 1960's sports cars, the greatest cliff hanger ending of all time... and the best car chase ever filmed in the sewers of Turin, Italy.

You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

11-17-2004, 08:08 AM
Con Air and or The Rock

11-17-2004, 03:15 PM
Easy Rider :cool:

Only joking, I've never seen it, but there is a poster of it in my film studies room :cool2:

Mr. Mulder
11-17-2004, 03:21 PM
Easy Rider :cool:

Only joking, I've never seen it, but there is a poster of it in my film studies room :cool2:
It's crap ;) I bought it on DVD a while back knowing it was a cult classic, but it turned out to be another one of "those" classics that were in fact over rated at the time and completely blown out of proportion :dry:

11-17-2004, 03:24 PM
Theres also a poster of breakfast at tiffiny's ...

Not seen that either :confused:

11-18-2004, 02:55 AM
The Shining

"Wendy, sweetheart, light of my life, you didn't let me finish. I said that I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just going to bash your brains in, I'm going to bash'em right the fuck in."

11-18-2004, 03:53 AM
TaeGukGi: The Brotherhood of War


11-18-2004, 04:02 AM
The Shining

"Wendy, sweetheart, light of my life, you didn't let me finish. I said that I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just going to bash your brains in, I'm going to bash'em right the fuck in."
saw this on tv lsat night

11-18-2004, 12:55 PM
Being There- Peter Sellers.

Hilarious and beautifull.

11-18-2004, 05:35 PM
No, don't change your mind, this was an excellent movie ;)

Heh heh.
It is excellent.
Rack 'em.

Another fave, City of God. :01:

11-18-2004, 10:14 PM
The Shining

"Wendy, sweetheart, light of my life, you didn't let me finish. I said that I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just going to bash your brains in, I'm going to bash'em right the fuck in."
For a psycho guy he has straight teeth, however the gresy hair lets him down :nono:

11-18-2004, 10:19 PM
I feel bound to adhere to my friend hobbes' stipulation of one choice only, and therefore must also opt out altogether owing to his singular ability to ask the unanswerable question and/or saddle it with conditions which cannot be met.

I have a short list of movies I would watch more than once, but those I like I could watch again and again.

I don't generally like movies as I find they don't measure up to books, and the books I have read that were made into movies have been uniformly disappointing, with a rather notable exception being The Hunt For Red October, although I would not include it in any list of "best" movies.

I don't especially favor any specific genre, but find several mostly unwatchable; I don't, as a rule, like Westerns (oaters) at all, yet having been forced (don't ask) at one point to watch the T.V. miniseries Lonesome Dove, I came away feeling I had never watched anything quite as engaging and entertaining.

As a child, I loved horror movies, but as an adult, the only one I would watch would be The Exorcist, but not because of the genre.

I had heard for years about the Polish Classic Knife in the Water and finally saw it the other night (due to the hours I'm working) and found it oddly compelling, so I will feel free to present myself as something other than a total neanderthal (American specie) with somewhat enlightened sensibilities.

Would that we could have the requisite conversation dispersed around a large table while consuming adult beverages.

I have missed this place and it's habitues terribly. :(

11-18-2004, 10:21 PM
I like the opening scene of the usual suspects :lol:

The line-up scene was real funny ( in my opinion anyway )