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View Full Version : Slow speeds, but no port problems

11-18-2004, 01:59 AM
Hey, I'm new to these forums, but not new to file sharing. I've used a few different BitTorrent clients, the main ones like Bit Tornado, Azureus and the expiremental client, but finally settled on ABC 'cause I liked the way it worked. Anyway, I've noticed my download speeds are pretty bad, even though I've set up my router forwarding and everything, and am uploading at 6K under my ISP's low limit, and with no limit at night but I rarely see speeds of over 10K on any download and usually get about 1/2 my upload speed to download, which is pretty weak. Here's a shot of ABC in action.
Any one have any ideas? I've seen some people on other threads here having triple-digit downloads with Bit Tornado, and isn't ABC based off that? Should I switch, or is there something I'm overlooking?


Edit; Also, I searched many older threads and none of the tips their (mostly about geting past firewalls) helped.

Edit: Ok, I redid the settings for ports back to the normal 6881-6999 and forwarded them to my PC, then reset my system and the router and my DL speeds are now at 60K total, with one file going at 45K. Better but still seems a bit low.


11-18-2004, 03:39 PM

if you have a router check the link in that thread.

11-18-2004, 04:18 PM
Thanks, I tried a few things in that thread and gave it about 10 minutes and now I have most of my DL's going at over 20K which is enough to keep me happy.