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11-18-2004, 02:13 PM
I have seen on many of those "show your desktop" etc threads that people still dont get it
Here are some basic tips

Tip 1. How to Delete a File
many of u seem to be keeptutiaholics - get rid of it

mark file
a.press keyboard button "Delete"
b.right clik, then clik delete

when done - right clik recycle bin - clik "empty recycle bin"

Tip 2. How move an icon \ File on your desktop
On your desktop, put your cursor over the icon \ file,
left mouse clik and hold it down
move it slowly to right left
when you have located the desirable location
let go of the left mouse clik

All Tips Welcome

11-18-2004, 02:23 PM
Computers can be used to contact other computers, by the gift of the interweb.
yeah right, and one day we'll have buses in the sky and animated pictures that travel through the air into our living rooms... you and your stories:rolleyes:

11-18-2004, 02:54 PM
Remove Windows Messenger

This is a Visual Basic Script file which will remove Windows® Messenger from Windows® XP. It will also adjust your System Registry to prevent a long delay when opening Outlook Express when Windows Messenger is removed or disabled.

To use: Download (http://www.dougknox.com/xp/scripts/xp_messenger_remove.vbs) the xp_messenger_remove.vbs file and save it to your hard drive. Close Windows Messenger if its open, or active in your System Tray. Double-click the xp_messenger_remove.vbs file. You will be prompted that Messenger must be closed to continue. Click Yes. This script makes the same changes as the manual procedure, below.

If you prefer to remove Windows Messenger manually, click Start, Run and enter the following command:

RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\inf\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove

Note: This will prevent a long delay when opening Outlook Express if you have the Contacts pane enabled. To prevent this, click Start, Run and enter REGEDIT Go to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express

Right click in the right pane and select New, Dword value. Give it the name Hide Messenger Double click this new entry and set the value to 2.

11-18-2004, 03:10 PM
1. When you use mouse and keep moving it until the edge of the tabel,
You can lift it up and move it where you have more free space.

2.Permanently Delete.
Highlight the file or folder, hold Shift and hit Delete.
It will be gone without going through Trashcan and
colllecting 2000$.

3. Always tell the Truth when posting in the Lounge,
and if possible, be as Serious as can be.


11-18-2004, 04:26 PM
USB Memory Stick Tip
you can also use it to open beer bottles ;)

(also possible with your mouse or keyboard but requires experience)

11-18-2004, 04:35 PM
beer and computers dont mix well ;)

Jon L. Obscene
11-18-2004, 04:44 PM
I can't find the "Any" key :(

Jonno :cool:

11-18-2004, 04:46 PM

im still loking for f0

11-18-2004, 04:47 PM
You can move windows off the screen (I didn't know that until only a few years ago)

P.S. You can edit posts if you fcuk them up

11-18-2004, 05:31 PM
P.S. You can edit posts if you fcuk them up
still looking for edit button on key board :frusty:

11-18-2004, 05:33 PM
quiet keyboards are not happy

11-18-2004, 05:35 PM
my cpu talks to me it says u got mail motha fooker!!

hell jus did it :w00t: mathea

11-18-2004, 05:37 PM

11-18-2004, 05:39 PM
Why do you have to press "Start", to shutdown? :huh:

11-18-2004, 05:40 PM
Why do you have to press "Start", to shutdown? :huh:
up until XP we never got the chance:unsure:

11-18-2004, 05:42 PM
Why do you have to press "Start", to shutdown? :huh:

Cos you have to start stopping? :1eye:

11-18-2004, 05:42 PM
Good question Lilmiss

How Use your Laptop to keep your Coffee warm
simply put your coffee next to the ventalation outlet

How to write on the web
Date: 1/2/2002 12:30 AM
From: Janice Backlund
Subject: omg omg omg

dood ur siet is sooo gros i hoep u get gonorea adn stuf i liek sxe wit hot ppl cuz thye hav big juggs i liek limp bizkit cuz ferd drust is al baad adn stuf LOloLOlolOlololOlolol kthxbye

11-18-2004, 05:44 PM
Pressing "Print Screen" doesn't, as I first thought, waste printer ink