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View Full Version : ht technology?

11-19-2004, 02:22 AM
i ran a test with pc mark 04 and the results sais i have hyper threading technology but its disabled. to see the pic of results use the link below. the thing is when i bought buy pc it didnt say ht technology. how can i prove i really have it and how do i turn it on? thanks
Oversize image removed

11-19-2004, 02:32 AM
the future mark programs,display that you have HT disabled for the simple fact you dont have it.How simple is that,if there were a way to activate HT when you have no support for it,im at a loss of words.In all if you had HT then you would have HT.LOVELY,no.Tell then adieu

P.S make your picture much MUCH smaller,this 10 million by 20 trillion pixel shit is just not lovely any more.PLEASE MAKE PICTURES SMALLER AND TO THE POINT.

11-19-2004, 02:36 AM
it probably says available because maybe your motherboard supports it...i dunno.
you can't enable it though as your CPU doesn't support it.

and yes make your pictures smaller. i thought i told you how to in another thread? :blink:

11-19-2004, 10:58 AM
it probably says available because maybe your motherboard supports it...i dunno.
you can't enable it though as your CPU doesn't support it.

and yes make your pictures smaller. i thought i told you how to in another thread? :blink:Exactly right.