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View Full Version : CherryOS | Apple OS emulator

11-23-2004, 02:28 PM
On Tuesday, October 12, MXS — a software development company that specializes in video streaming, custom applications and web development — announced the immediate availability of CherryOS software. The announcement signaled a breakthrough in emulation development by providing a software emulator which allows Windows PC users to run Apple’s OS on x86 computer architecture, while preserving network capabilities and access to the host computer’s hardware resources.

CherryOS Trial and Purchase Download Available November 25, 2004

CherryOS (http://www.cherryos.com/)


11-23-2004, 02:45 PM
I maybe wrong but i remember reading a story somewhere about cherry os being stolen from the open source project called pear pc


edit: I found the article http://apple.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/10/18/2137253&tid=179&tid=3

that basically says that cherryos is full of crap about being able to run at 80% on standard hardware and has pretty decent proof that its code base is stolen from pear pc.