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View Full Version : How to make an ISO with Nero?

12-01-2004, 01:57 PM
I'm using Nero Xpress to make an image of a PS2 game, but it's not an ISO... It's an NRG or something like that. so I'm making an image of True Crime with Alcohol120%, but the image format it only seems to support is MDF and not ISO... Can a PS2 still read MDFs or NRGs? Alchol120 gets to 96% and then says it can't complete while Nero makes an image of the whole thing

2. if I decide to burn a PS2 image with Alcohol, is it important that I set the datatype to Playstation 2? If not can this mess things up? When would I select General Protected CD and Normal CD datatypes? Also, what should the option under Separate Image be? There's Never, some other stuff and then for me it's selected at 4GB... is this correct?

3. Are there any PS2 games on DVD9? If so, how can I get them onto DVD5? One of my friends has the Xbox ISO for Halo 2 and managed to compress it to DVD5 without losing crucial files...Also, how can this be done with Xbox?

Can a PS2 only read ISOs or can it read MDSs and NRGs or can I simply make an NRG and then use MagicISO to convert it to ISO?

Which is the best Image making software to use for PS2 Games to ISO?

12-01-2004, 02:19 PM
It doesn't matter ISO,MDS,NRG or bin there all the same once burned and will work in a ps2... There just diffrent image standards but it doesn't matter.

12-01-2004, 02:26 PM
So if I burnt an MDF with the MDS "Cue" file would it work? Any idea why Alcohol only got to 96% while Nero finished it?

I take it I dont need CloneCD, Alchol120, MagicISO and NERO then, right? I can just use one of them?

If they're all the same, why would one want to convert an NRG or BIN or MDF to an ISO? Can only Nero burn NRGs?

ALSO When I dont have a DVD in my drive and I goto Image Making Wizard with Alc. There is a totaly different options menu than when there is a DVD in the drive... With this menu I can select the datatype of my CD, which should be Playstation 2, I assume... Why can't I get to this menu when there's a DVD in the drive? Could this be the reason Alc. only gets to 96% with making the image of this DVD?

One other thing, should I make all my ISO DVDs bootable?

12-01-2004, 02:45 PM
No nero can burn bin/cue and nrg i don't think it can burn MDF files. Well if ur burning a ps2 cd/dvd it doesn't matter what format of image it is. As for why convert those to ISO that is normally for something on the pc side... Some programs only support ISO files...

The easiest way to do it is pick one program or 2... If u copy the game with alcohol burn it with alcohol... Any other image format nero can burn. And yes I think nero is the only program that supports nrg file.

12-01-2004, 03:13 PM
I see...

Also, instead of first making an image, saving it to my HDD and then burning that, can I not just make a Direct copy of the game with Nero, Alcohol or CloneCD without first ripping the image?

12-01-2004, 03:21 PM
No I think it need's to be ripped first... I don't think there is a way to do direct copys.

12-01-2004, 07:53 PM
The first Image I made was an NRG which I tried to convert to ISO with MagicISO... The dvd was "Corrupt and unreadable"

I just made one with CloneCDs Copy CD tool which automatically makes an image and then burns the DVD and deletes the image... This one seems to work.

Thank god for the PS2 Burning For Dummies Guide :)

Now I have:

Nero 6


12-01-2004, 07:57 PM