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View Full Version : volume hotkeys

12-02-2004, 03:30 AM
i dont know what section to put this in sorry.

on my pc i have two sets of stereo speakers rather than proper quads. because of this changing volumes is a bitch. i used to keep em quite loud and use the keyboard shortcut keys to control volume. now i dont have that.

anyone know if theres something that lets me use hotkeys from within a game to set the volume?


12-02-2004, 07:31 AM
you could open the volume control panel
then press alt-tab during the game
(but it is not acvisable)

peat moss
12-02-2004, 10:55 AM
A special key board? Like an office xp one . I have one ,cost 20 cad. Lets me use a built in game pad aswell .

Link: http://www.hardware-pacers.com/pages.php?pid=273&catType=r

12-02-2004, 12:58 PM
Logitech Internet Navigator.


The volume, play, stop, and track buttons all work flawlessly in games. :)

I'm sure there are programs that can make your Function keys into volume controls, i've used one before, just not sure if they work in games.

12-02-2004, 04:44 PM
The keyboard that came with my eMachines computer that I bought last year came with a keyboard that had function keys.

There are "volume," (both up and down (seperate buttons)) "search", and "internet".

I think Tweak UI for Windows XP is the program...... if you download Tweak UI, there's a place where you can adjust what each function button does when you press it. For example, I never use the "search" button (which opens windows' search program) so if I wanted to, I could set that button to open a specific program.

Maybe this could help solve your volume dilemna?

NOTE: The volume buttons on my keyboard don't usually work within games, but there's usually volume control in the options menu. Also, the volume buttons only control the volume bar all the way to the left in the volume control menu. So when I want to really turn the sound up, I have to adjust the "wave" volume manually.